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Posts posted by Arrow

  1. Hey, folks!


      First off, Happy New Year to you all and May the Force be with you, throughout 2019! What I wanna put out there, is a request for a "flashback" version of Luke, from the TLJ.. I'm referring to this particular version:



    (Apart from the muddy and dirty attire, obviously)


    I know there's a few Luke's (post RoTJ) flying around, now.. There's @@DT85's Episode 7 Luke, a Crait Luke and a kitbashed Luke (done by @@Tompa9).. But after looking around, there's no "flashback scene" Luke, unfortunately. Ultimately, the idea is to use this to replace the base game Luke. So, if a kitbash is possible and would take less time than a full model, from scratch (but ultimately achieved the same result), I'd be more than happy and satisfied with that.


    Anyway, if anyone would be interested in stepping up or obliging the request, I'd be really grateful.


    I don't know what base you would like the mod to be on but it would be a fairly easy reskin except from the belt being over the tunic, I've been trying to figure that out for a little bit to make Luke from Battlefront II, Toshi or Tompa's Luke would be fairly simple to reskin into this

  2. You mean that this method is in the manual? Still strange




    what i have in my blender. Strange thing - i dont have anything typed in my options and model loads fine. 


    I think you should check if you have everything correct - base folder/models/players/_humanoid/_humanoid.gla 


    Yea my settings look the same, I took everything directly from assets 1 so it should all be in the right folders, as of now I'm assuming it has something to do with being on a mac

  3. Show me the screenshot of these options.


    Did you checked manual?


    Owwww... hmmm i dont use mac and i dont know if everything works the same as windows.


    I will be back soon at home so i will try to see how things looks in my blender. I remember i had the same issues.


    There is a secind method i would suggest. Import the gla skeleton first and after that try importing glm file

    I believe I've tried this too, I'm trying to upload the screenshot I took but I can't figure it out. This experiment has been a monumental success so far lol

  4. When you click export glm look at the bottom left options. Here are the paths that you should edit (dont remember how exacyly it looks i am in the university typing on phone)


    Also check out the manual that was added in the blender plugin. It has some useful info. It is in the same pk3 / rar as plugins

    I'm trying but I still get stuck at either no GLA found or Invalid Base Path

  5. Models/players/_humanoid/_humanoid  - this is right path. It is stuck in my memory it is quite horrifying.


    Also make sure you wrote right path in blender for skeleton


    How do I assign the path for the GLM? If I just copied from the base game shouldn't the paths already be created? I'm very confused

  6. Hey guys,

    I decided I wanted to start attempting frankenstiening and I hit a snag pretty quick. I've downloaded blender as well as the JKA plug ins for my Mac, whenever I try to import a GLM i get a message saying there is no GLA file. I've watched several tutorials and still can't figure it out. I have a separate models/players/ folder in my base game that contains all the humanoid files as well as all the models. Any info would be greatly appreciated.



  7. Honestly I'm not sure about these because Luke's voiceactor isn't that good as Obi-Wan's for example. Reason I've ripped Maul's soundpack was because he didn't have any lines in TPM, Grievous was ripped because he used ROTS videogame voice and Obi-Wan is just too good to not be ripped :) So we will see in future. I'm rather planning to try Dooku or Anakin when they are released as DLC :)


    I can't wait for those!

    Tompa9 likes this
  8. With the recent announcement of The Clone Wars coming back, my prequel interest is at an all time high. After playing Circa's prequel conversion mod for days, I got an idea. What if the game took place during Order 66? This mod will replace a few weapons and models to have the story fit Revenge Of The Sith and its immediate aftermath. Replacements implemented so far:


    Alora replaced by Asajj Ventress

    Variations of reborn replaced by Jedi Hunters

    Clone troopers replacing Stormtroopers

    ARC troopers replacing Stormtrooper officers and commanders

    The DL44 replaced by the DC17

    E11 replaced by the clone carbine

    Repeater replaced by DC15


    Changes Pending:

    Tavion to Female Inquisitor from Rebels

    Luke to be replaced by a hologram Obi Wan 

    Possibly turning Rosh into Ezra

    Omega likes this
  9. I've been doing some work on the NPC files on Toshi's Luke, but I've hit a snag in the single player menus. All of the heads and some of the torsos appear out of order. All the skin files have the proper names as they were untouched. If anyone knows how to help rearranging these into the proper order that would be very helpful.



  10. A NEW bio on Jaden Korr.. This makes for an interesting take and the image shown in the bio looks like he's leaving his homeworld of Coruscant to embark on his Jedi training at Luke's Academy. This would've been moments of days before he met up with Rosh on the shuttle, at the start of the game.


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    (Source: http://star-wars-canon-extended.wikia.com/wiki/Jaden_Korr)&&0

    That would be freakin awesome to see in the game!

    GamerRedNeck likes this
  11. The first is yet another modeling/skinning spree that I have just though up yesterday night: A "DC Lanterns" skin pack and customization pack. You would be able to make your own red/green/blue/Sinestro Lantern, with basic customization, as well as replace certain canon characters into lanterns. IE:

    "Luke Skywalker of Tatooine, you have great willpower. Welcome to the Green Lantern Corps."

    Luke Skywalker: Blue and Green Lantern Skins

    Obi-Wan/Ben: Blue Lantern

    Anakin: Blue/Yellow/Red Lantern

    Palpatine: Yellow/Red Lantern

    Kyle: Blue Lantern


    And so on, so forth.




    As for the second idea, a complete conversion for both Jedi Academy and Jedi Outcast to bring Kyle Katarn into new "canon". Changing Desaan to a Knight of Ren, Tavion to his apprentice who goes on to lead Ben to the dark side, who then finds Snoke.

    It would be the same Outcast experience, with shifts towards the new ABY canon, with First Order Stormtroopers led by a Knight of Ren. Kyle then defeats him and joins Luke Skywalkers Jedi Praxeum.

    Jedi Academy would be changed, no longer allowing customization. It would feature the story of Kylo Ren (Then known as Ben Solo), and his journey to the Dark Side, ending with a final duel against Kyle, and the extermination of the Jedi Order.

    Both these ideas are awesome!

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