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Everything posted by Oobah

  1. Fixed the issue with the "no lightmap" error blowing up the console when the map loads up so that shouldn't effect anyone anymore. Another strange issue I found is when you stand around the columns around the yavin_final and yavin_trial area on the left or right side of the door going down it makes the door vanish. Now I thought this may be due to the area portals but I tested it without area portals as well and the door still vanishes. So this is in part due to the game engine itself, it must not like small scale columns having doors. With or without the area portals it had no real effect on the the map fps regardless if the were in or not so I left the area portals were they were. Why would this issue show up? Well basically when you compile a map by default the game engine itself creates little portals all over the place that help with rendering certain things and at a distance and so forth. A -vis stage basically goes through and does more portal work basically. There is a way to see the portals in game itself with map compiling. I'll get this version updated on the hub, some small scale lighting tweaks but nothing anyone will really notice either. I also doubt the shader issue in the console had any effect on map stability or fps performance but that'll just mean when the maps loaded your console wont be full of the issue anymore so that more or less is the only real difference you'll see between this version in the most recent one recently uploaded to jkhub, at least till I reupload it with this one. Clarify another thing as to "why is there so many map versions/updates"? Because I'm basically stuck doing the grunt work for mapping and testing it. I've gotten some feedback for the map but there is no active people testing the map and or reporting the issues via jkhub. So if you don't like each map update fixing bugs and making the map more stable. Report the bugs you might find. Don't throw out map ideas. The maps done beyond these little bug fixes.
  2. Manually add the ips of the servers you want to your favorite list. That is local on your end and can't be ddos either. That is probably your best and most secure bet to see constant server information updated when ever the master lists go down(outside of /connect direct ips). Yes you will have to do a little bit of work but you can manually add all the ips you want to your favorite list but you can be happy in knowing that your favorite list isn't going anywhere, less you delete servers from it.
  3. There is already one made, can be found here. But with the master list down it doesn't do much good let alone use. http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/JK2JKA_Server_browser;122242 Just have it tweaked so it uses a txt file that reads all server ips, manually added to them. So in theory it acts like the in game favorite list(can't be ddosed since it's local on your machine getting server information) and at the same time you just have a default one that comes with the list that has every server currently on it. This also means that if someone gets a server going and wants an ip added, a person can manually add that persons ip to the list as well. Further idea is an integrated chat system so people can have live feedback closer to the game and servers instead of just having to sit on forums. Since lot of people sit on forums you could have those same game lurkers using a chat system that doesn't even require an install to be utilized and they to can also talk and interact with the in game community a bit more directly. Dark Forces 2 had something similar and I think it would benefit not just JA people but JO people as well. That would also means people have to use a name in that chat client of the out of game server browser as well as making it so dedicated clans can have there own chattabs. This means a place like the hub has a default chattab when the java app is launched everyone can automatically join. Plus a nice easy way to recruit is so that people can join a clans chattab and get to talk and know people even before they get in game. But each room would probably have to be such as any modern im program and that would mean needing someone hosting it on there end. Best way to do an alternative to the master list or someone hosting a list in game I think.
