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Files posted by RevanKnight
Starkiller Jedi Ceremonial Robe
By RevanKnight in Player Models
Starkiller's Jedi Ceremonial Robe from The Force Unleashed. I have worked on and off for years on this one, it still has a few bugs and kinks. Hope you all enjoy using it.
Includes the original version from the game and a version based off of a figurine.
May the Force be with you, and God bless!
Starkiller's Sith Robe
By RevanKnight in Player Models
Starkiller's Sith robe from The Force Unleashed. Been working on this one for years, never got around to releasing it though. I hope you all enjoy.
May the Force be with you, and God bless.
https://jkhub.org/files/file/693-sith-stalker-single-saber/ I believe this is the saber the model uses.
Starkiller Concept Art Outfit
By RevanKnight in Player Models
I saw this concept art for what looked like Galen Merak from The Force Unleashed, and I really liked it, so I decided to make it. It has a few bugs, and does not have player select or multi-player options, so if anyone wants to add those feel free.
His lightsaber, I think https://jkhub.org/files/file/1686-starkillers-lightsaber-ashuradx/
May the Force be with you, and God bless.
Clone Wars Anakin Skywalker Realistic Version
By RevanKnight in Player Models
This is a makeover of my Clone Wars Anakin I made a few years back. https://jkhub.org/files/file/2486-anakin-skywalker-clone-wars/. I wanted to do something for the tenth year anniversary of The Clone Wars, and I have received quite a few requests for the realistic version of this model, so here it is.
Known bugs: As far as I know the only bugs are some minor clipping on the pauldron, cloak and robe.
Enjoy, and God bless.
NOTE: For players/modders wanting to modify or use this mod for themselves, there are no
conditions (oviously I have no way of controling that, nor do I want to).
For modders including or using it as part of another mod(such as Movie Duels 2,
Movie Battles 2, etc.), or using parts of the model to make another,
the only thing I ask is that you provide credits to the original author(me).
For modders re-skining, republishing, with little changes being made to the orignal model,
I ask that you please contact me first. However, if you cannot reach me, or I do not get
back to you within a month, you are free to release your modification. Thank You.
- Personal Skin or Model
- Jedi
- (and 4 more)
By RevanKnight in Player Models
Revan from SWTOR and KOTOR. Includes SP support, MP support, NPC support, SWTOR version, Reborn version, StarForge robe version, Jedi version, Timeline video armor and Darth version.
I've made a lot of mods before, but this is the first mod I have ever released to the public, and my first model! It is made from frankensteined models from JKJA and some others (see credits). When The Shadow of Revan came out I looked around to see if their were any SWTOR Revans out there for JKJA, unfortunately their were none at the time so I decided to make one!
There are three Pk3 files you can install.
1:"SWTORRevanV.1.04.pk3" (The full version.)
2:"SWTORRevan(noshader)V.1.04.pk3"(If you experience problems in the game,
try in installing this one instead.)
3:"MPSWTORRevan(noshader)V.1.04.pk3"(If you don't want NPCs and you just want the model
for multiplayer and player select on single player, then install this one.)
Some players have had trouble playing the full version, so that is why I have included
the other versions.
The currant version is a "beta" of sorts in a attempt to fix some problems some players have had with the model.
NPCS: Type playermodel,
swtorrevan (to get lightside Revan from SWTOR).
revanreborn (to get darkside Revan in "Reborn" armor from SWTOR).
darthrevan (to get darkside Revan from KOTOR).
kotorrevan (to get lightside Revan from KOTOR in darth armor).
starforgerevan ( to get lightside Revan in StarForge armor from KOTOR).
revantimeline (to get darkside Revan in "Timeline" armor from the SWTOR Timeline videos).
revanmaelstrom (to get lightside Revan from the Maelstrom prison in SWTOR).
revanjedi ( to get lightside Revan in Jedi robe from KOTOR and Timeline video).New NPCs:
revan_ghost ( to get lightside Revan spirit).
NOTE: Some of the screenshots are from older versions of the mod and bear some slight deferences from the currant version of the model.
Arcann beta
By RevanKnight in Player Models
Arcann from SWTOR: Knights of the Fallen Empire. I have made very little progress while working on him for the past two months, and I won't be able to work on him for the next few months or so, so I decided to release a beta version.
Bugs: What doesn't have bugs on this model? Their are bugs all over this model, it's a beta, so I don't intend on fixing them until I release the official version.
Hope you all enjoy this half-done project!
By RevanKnight in Player Models
After seeing The Force Awakens, I thought it would be cool to have Rey in JKJA, so I decided to make her. Part of me wanted to wait for a master modeler to make her, but I got impatient. I also decided to make a staff for her too.
Single Player, Multiplayer, BOT, and NPC support included.
Rey_staff (Rey with staff and no Force Powers)
Rey_saber (Rey with Force Powers and Anakin's Lightsaber(not included, requires saber "anakinesb")
Rey_2 (Rey in outfit from the end of The Force Awakens with Force Powers and Anakin's Lightsaber(not included)
Saber file can be found at http://jkhub.org/files/file/2483-original-trilogy-sabers/
Known bugs:
Some minor clipping.
On Hoth, the robes are transparent.
Hope you all enjoy, and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
- Team Support
- NPC Support
- (and 5 more)
Kylo Ren
By RevanKnight in Player Models
Kylo Ren from The Force Awakens. UltimateForceUser wanted me to make a new Kylo Ren, so I did!
To use this mod, place the "Kylo V.1.02" file in your"C:\Program Files (x86)\LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData\base" folder, or wherever your base folder is.
