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Everything posted by Boothand

  1. I'd love to give some advice. Maybe I could even write a tutorial on the matter. Covering up the seams themselves is usually the easiest job. The real challenge is to make it look good from a distance while not destroying it up-close. So it has a lot to do with variation in brightness and color. I'll definitely write a tutorial if there's interest (and if so - what kind of texture could it be demonstrated with?).
  2. Thanks for the links! I think I'll find them very handy, except I won't use a script for it. I still have too much to learn I followed this tutorial, if you skip through it a few places you'll see where I was coming from: I'll try to see if I can make a more true to life edition though!
  3. Here's another one of my attempts at creating stuff from scratch, with 3DS Max and (barely) Photoshop. I still think the tree looks a bit confused, and it's been some months since I last worked on it, but it honestly looked a bit better than what I expected in the beginning. 426 triangles currently. Trees aren't lightmapped yet. Would like some feedback on what could be better.
  4. Originally posted something else in this topic, but have edited to fit my new problem: Can I set a *speed* for the elevator, instead of a time to complete its task? Using the same amount of time to reach the top or bottom from anywhere in the lift ride, gets a bit inconsistent. //Generated by BehavEd rem ( "Player triggers lift from inside" ); if ( $get( FLOAT, "SET_PARM1")$, $=$, $0$ ) { set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_PARM1", "1" ); task ( "moveup" ) { affect ( "towerlift", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH ) { move ( $tag( "towerlift_t2", ORIGIN)$, < 0.000 0.000 0.000 >, 5000.000 ); affect ( "towerlift_trigger", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH ) { move ( $tag( "towerlift_t2_trigger", ORIGIN)$, < 0.000 0.000 0.000 >, 5000.000 ); } } } do ( "moveup" ); } else ( ) { set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_PARM1", "0" ); task ( "movedown" ) { affect ( "towerlift", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH ) { move ( $tag( "towerlift_t1", ORIGIN)$, < 0.000 0.000 0.000 >, 5000.000 ); affect ( "towerlift_trigger", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH ) { move ( $tag( "towerlift_t1_trigger", ORIGIN)$, < 0.000 0.000 0.000 >, 5000.000 ); } } } do ( "movedown" ); }
  5. There is something called q3map_surfaceModel in shadering, which draws models onto a surface after this recipe: q3map_surfaceModel modelpath density odds minscale maxscale minangle maxangle oriented. I tried to involve LODs with these md3 models: q3map_surfaceModel models/map_objects/bootland/trees/grasschunk1.md3 64 0.6 0.5 0.7 0 270 1q3map_surfaceModel models/map_objects/bootland/trees/sapling2.md3 1500 0.12 0.8 1.2 0 270 0 Xycaleth says that it needs to be a misc_model_static, otherwise it's baked in. Any idea if these surfacemodels get baked into the bsp, and if so a way around it? I would really like to use LODs with them, but it didn't work when I tried earlier like this (*_1. *_2 etc). I was told md3s don't support LOD.
  6. I seem to recall a staff member, I think @@Circa, simply added the "Mark solved" feature to one of the sub-forums on my request once. Shouldn't it be in any forum?
  7. Maybe something could be done to the description? "Looking for assistance in getting your mod to work properly? This is where you can ask for help. Please do not use this subforum if you are having trouble installing a mod, or need help fixing your game." If it had some keywords it could at least lessen any confusion for new members. I used to post shader in the coding section and was unsure if mapping threads belonged in the modding section, myself. The tags seem like a good idea to me. Do the moderators plan to add tags to (upcoming and recent) posts with missing tags?
  8. Hehe yeah, videos tend to put a lot of emphasis on "dbs" (not the same as regular backslash), the hardest and most deadly move. In CTF, it's the most effective way of killing someone when you're chasing after them. In force duels, it's often the most impressive finishing move because of its risk and high difficulty, but it's rarely the most effective way of winning a lot of fights vs a very skilled opponent. In NF duels, it's a lot more risky and is usually not pulled off unless someone makes themselves open with a roll, is cornered or surprised. But CTF and FF (force) movies dominate 99% of the movie scene, so I understand why it feels like it's all players are doing. I'm guilty of it myself in the past What do you mean by weapons in trueview?
  9. I believe the SP campaign has the feature in-built actually. But you're wrong about both the backstab spin assumptions. It's not an advantage unless done with intelligence, which most good players take into account, both in NF and force. I thought my video proved that point though. It's also not really harder to do the move, with a fraction of getting used to. It's muscle memory. I love the feature though, so it's not entirely unlikely someone else might find it interesting as well. Which would make it not pointless.
