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File Comments posted by Aidor

    Jedi Academy - Outcast

       6,484    23

    Hi iamasanguinehipster


    I'm trying this mod with a spanish JO base pk3 files, and all voices are in spanish except Kyle's voice, which is in english. Do you know why this happens and any way to fix it? Thanks.

    Jedi Academy - Outcast

       6,484    23

    Hi iamasanguinehipster


    I'm trying this mod with a spanish JO base pk3 files, and all voices are in spanish except Kyle's voice, which is in english. Do you know why this happens and any way to fix it? Thanks.

    Jedi Academy: Enhanced

       45,912    138

    Will this mod work if I use an old build (2014-12-15) of OpenJK? (and the same question for Jedi Outcast Enhanced)


    I would like to play it with gamepad, but in the last builds, with the new SDL2 input system implemented, the gamepad doesn't work quite well.


    Thanks in advance.

    Hera Syndulla

       1,146    4

    As they said, awesome and amazing. I'm replaying the whole SP campaign with this model, and it's a pleasure. I love this model and this "pilot clothing style", with a perfect combination of colours. So... 5 stars to Disney's designers and 5 stars to Jeff's work!

    Jeff, Elysi0 and DrXann like this

    SP Character Chooser

       7,932    4

    Hey ther!


    ups... Well, Hapsplash's stormtroopers have already the "stormtrooper" name inside the pk3 file (this way: models/players/stormtrooper). Actually, Hapsplash's stormtrooper overrides the vanilla one just placing his pk3 file in the base folder, with no need of changing anything.


    But inside the stormtrooper folder, the file names are different than the vanilla one. For exemple, in the vanilla one there's the file armor.jpg, and in Hapsplash that file is arm.jpg... maybe this is what I should change?


    I guess I'm trying to go to far with this 'modding stuff', cause I'm a super noob in this mod world... but it's very addicting managing things, :D


    Thanks therfiles! I'm going to see if I can figure out how it works with the help of the tips you have told me...

    SP Character Chooser

       7,932    4

    Hi therfiles,


    I'm using your mod (nice one), but I'm using the Hapslash Stormtrooper, and when in the selection character screen I choose the stormtrooper, its weird, with no texture ...


    maybe I should edit the head_a1.skin, lower_a1.skin and torso_a1.skin (in the 'models/players/stormtrooper' folder) in your mod to fit with Hapslash one?


    Thanks in advance...


    EDIT: Maybe I should follow this tutorial: 




    but instead of taking the MENUS.str from the assets0.pk3 file, I should take it from your mod and edit it.

    therfiles likes this
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