Single Player, Multiplayer, BOT, and NPC support included.
NOTE: Like most Kylo Ren models, for this model to work properly you need to download DarthMartyr's Kylo Ren Lightsaber.
Kylo (Kylo Ren with cape and hood)
Kylo_nocape (Kylo Ren without hood and cape).
Known bugs:
Minor clipping.
Helmet shadows are messed up so that in some lighting one side is dark while the other is light.
I would like to dedicate this model to Darth Vader. He was so cool.
Another NOTE: I have no problem with someone using my work, but as long as the TFA computation is going on I would appreciate it if nobody would use any part of it for the computation. Thank you.
I hope you all enjoy, and Merry 12th Day of Christmas.
Female SWTOR Revan
By RevanKnight in Player Models
The female version of my SWTOR Revan. Includes SP, MP, and NPC support.
To use this mod, place the "FemaleSWTORRevan.pk3" file in the LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData\base, folder.
NPCS: Type playermodel,
fmswtorrevan (to get lightside female Revan from SWTOR).
fmrevanreborn (to get darkside female Revan in "Reborn" armor from SWTOR).
fmdarthrevan (to get darkside female Revan from KOTOR).
fmkotorrevan (to get lightside female Revan from KOTOR in darth armor).
fmstarforgerevan ( to get lightside female Revan in StarForge armor from KOTOR).
- Star Wars Related
- Female
- (and 1 more)
SWTOR Sith Eradicator Armor
By RevanKnight in Player Models
Sith Eradicator Armor from The Old Republic. Inculdes singleplayer, multiplayer, BOT, and NPC support. I have wanted to make this model for a while now, so I did!
Anakin Skywalker (Clone Wars)
By RevanKnight in Player Models
In celebration of the 7th year anniversary of The Clone Wars TV series, I decided to release this model.
I made this model once, sometime ago, it wasn't very good... So I decided to try again!
The model has two versions, Clone Wars (animated look from the show), and a realistic version (after many requests, I decided to add Hapslash's Anakin's head).
To use this mod, place the "CWAnakin.pk3" file in your "C:\Program Files (x86)\LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData\base" folder, or wherever your base folder is.
If you want the realistic looking Anakin, place the "CWAnakin_r.pk3" file in the same place.
NOTE:You will need the "CWAnakin.pk3" file for the "CWAnakin_r.pk3" file to work, if you are wanting to use the realistic version.
To use on of the playermodels, type one of the following with the prefix "playermodel" on the command console.
CWAnakin, (Anakin)
CWAnakin_cape, (Anakin with cape)
CWAnakin_hood, (Anakin with hood and cloak)
CWAnakin_space (Anakin with space helmet)
CWAnakin_backpack (Anakin with Republic backpack)
CWAnakin_trespass (spawns Anakin in winter robes).
For realistic Anakin (uses Anakin's head from Episode 3), type one of the following:
CWAnakin_r, (Anakin)
CWAnakin_cape_r, (Anakin with cape)
CWAnakin_hood_r, (Anakin with hood and cloak)
CWAnakin_space_r (Anakin with space helmet)
CWAnakin_backpack_r (Anakin with Republic backpack)
CWAnakin_trespass_r (Anakin in winter robes).
Known bugs and issues:
The tunic, in some poses, clips through the pauldron.
Various other cliping issues.
I intend to fix most of them at a later date.
SWTOR Sith Robe Pack.
By RevanKnight in Player Models
Investigator Robe, Phantom Armor and Darth Vindican character models from SWTOR. Includes SP, MP, and NPC support.
This is a reskin of my Revan that I made sometime ago.
To use this mod, place the "invetigator_robe_pack.pk3" file in the LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData\base, folder.
NPCS: Type playermodel,
Investigator (for Investigator robe).
Phantom ( for Phantom armor).
Vindican ( for Darth Vindican robe).
Investigator_blue (for blue Investigator robe).
Investigator_white (for white Investigator robe).
Investigator_jedi (for brown Investigator robe).
I noticed their are not a whole lot of plane Sith and Jedi robes out there, so I got the inspiration to reskin my Revan and make the Investigator Robe from SWTOR. And then I got carried away and made the others!
Feel free to edit, reskin, remodel or whatever you want to do with it! I think it would be cool to see some different heads, species, a female version and other stuff added to it!
By RevanKnight in Player Models
I thought it would be fun to ruin JKJA and make it scary, so I decided to make Slenderman! In case you're wandering who Slenderman is, (which I wouldn't recommend looking up if you like to sleep at night) he is a very tall, lanky man who doesn't like people taking his pages off of trees, and in this case, Jedi. You also can't kill him easily. And he is very fast. He's also invisible at a distance.
NOTE: Most of the bugs in this mod are intended.
Starkiller (Galen Marek) Jedi Adventure Robes
By RevanKnight in Player Models
Starkiller in Jedi Adventure Robe from The Force Unleashed.
Single Player, Multiplayer and NPC supported.
Galen_adv_robe (uses back hand special animations and Lightsaber based on the The Force Unleashed).
Galen_adv_robe_MP (uses normal animations).
Please note: I do not have a problem with anyone editing or sharing this mod, HOWEVER, if you do share this mod please give credit to the original authors (see credits) and or provide a link to this page.
Clone Wars Anakin Skywalker
By RevanKnight in Player Models
Clone Wars Anakin Skywalker. Nobody seemed to have made is model before, so I figured I'd make one! Includes SP, MP and NPC support.
CWAnakin (normal capeless Anakin).
CWAnakin_cape (caped hood down).
CWAnakin_hood (caped hood up).
Hope you guys like!