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Everything posted by Veosar

  1. Of course. BTW yes, I believe it's all you need - move the vertices. For example, on the first picture it's original, and it works. When I select... one face, and move it by... let's say, green arrow, it all doesn't work anymore. Here's the link: http://speedy.sh/gpb6V/stadfdssrt.blend Something that's interesting, sometimes I'm able to move vertex normally and it works fine. But after that, it just won't work. Seems so random.
  2. If you would add some details to both hair and facial hair I would be in heaven with that one
  3. Yes, that's me again, sadly. So, I've came across an incredibly annoying error in blender, that pretty much holds my entire work right now. So, let's get right into business: Vurk Jedi model. Everytime I try to change mesh in edit mode - that means moving vert, moving face or edges, I get that error when I'm trying to export it: The mesh before editing: http://scr.hu/22as/m545z The mesh after editing: http://scr.hu/22as/m6hxi (just an example)The error I get when I try to export the model with edited mesh: Part 1 http://scr.hu/22as/bz4nd and Part 2 http://scr.hu/22as/8rfp6 . The bug is incrediblyyyyy annoying, when it appears I have no other choise but to close blender and open the backup, because it won't work properly even if I undo every thing I've done to it. It just MAKES you close your blender and open it again, and that's really not fun since you have to do backups every 2 minutes or so. And, most important, you can't edit any freaking mesh :/
  4. Okey, thanks to my friend I managed to fix the issue. Here's the shader solution: models/players/ZeraCV/robe { cull twosided { map models/players/ZeraCV/robe rgbGen lightingDiffuse alphaFunc GE128 } {Man, I really hope I won't have to post anymore ^^
  5. So whats the case with hapslash model? There is hips_robe working just fine without shaders. Anyway, will copying and modyfing wookie shader (probably) be enough?
  6. I came across another issue, that I will try to explain. Here are the front hips of my character: http://scr.hu/22as/oaahm and here is the back side of hips: http://scr.hu/22as/vfx18 . When in Modview, there is "showing all polys as double-sized" everything looks good, I mean it's like this: http://scr.hu/22as/ziqur. But when I turn it off, the back side of it is clear, and I can see it only from the outside: http://scr.hu/22as/oaahm. And sadly, that's how game interpretes the model, and obviously I don't want to see an see-through hips. Can I do anything about it?
  7. Oh man, I think that might be it! I checked and yes, nearly every tag is missing on every of my models. Still, the execution doesn't seem to easy, so maybe you can help me out with this as well. Since my model of Zabrak is already converted to JK3, and the original is JK2, I had to use "Append" option to get all of my tags. Still, they come along with skieleton (which I remove), as always when using append, and all of them are unparented. How am I supposed to link these parts (to what meshes) and is there any way I can do it automatically, without going one by one? Man, I'm so thankful... http://scr.hu/22as/l3xat (up there with tags was skieleton as well, but I think it's useless - am I wrong?) I don't want to be whining about it, but it's just so much work with all of my models :<
  8. I'm not sure who are you answering right now, but I really hope it's mine problem. So, basically I've done EXACTLY everything like you said untill that point: Not sure what are you... well talking about, I'm sure it's probably caused by my horrible english but could you please try to tell it a bit... simplier? I've done the "Append" command and linked everything just right, but I can't understand this moment. What modifiers should I copy?
