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Everything posted by extreme_x0

  1. Sweet, was thinking of that too. ill def give you credit.
  2. Just FYI, this is the initial file, I will release a Movie battles compatible version. More Screenies:
  3. Version 1.0


    FEATURES: Full npc support, full jetpack/animation support. in the console type one of the following names after typing playermodel: boba_fett DESCRIPTION: The galaxies most renowed hunter, Boba Fett. REASON BEHIND CREATION: Faulty looking Boba Fett in Base game. COMING SOON: Jango Fett (screenshot of work so far in forum link: http://jkhub.org/topic/5309-jango-fett-wip/), Open Seasons Mandalorian, BUGS: unavoidable slight clipping.
  4. After a year and many months, constant model tweaking, texture modification/creation. Boba Fett is done. It has been uploaded. Waiting on approval. Here is the final work:
  5. My current goal is to get it released within the next week or so. I just want to make sure i do my best with it cause i know it will be skinned to death xD.
  6. Wasn't happy with bags, updated them as well as the jetpack:
  7. Last touches. Ill release boba first, to make this go faster, then ill release jango, then ultimately a Open Seasons pack once more. My thoughts are canon characters such as deathwatch 1 or 2, w/ jango, boba, and maybe jodo. Have a look:
  8. Update on boba fett: Finished textures Now working finishing touches for Jango Fett and I will then release.
  9. Boba is pretty much done. Jango just needs textures for the helmet. I re did the uv mapping because the stock one (using raven's helmet for boba) is hard to use. Here are the screenshots on the textures to give you an idea: So I just need to add the gold badges/lines on the right and hes done. With Jango I need to texture then add the lines around the helmet.
  10. The model is pretty much finished. I had to redo the helmet and separate the parts to make the head easy to texture the lines around the helmet. I just haven't gotten around to do them. I will upload the model to google drive and give you guys a look at the tags. From my tests, all the tags work, but not sure if it works in the outside view with other people so maybe you can test it out. Yea, like i said before, i made this model with replacing the one in MB II in mind.
  11. With Jango, its easy, however, boba is more challenging, do you have any suggestions? As mentioned before I suck in that department, i do what i can to make my own but end up modifying / adding to existing ones like yours.
  12. Yes. Used it as a base (I suck at textures when it comes to clothes) so i modified it a bit, added a filter. Will definitely credit you once the model is done. I am making tweaks here and there. Don't worry I won't. If anything ill release this and jango then release a whole new mando pack. funny you should say that, the mando pack in question was using the model from MBII. Whole reason why i started to work on this model is because of MBII's model lacking in detail and accuracy. This model already has all the tags MBII uses so if MBII team wishes to use it, it would be an honor. Like i mentioned before, i think i will work on an updated mando pack with more variety such as jodo kast and/or maybe somehow inject some arc troopers the same way marz did with his pack on the 3d model that way the mando class can see a jetpack arc trooper.
  13. Update: So here is the updated model with a bigger head, more accurate helmet and better textures on boba fett.
  14. Another update, made the head bigger, made the shin armor wider (based on feedback): Dont mind the feet, still working on those @@Mandalorian I would work on different base, something other than mars work, his is more of art / expression/version of the clones, not that movie accurate. The closest I saw to the clone was one made for Jk2: http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Clone_Trooper;36646 His body was more accurate i think, the head could have used some work. Somebody tried making work, but never released the model: http://z10.invisionfree.com/Star_Wars_Ep3_JA_Mod/index.php?showtopic=57 Also going back to feedback, @@Mandalorian, do you happen to have an idea on how to get rid of the line on the head? That's my biggest gripe with the base boba head model that i can't seem to get rid of.
  15. In game MBII: Just need to work on the textures a bit more, specifically the shading on boba fett, i think i got jango down. Keep in mind this is pre head fix, so yea the head looks small. I think im going to jodo_kast another go, this is from way back when: http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Jodo_Kast;30762 This time i want to model in the waist: @@Mandalorian I was going to use the corto helmet as my base model, but I just didn't like it at all, and its difficult to skin vs the helmet from base jka, so I went with that instead. Most likely going to do a pack as well with montross left out, may factor in clones instead, but that would be a different pack. (Not happy with the current clone models either).
  16. Thanks for the feedback, made the head a tad bigger, working on the shin pads. Laz is right, need to make them wider, here's the update pic w/ bigger head:
  17. (Project closed/ended)
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