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Files posted by afi
By afi in Free For All
This is a map that I made for the Jedi Nations Cup 2020, hosted by Epic Saber League.
It went through a lot of playtesting and changes and was finished on April 1st, 2020.
The map is primarily meant to be played in competitive Team Deathmatch (TFFA), but can also be played on FFA or Duel.
Vination.eu I Like!
This fragmovie was made by cmdkeen and afiNity in 2011 featuring many players of team Vintage.
Promode Alpha
By afi in Client-Side
I made this mod in 2012 and since then I didn't touch it anymore. The reason why I release it now is cause even though it's unfinished there
are still a couple of nice features that some people might find useful or fun.
The goal of this mod was to make the game faster and to bring some more features to full weapon CTF and TDM (instagib for example).
This mod is based on the old MP-sourcecode but contains a couple of crash/security-fixes (not nearly as much as openJK though).
Some features are not finished or don't work completely. However, pretty much every new feature got a command (g_***) so you can disable/enable whatever you want.
For example you can play instagib just like in the original instagib-mod or you can disable the sabers and leave everything else as it is on base.
The .pk3 also contains some cfg files which should make it easier to set up the mod.
This is a full list of all commands and new features:
(However, if you dig you will find a couple of more features but those are not finished and might not work)
Key Features:
- Instagib mode
- New weapon- and gamebalance
- Wallrun and roll with weapons & wallruns from air
- Increased aircontrol
- Instant weapon-switch
- A lot of new commands, for example no selfkill, no selfdamage, disallow spectators to follow players etc
- Drop weapons with /drop
- Drop the flag in CTF with /dropflag
- Pause and freeze the match with g_pause
- Set team-tags before the name and replace "Blue" and "Red" via server-cmd
- New Votes (for example for g_maxgameclients)
- Kill-streaks
- g_instagibmode to enable/disable the instagib-mode
- g_allowthesaber to enable/disable the saber
- g_noselfdamage to enable/disable weapon-selfdamage
- g_allowblacknames to allow/forbid black names
- g_aircontrol to enable/disable the extreme-airspeed-mode
- g_instantweaponswitch to enable/disable faster weaponswitch
- g_noitems to enable/disable all items
- g_allowweapons to set the spawn-weapons
- g_wallruns to enable/disable wallruns
- g_airaccelerate to set the airaccelerate
- g_disruptortime to enable/disable fast weapontime for disruptor
- g_superwallruns to enable/disable wallruns from the air
- g_forceinstaregen to enable/disable the instant refresh of force
- g_wallrunshoot to enable/disable the shooting while wallrunning
- g_dropflag to enable/disable flag-dropping
- g_dropitem to enable/disable weapon-dropping
- g_basehealth to enable/disable the old spawn-health/armor-amount
- g_allowtaunt to enable/disable taunts in gametypes except duel/pduel
- g_killstreak to enable/disable killstreaks to be displayed in the console
- g_precachweapon to set the precached weapons. "1" precaches all weapons
- g_jumpheight to set the jumpheight. "0" is higher
- g_fastflagreturn to set the flag-returntime. "1" is faster
- g_allowsaberdebugbox to enable/disable the debugsaberbox
- g_nospec to allow/forbid spectating players
- g_moreheadshotdamage 1 for more headshotdamage 0 = default
- g_nolocationBasedDamageforDisruptor for no locational damage for disruptor
- g_jkpmvote to enable/disable the new votes
- g_noselfkill to allow/forbid selfkills
- g_teamred, g_teamblue, g_teamspec for tags before the name
- g_paused pauses the game
New values for old cvars:
- g_speed 450 as default
- g_spawnInvulnerability 0 as default
- g_forceregentime 0 as default
- g_gametype 8 as default
This is an ALPHA mod which will not get any updates or fixes as I'm working on my new project now. Use at own risk!
Thanks go out to JACoders.org and all their members.
Credit for the killstreak messages goes to eezstreet.
SFTO vs Golden Boys ESL Winter Games 2010
The replay of the match 'Stofftiere Online vs Golden Boys' in the JK:JA TDM Winter Games 2010 featuring bAtsu, Westbam, supeerOke, afiNity (pov), Nikestyler, barnes and ramp.
Vintage vs Jedi Knights ESL TDM Ladder
The replay of one of the matches between Vintage and Jedi Knights in the JK:JA TDM Ladder featuring the players cmdkeen, kinetic, afiNity (pov), DeXo, broken and Spike.
Vintage vs Violence Perfected ESL Autumn Cup 2011 Semi Finals
The replay of the match Vintage vs Violence Perfected in the ESL Autumn Cup 2011 Semi Finals featuring the players cmdkeen, afiNity (pov), kinetic, rzr, dni and s3cht.
In order to watch this demo you will need to have this map in your base folder.
Vintage vs Bear ESL Winter Cup 2011/2012 Semi Finals
The replay of the match Vintage vs Bear in the semi finals of the ESL TDM Winter Cup 2011/2012 featuring the players s3cht, bAz, fabeeh, cmdkeen, afiNity (pov) and nobody.
Levelshot Mod
By afi in Cosmetic Mods
Levelshot Mod
All what this mod does is changing the levelshots of all multiplayer maps. This file is almost 5 years old and I originally made it for myself. So if you're tired of the old levelshots, give it a try.
Ingame Menus
By afi in Cosmetic Mods
This mod is the ultimative lifetime-saver for people who have more than one server to play on.
It allows you to open the serverbrowser-, the demo- and the create-a-server-menu while you're ingame.
Obviously the serverbrowser is most useful, because you don't have to leave the server anymore to watch the serverlist.
But the other menus may be also useful for some people.
The installation is as simple as with every other mod:
Copy the .pk3 file in your gamedata/base folder or the folder of any mod (e.g gamedata/japlus).
Have fun >:')