  10. A little video I threw together of something I tried out today. It's a funny concept, but I actually enjoy this quite a lot. Makes it feel more like you're directly in there. With some help, this could be a quite cool mod. If anyone who knows how to for example code menus would be interested, feel free to help me out! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=am6jV31gg8k
  11. Cool. Couldn't I mirror the bones and avoid redoing animations and weights by detaching the antlers as the last thing I do?
  12. Thanks a lot for your time! Okay, so what I need to do: Bone affect limit to 4.Detach antlers.Mirror bones (bone tools) over to the left side and use the method Archangel talked about to get back the animations and weights when replacing the old bones?I'm hoping I won't have to do too much work to re-do weights and animations, although I expect it to have some consequences, as I seem to remember the left and right bones weren't really mirrored for some reason. The time between the bone rig and the weighting was about over a year apart.
  13. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/58757568/Moose/fbxMoose.FBX
  14. Nope, there's only a skin modifier. I tried to include as much information as possible in this screenshot. It's one mesh, has "blank" #1 frame, an idle animation and a walking animation, for now. IKs are seperate from hierarchy. I don't know if I could save/export it to something you could open. Can save to max 2010. I have 2013 on my computer too, but I don't know of any file formats to transfer weights, animation and all those vital parts.
  15. It's definitely got to do with the zero thing. I made a short video to prove it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGpmooWcVxM
  16. Thank you! Here's the XSI exported at default settings, with error + crash in the end of the export. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/58757568/Moose/root.XSI (right click, save as, I suppose)
  17. I'll try that. It would be nice to have a confirmation that this is really a Xform problem first though. But I'll get on it in a little while.
  18. I don't have lights.xsi anywhere. Nor can I find it on google. I tried exporting the xsi with lights in the scene, but no change. I suspect the lack of lighting may have something to do with the quite big size of the moose. It was never really measured up against anything in the game, before it was readied and animated. I fear changing the size in 3DS Max could be a bit troublesome for the animations.
  19. For some reason I didn't read your question about it being one mesh. How silly of me. But it is one single mesh, not segmented. It's been made through a combination of Zbrush and 3DS Max. I'm sure there must be a way to fix it without reweighting. Here is the .max file for Max 2011 and the texture map. Maybe @@Psyk0Sith knows anything about the matter? https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/58757568/Moose/moosejka_2.max https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/58757568/Moose/moose_final.jpg
  20. It's various limbs (a bit from the legs on both sides). Definitely did a reset Xform before weighting. I can't seem to reset the Xform after weighting, because I can't collapse the skin modifier. If I put it below the skin modifier, it gets messed up. In either case, just having the Xform modifier resizes the moose grandly and rotates the pose. No funky bounding box issues prior to resetting Xform though.
  21. @@Archangel3575735757 Upon viewing the moose in XSI viewer, various limbs are scattered in broken angles. Do you know what could be wrong, or know someone who could know?
  22. Yeah, 1.02 code is released. I haven't managed to compile it though. It would probably require an in depth discussion on what's regarded as bugs.
  23. The patches that have been released haven't only fixed bugs, they have completely overhauled the gameplay. The patches have made sure that almost the entire spectrum of dynamics and possibilities, things that are practiced for years, are reduced to something that for any initiated 1.02 player would feel like a glass dome being put over your head, and your arms and legs taped to pogo sticks. Not saying 1.04 can't be right for someone, but there's a reason why players don't patch.
  24. A friend of mine tells me what causes the jump bug: If the map is built below the 0 point in vertical units, you will fly up to the 0 point when you do the jump bug. So you would have to move the whole map above 0, and it should be fixed.
  25. For those who don't know what this bug is: http://www.twitch.tv/boothand/b/497558943 I noticed that with a lot of similar design, ffa_bespin doesn't have this bug at all, anywhere, while deathstar has. If you could figure out how they fixed it in ffa_bespin and try to convert that strategy to most places in your map that have the same kind of design (like stairs), you could at least lessen the issue. But I don't know how you would fix this otherwise without ruining general gameplay. It has made quite some fun through the ages though. There's also another variant of it. For example in country academy, you could jump from the roof or the windmill and hold jump and land in the water. When reaching the surface again, you would fly up equal to the height of your fall. As for 1.04, I would never in my life even play with the thought of upgrading
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