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Everything posted by erfg12

  1. 196 downloads

    Original Author: NeWaGe Description: Blood coated long sword crafted with an aura to destroy and counter lamers. Super high damage and radious factor, super fast slashing speed, LARGE red aura. Created from Ragnos sword, edited by ShadowOfMyotis. Goes through walls without marks, high explosion on impact. Varied stance.
  2. 285 downloads

    Original Author: NeWaGe Description: These calculators tell you the exact bitrate numbers in which to disable either force or weapons on your server.
  3. 62 downloads

    These calculators tell you the exact bitrate numbers in which to disable either force or weapons on your server.
  4. 77 downloads

    Original Author: NeWaGe Description: The RoAR clan base map is in outerspace. Floating around training members. They can use teleporters to teleport to other planets. Bugs: This map was made in JK2 and converted over to JK3 and re-edited. The map has alot of lag in the city portion of it, but that was my mistake because it was my first map.
  5. 464 downloads

    Original Author: NeWaGe Description: The Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy mod fixed. All bugs fixed, now able to make builds on all operating systems. Also now compatable for VS 2005. Bugs fixed are ForcePowers bug, DoS attacks, overflow via chat text, siege crashes and siege item misplacement on death. You can now make your own mod and not worry about fixing all the basejka bugs before beginning your mod. Credits: All bugs fixed by Clan Mod and OJP.
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