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Posts posted by Anakin98

  1. Yes I know Cerez it is a lot of work, but all skinning for example the Ahsoka you made probably took a lot of job too and it wasn't ported or rigged. What does not take a lot of work in the world of modelling/skinning? And a breaking news, @@JungAk has found a skin which was ported from the old clone wars game to JKA, and is made to fit right into JKA and it looks absolutely amazing! This proves that there is a chance for a brighter future us waiting! Do not give up the people, it is possible! https://www.dropbox.com/s/dg7y9npzn3pxjt2/cwplo.pk3?dl=0 There is the download link. VDNoFdy.jpg

    KyleKatarn1995 likes this
  2. Just an update while waiting : Found these websites for the models if that would help : https://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1441777




    Also, I found some people actually could port models to the Garrys mod using the skins listed on the websites. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=565514867 And like I said, the skin has to be modified a little bit so the arms and everything will look good in JKA, but I believe it will worth it in the end I mean they look seriously good skins especially the Republic Heroes one. Alright JungAK.

  3. That is what I'm saying, there are so many cool skins from that game that we could use in JKA. I mean I know obviously you can create one from scratch, but these are actually were part of the CWA, and it is very, very much alike like in the animated series of Clone Wars, you can't really make better ones than those. I understand it probably takes time, to port it and then refit it into JK, but i think it does worth it. We never really seen skins like really animated one, except this http://jkhub.org/files/file/504-clone-wars-cartoon-player-models-pack/ just so you know what I mean. 

  4. So if I got it right, the model was removed from the Clone Wars Adventures game, so it is still the SOE's property, therefore can't be used?

    So guys you advice that it would be better for me to look/request a skin about the Clone Wars Obi-Wan.

    I made exact same request before you, but about Anakin one, and simply answer : It is fully legal AS long as you actually a little bit modify the skin, not just completely rip it off. Such as make the arms more realistic, since if you port a model from CWA to JKA the arms will look real tiny. Just edit your thread, if someone could actually port it and then modify it into JKA that is good.

  5. I've highlighted the area of concern, porting it would be stealing it from somewhere else which, last time I checked is very much illegal and forbidden on this site, the only other solution is for someone to make a PERFECT replica of it.


    Maybe ask nicely and someone will make an improved version of the existing one? Not that I see an issue with the current one in circulation.

    As I saw the Admin's writings, he said it would not be illegal if the guy would make a very few modifications based off that skin and would upload it. It is only illegal if it's full ripped off and has no change whatsoever. Updating a very little bit of it wouldn't be a big deal I think but I'm not a modder so I can't know. I do ask it as much as nicely as I can. What do you mean which version or what? If you mean the Toshi, or hapslash ep3 anakin one, I agree there nice, however if you seen the clone wars animated one you do know what I'm talking about, as that skin in the link is a lot more alike. I'm just a huge fan of clone wars animated one, it's funny how i didn't like it as much as I do now once I finished watching all seasons/episodes, but it really is cool especially as it gets older in seasons. I just want to play as like in the animated tv series, which I know there is really no other way, I played lots of sw games already. Again, in advance thanks for any help.

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