  9. I've got to ask, did you have any time to check this one out? I've been searching for this while waiting and I found some topics but most of them were useless. Maybe except that one: http://jkhub.org/topic/1835-glm-in-blender/ but I don't even understand what they are talking about. I have no .gla file to choose when I'm exporting .glm file. When I downloaded his .blend and exported it, it all worked just fine for me. But my model will not, even if all of Kel Dor parts in one of my models are from Jedi Academy, and so is hapslash model along with skieleton. I mean, this just doesn't make any sense... @@DT85 @@Psyk0Sith Here is the screenshot when I edit model.glm with notepad++ - http://scr.hu/22as/y2jhd. Looks like every path is okay. It's not skieleton issue either, since I opened other model (.blend, working after exporting) and it has exactly the same bones in it. What the hell is going on? And some links if you want to take a look at this yourself: http://jkhub.org/topic/3376-attempted-to-load-an-unsupported-multiplayer-model-error/ http://www.chumba.ch/chumbalum-soft//forum/showthread.php?t=5536 http://www.chumba.ch/chumbalum-soft//forum/showthread.php?t=5600 http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=39236 http://forums.filefront.com/sw-jk3-modding-mapping-editing/309231-model-not-showing-up-ingame.html
  10. Perhaps, just perhaps, if you don't really care so much about quality, you can save your .blend now, and try to delete corrupted mesh and then try to export it. If it doesn't work, just load back the old save because that's probably not the way it will work. Sorry for my bad english, doing my best.
  11. Sure, I'm here to help you. Had the same issue - the thing is, even if you have some model parts seperated on few layers, the exported model still loads it all. So make sure you deleted all meshes of model you imported the head from, scroll back and look for high-floating parts (that happens when they aren't linked - let's say for example you delete head_0.001 from old head and everything dissapears - most likely, let's say "head_horns" are floating high up, and you have to delete them. If it still doesn't work (I doubt it) then check if stupid_triangle, scene_root and model_root are all properly linked. That's all I have for now, good luck!
  12. Hello Salvoo, I really like the work you're doing here but when I tried to do something similliar (don't worry, I didn't use anything from you) I came to an issue. Could you please take a look at this thread: and maybe try to help me? I know you managed to avoid the problem with similiar work, so...
  13. It is indeed model.glm. Here is one of the blend files, along with entire folder (I hope you can find what you're looking for in this mess, I'm still learning ^^) http://speedy.sh/RxaNH/Zabrak2Jedi.rar Damn, I hope it's fixable... wouldn't want to do all of this one more time...
  14. I'm pretty sure it's not me deleting something, since no matter what file I use I can't even select bone using Blender. So yes I'm pretty sure I didn't delete anything related to skeleton. I'm using Blender, so .car files don't really come into play. Damn, I'm so confused, especially that many people did it without problem in their alien packs. Mine just doesn't seem to work. Maybe you would want .blend file to check it out, if you have time?
  15. Hello. I was recently working on upgrade'ing my friend's nautolan skin. It was hard to open it at the first place, but I managed to do it by putting jk2 _humanoid in my modview folder. So I started working on model, and recently finished the job. However, nothing seems to work properly. I can open all of my models with ModView using JK3 _humanoid, and Blender, but when I get into game, that's what I see: I won't lie to you, it kind of pissed me off to know, that few hours of work simply won't run. I've got .blend scenes, so I guess I could change something in the scene. Anyone can help me with that one?
  16. The biggest issue I had when moving every single vertex to it's new position was that... let's just say I got my neck in place, and it fits. However, the up side of neck is still at its original position so it all looks like the bottom side of the neck is smaller, and the up side is bigger. Then I would have to remove every part of neck, but it doesn't work either because head now doesn't fit, blah blah. I think you know where I'm heading with this one . Still, I'm looking forward for your posts!
  17. Okay, so I started the work on my clan's Jedi Alien Pack. Don't worry, I'll make sure to get everybody's permission before doing anything. However, let's get back to the business. That's no mystery, when you simply frankenstein one head to another body (hapslash anakin for that case), the neck is most likely not going to fit. So... what tricks do you have to actually adjust the size? The problem was a pain in the ass for me in the last couple of weeks but I'm still trying and that's what I figured out might be useful: - Scaling the entire head - Selecting vert after vert and moving it Well... I'm done. Of course, I can also move the entire head, but it just doesn't get it done. I know you have your own ways of dealing with that issue, and I'm not expecting you to just give it away. But c'mon, atleast guide me to the right direction. I'm just getting started with the whole thing.
