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Posts posted by McGroose

  1. Challenging? Found them really easy.

    Challenging at least compared to the rest of the game. Even on Jedi Master difficulty, the game was easy. I thought Korriban was the only level which stood out as somewhat challenging; the key word here being 'somewhat'.


    Also, I really hated fighting in the those tight tomb rooms that had the two Jedi Masters and Jedi Knight. It's easy enough when you abuse force choke, but without it, I thought it was a pain in the ass.

  2. Korriban 1+2 Dark side, not only because of the satisfaction gained from killing both the Jedi and Sith that stand in your way, but because I find these two levels the only really challenging levels in the entire game, besides maybe the Chandrila level. I also think that the dark side ending seems more proper for the story, considering all that Jaden has been through, but that's just my opinion.


    My favorite part of the DS ending has to be how Kyle fits the part of the Final Boss perfectly, I think. Kyle constantly keeps reminding Jaden that he doesn't want to fight him, let alone kill him, but he has no choice. Kyle's also the only boss that actually grapples you (iknowkungfu)and forcefully removes your saber from your hand at random moments, which is a nice little addition to his repertoire, but also a disappointing reminding that no one else in game uses that ability. A shame really, considering how the some enemies, like the unarmed cultists, sure could have used those skills to raise up their level of difficulty.


    There's also a line that Kyle says during the battle which strike me as ironic, "I am your master!" Earlier in the game though, Kyle says that "titles make my skin crawl. Secondly, you're not serving under me." Definitely shows you how Kyle isn't exactly in the same mindset he was in before, huh? One of Kyle's victory lines is actually even him apologizing to Jaden after having won the fight. Kyle's lines are one the main reasons why I love his boss fight.


    you also get to kill rosh

  3. There is already the Vong model? :o: cool, can i see where i can download it?

    The Yuuzhan Vong model was made and released in 2002, originally intended for use in JK2.


    Like Ruxith said, the model hasn't exactly aged well over the years, but it still does a good job of recreating the average Yuuzhan Vong.

    If there are any already made models that exist which I would love to see remade, the Yuuzhan Vong warrior would definitely be placed on the top of my list.

    Asgarath83 likes this
  4. Thank's everyone! I'm positive that this is the original version of the mod I've been looking forever to find. Thanks for also including the Imperial Commando model! I'm sure I can find good use for that in both SP and MP.


    I agree with Omicron that we should upload the mod here so that others can download it.


    Also, forget what I asked earlier regarding the model ranks. The mod probably always had this issue, and I just never really noticed until now. It's not really important, anyway.


    EDIT: Actually, it turns out this version of the model DOES include different ranks, but I'm still experimenting with it so that I can get the rankings just the way I want for each skin. I don't know what this version of the mod has that the previous version posted earlier lacked, but whatever.

  5. Thank you for posting those links!

    I also knew about the base model reskins that you posted, and while they're pretty good, I still prefer Hapslash's replacement.


    I was able to modify the HS Imperial model you provided so that it replaced the regular imperials, and it works just as I had hoped. I've only got two problems with it, though.

    The first being that the multiplayer icons that came with the original mod weren't provided, but I can overlook that.

    The second problem is that all of the officers, whether just regulars or higher ranks, have the same badge. They all share the same badge that the regular Imperial model wears.



    They all share the badge type worn by the officer in the middle of the picture.




    I checked the skin file for the Commander variant in notepad, and he had a list of badges with only one actually used. I turned off the one in use and tried to use the 1X6 badge variant instead of the common 2X3 one. He still had the 2X3 variant, though. When I replaced the 2X3 variant texture with the 2X6 one and noticed that all of the skins now have the same badge type, but a different color than before, I decided that they all have the same badge model, and will only read the one texture which corresponds to it.


    Anyone have a fix to this? 

  6. I should have probably mentioned that, while I already know about those reskins, none of the badges seem to work right. They all appear with missing textures. People in the comments of those files seems to have the same problem, also. Out of all of his reskins I tried, only one had their badge correctly textured.

  7. I don't know if I should be posting this here, but I don't really think that my request qualifies for a new topic. Since I've also seen people request things from Hapslash here before, I'm guessing that this request would be allowed here.


    I'm a big fan of Hapslash, and have downloaded nearly all of his mods, albeit one or two exceptions. My favorite model that he has made is, by far, his Stormtrooper model, but his Imperial model replacement stands at a close second place. This Imperial mod included a new base model to replace the original model, included five skins with the model(three of them replaced the original skins while the other two stood by themselves.), and a new pistol for the regular Imperial to use in Jedi Outcast.


    I know that his models of General Veers, Tarkin, and Mohc weren't actually finished and available as separate downloadable files(or were they?), but the regular imperial mod that I just explained about was finished and available for anyone to get. The problem is, all of the links to download the mod now are dead, and I can't find the mod anywhere. The only place I knew where I could find the mod by itself was at Lucasfiles, but that website's been down for a while, and I doubt it'll be brought back.


    I originally had the mod for both JK2 and JK3, but I uninstalled and deleted all of my mods from both for my own reasons.


    The Hapslash void doesn't have any working links either, and no matter where I search, I can't find it. The void even has links for PCgamemods still, which has been down for over five years. It also shows JK2files under the download section, but the mod was never uploaded there. MBII also has Hapslash's Imperial model, but when I tried to take the model from the MBII assets and use it in the original game, the model never works correctly in-game.

    So ya, does anyone have the original mod that you could post DL link to? I don't care whether or not it has the Imperial pistol replacement.


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