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Posts posted by the_raven

  1. At first it seemed that way to me, too. But then the cyber-bullying started. We couldn't role-play our characters properly because the staff and the experienced members kept interrupting and taking us on wild 'missions' that made no role-play sense and turned our characters into rabbits to be hunted down, passive (locked in) bystanders in a role-play we were not allowed to understand, and locked away in prison for reasons that made absolutely no sense only so the elite could play their story.


    The end result is that I can't play my character anymore because she'd been twisted by all these ridiculous experiences into something I can no longer feel with. As a player I have experienced emotional trauma, utter confusion, and shock while playing with this community.

    well, since you put it that way...you may be right...

    care to start your own clan? :)

  2. Don't waste your time. @@Luckxzs is a nice person, and I appreciate what he's trying to do, but the leaders of this clan are utterly despicable elitists.


    Only join if you like kicking people around, or being kicked around. Otherwise I advise staying as far from it as possible...

    really? strange...they seemed nice to me...a bit self-centered (which is kinda normal, considering they pay for the servers, and run everything, and all), but nice...guess something changed since I was a member...

  3. The alliance tries to stop that and spreads the stories about Darth Vader and Sidious, the remnant counteracts that with propaganda.

    Actually, what the Alliance is doing is also propaganda, only difference is that since the Alliance won the war (and as we know - History's written by the victor), so 'officially' it's not propaganda.

  4. It was meant to be pretty much like what @@Vulcan described. The only reason that there was only PvP was because that's as much that could be done. There was far too much work.

    Not PvP, p2p - as in "pay to play" - many people don't wanna pay for MMORPGs, not matter how good they are, hence a loss of many potential modders (though not too many, but since it was an online game, many more didn't wanna play it to begin with).

    They're trying to do it with TOR now - giving players the possibility to design gear, apartments (wut?), spaceship/ character skins...At least, I think they do...But again, it's an MMORPG (many people hate those), and you only get to have anything good if you're a full-time paying member (which is a huge rip-off by the way), not to mention that TOR is really lame and its class system is also messed up (cannon-wise).

  5. Jedi Academy has new sabers and animations, wohoo.  We're talking about remaking a game, which means that lightsaber combat (if added) would be improved.

    Jedi academy roll stab, and katas etc. are useles even against NPC's.  I would love to see Outcast with MovieBattles stances and 10x more stormtroopers to blast.

    Imagine TFU like graphics for Jedi Outcast, the scene where Desann kidnaps Jan, leaving Kyle on his knees. Imagine 200 stormtroopers marching around the base.




    I was just saying that those may have been the reason...the rolls and katas aren't useless, you just need to know how to use them :D

    besides, TFU didn't that that many stormtroopers anyway

  6. SP, of course! Then there's FFA. TFFA and CTF are also good, though I hate team-colors.


    Duel/ Power duel are annoying me.


    Never could run Siege.


    CTY, JM, HFFA - they're from JOMP? Never played it.


    MB2 - don't dig it.


    CO-OP - never played it.


    What is Instagib? :huh:

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