  18. Sure, look at your private messages.
  19. I'm sure every needed mesh is on its place, I might have been saying it wrong but I believe that's not the case. Here is what the console says (I'll be honest, it doesn't say anything to me) Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\Przemek\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.66\scripts\addons\jediacademy\JAG2Operators.py", line 177, in execute success, message = scene.loadModelFromBlender(filepath, self.gla) File "C:\Users\Przemek\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.66\scripts\addons\jediacademy\JAG2Scene.py", line 86, in loadModelFromBlender success, message = self.glm.loadFromBlender(glm_filepath_rel, gla_filepath_rel, self.basepath) File "C:\Users\Przemek\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.66\scripts\addons\jediacademy\JAG2GLM.py", line 979, in loadFromBlender success, message = self.LODCollection.loadFromBlender(rootObjects, surfaceIndexMap, boneIndexMap, skeleton_object) File "C:\Users\Przemek\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.66\scripts\addons\jediacademy\JAG2GLM.py", line 850, in loadFromBlender success, message = LOD.loadFromBlender(model_root, surfaceIndexMap, boneIndexMap, armatureObject) File "C:\Users\Przemek\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.66\scripts\addons\jediacademy\JAG2GLM.py", line 787, in loadFromBlender success, message = surf.loadFromBlender(available[name], boneIndexMap, armatureObject) File "C:\Users\Przemek\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.66\scripts\addons\jediacademy\JAG2GLM.py", line 533, in loadFromBlender for vertexIndex, uv in zip(face.vertices, [ uv_loops[face.loop_start + i].uv for i in range( 3 )]): File "C:\Users\Przemek\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.66\scripts\addons\jediacademy\JAG2GLM.py", line 533, in <listcomp> for vertexIndex, uv in zip(face.vertices, [ uv_loops[face.loop_start + i].uv for i in range( 3 )]): IndexError: list index out of range location: <unknown location>:-1
  20. Okay guys, thanks to your posts I finally managed to get the effect I wanted...... buuuuuut it is never that easy ;D. Look at what do I have here: head, head_back and hair untouched, their duplicates: head_face_fedora, head_back_fedora, hair_fedora and the fedora mesh itself: head_fedora. The duplicates are basically cut to the point I want them to be. Their names are, for example: Object name: head_face_fedora_0 Object data: head_face_fedora_0 Ghoul 2 Properties name: head_face_fedora. All the same pattern. However, when I export my model, and go to the default.skin file to make some settings, it won't work. Here is how it looks right now: http://scr.hu/22as/ud4b9. I go to the modview, and it doesn't read new surfaces, like they are not here (I mean it says that "surface xyz does not exist"). It's all set to right hierarchy (linked), so I have no idea what to do. Anyone experienced can help me out with this one?
  21. Okay, I'll surely give it a go. Anyone have any other ideas?
  22. Okay, so here's the case. I'm doing some modeling in Blender, and I found some work hard. Take a look at this: http://scr.hu/22as/st7ah http://scr.hu/22as/o4371. Okay, so I took model from spanki's pack, with Anakin hair meshes on it, and I wanted to add fedora. However, which is obvious, one mesh works his way on another one, so it all looks like crap. My plan is to duplicate all of the see-through meshes, and delete few parts on the duplicats. However, I still found it hard to complete. I can delete either faces, edges or verts from mesh, but I would really like to just select the whole area (for example with square selection, if something like that exist) and delete it from that point. Why can't I just work with 3 basic selections? Well, it's not really accurate and making it look good is very hard. Have you got any ideas of how can I pull it off?
  23. I'll give it a try with deleting the old meshes and I will let you know in @Edit . Thanks for fast feedback tho! @EDIT http://scr.hu/22as/p81qp . I managed to do it. Deleting Tusken's body and rosh's face AFTER renaming the meshes worked like a charm. Thanks everyone, if anybody wants to get more details then just ask me in a post below, and I'll tell you what have I done to get it working.
  24. Any idea of what have I done wrong? http://scr.hu/22as/a9qam http://scr.hu/22as/qksgzhttp://scr.hu/22as/w2a52 I'll write everything I've done step by step after I come back, since I have to go now. Any feedback would be appreciated! For now I can just say that I tried to do EVERYTHING exactly like in tutorial.
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