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    Land of Ice Cream

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  1. So anything @@Caelum ?
  2. are you doing it in a virtual machine to prevent any real damage? lol smart
  3. just spawn ragnos >.<
  4. *music composer and viola player here* Ill be the music critic around here o:< Put a nice swing to the lyrics judging from the original, guitar was.... pretty good And i can't understand jack shit (sorry language) of what your saying
  5. *throws the chrome ball in every firefox users' faces*
  6. I killed nihilus by spamming force storm in kotor 2, how are you still here? (and hi)
  7. Clean your desktop MUG
  8. Oh god apple. kill it with fire. My desktop is clean with all the crap on the left.
  9. thanks, i gotta include these pk3s in my zip file wit the map then >.>
  10. When i start JKA up, i also start up JA++ as well. (via mods menu) But, when i go to test a map, by /devmap, i get an error saying vehicle extentions are too large. When i do /devmap WITHOUT JA++ on, it loads normally, help? I need it to load without error on ja++/ja+
  11. Perhaps a race map. (NOT CORUCAUNT SPEEDWAY, it crashes the server after about 30-45 minutes for a reason unknown to me)
  12. these tutorials were jumbled up and out of order. (for the most part) http://jkhub.org/tut...ory/11-mapping/, and thatnks MUG Also, which gtk radiant would you suggest for me to use. (i have 1.5, but i have tried 1.4)
  13. Didn't know whether to post this in JKA suppor or general.... so i posted here because it said general :| Ok so, I downloaded gtk radiant 1.5 because I want to get into mapping, but as i followed the beginning tutorial I encountered a problem. When I got to the part where you open a map, I clicked open in gtk and there was nothing in the maps folder. I can see hidden files and everything but there was nothung in the maps folder. All of the maps I download are in .pk3 files, but gtk looks for .map or .reg (I think) files, but for some reason i don't have any in the maps folder. (Even base maps) help? I got jka off of steam. gtk's path to jka is: C:/program files/steam/steamapps/common/jedi academy On a side note, the mapping tutorials were kinda jumbled up in order. The beginning one was towards the bottom.
  14. I'll never be able to come. My computer turns off ar 11 PM EST... Have fun to the people that go
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