  4. This is the latest copy I'm uploading with a few more lighting tweaks as well as the following things I squeezed into the map since getting some testing and feedback, via jawa. Changed the galaxy map to the atlantica ones just cause graphically a little more colour variety. The shaders for the starmap galaxy now rotates around even smoother. On the second floor behind the rest of the archives there is now a server. Based off batlefronts 2 which is a room next to the jedi archives. Though used in jeditemple_ta it is named, texture wise, beacons. It is actually called servers in the battlefront2. For all catwalk areas I increased the clip area so it is now a little harder to attack or harm anyone inside of it. I also added some extra carpets/pillows into the yavin_final area for people who want a place to sit while in a trial or what have you in the use of yavin_final area or classrooms, etc. A switch now in all bedroom areas to turn on and turn off meditation seats. Now lukes meditation stone is in the ceremony hall. It is a func_usable and off by default. Just press the use button up on the ledge to turn it on and off. Maps also now comes with it's own temple guardian variation that people can use. It uses nothing but the laugh taunts from JO. It's mostly for looks and though I would consider such a file to have a specific usage. I doubt it will actually be used for anything but reskins and frakenstein jobs. It's a seperate pk3 so it is an optional addition to a persons base folder. Some lighting tweaks in yavin_trial in area and a few other little bug fixes. Also the sliders now return back to there starting position after usage. They use the standard reset script after the first use which is 3 sliders pushed. After which it automatically goes back to the start position after about 6 seconds or so. I tweaked the trigger for the slider bridge so that it goes wall to wall. There is also some jedi banners now in the ceremony hall. I will state this again very clearly people for people to understand. Yavin_Trial was setup for 1 person at a time for use of level 1 force push, pull, jump, and speed. Anything beyond that renders the area useless. For the chair models you will need an mp mod like JA+ that has the chair sitting animations to sit in the chairs. Changing out the download link for the current version on jkhub to the latest version.
  5. I found the issue and got it to finally work. Intead of in slider scripts, making use of the USE function I simply just added in a RUN script function also and the door instantly opened. Basically the door combo script wasn't running at all. So what this means is the door combo script was dead till I had a run fuction added in to process and register each command as it played. Thanks to no one for the help. At least someone tried to help recently via a friend contacting someone else for me. If I had a quote from darkboy I would of quoted him also but this guy was contacted first. Guess the community isn't completely dead.
  6. Caulk just removes things that will be rendered. More or less the older variation of modern day models which people model to only show the specific things people will see in a level.
  7. Don't take a passioned persons response the wrong way, he's not getting all worked up and attacking people he's merely clarifying his own position/view point is all. Even he can critic the criticurs, he's not specificly attacking a person he's just trying to get how he thinks and feels on the subject at hand across to someone who percieves the subject matter presetned differently. tl;dr agree to disagree. The positive and negative aspect of no barrier for entry is you get a lot of content produced but you always get more rehashes of work then you do original content. The original content from scratch takes more work and energy to produce so you can't blame someone for taking pride in there work simply because a lot of people who have done that have honestly more or less made the same stance on subjects like this which have been repeated a billion times over. It's easier to just not release content to the mass at large if you don't want something of yours being altered. People just have an attitude problem and if someone wishes to explain something some people fly off the handle and think "zomg he's trolling!" or "u mad?" sort of mindsets and really that's not the case in any way shape or form. Hapslash isn't going to make a topic. It's a really old forum post dating back to 2008. This is why it is a GOOD thing for any clan or old group to preserve forums and old file hosting sites with information relating to JK as a whole. It's history and honestly what you will find is the same tired old conversations repeated time and time again. But even that takes work to do. Lot of people are just older and taking a more cycnical and bitter attitude to something that should be about fun. People in general just need to chill as in relax, play and enjoy the game for itself. Keep the internet crap and the real world stuff where it is. When your in JK that's your time to be a jedi or sith. Use your imagination some more, it's how we had a lot of clans doing things years ago. Offtopic: Internet words like LEL and nub are annoying and pointless exstentions off lol, newb, and lawl. It's not original, it's stupid. Just my opinion!
  8. Hapslash Via his own forums
  9. JO actually had some different underwater effects, yavin based SP maps had green underwater for some areas for example. Might of just been some code they took out or probably something they had setup that could be read in the shader information for what texture to utilize for underwater effects. JA they might of felt it was a waste of effort less perhaps it's still left in game just not used at all.
  10. What I thought of and found is that when the door combo script reaches the use at the ends of the ifs it's supposed to kick in for the target_deactivate for the trigger and the door(aka sliderdoora which is the targetname for both of those) to be used also to go to the open state and stay in it's off position. Now when the proper door combo is put in the target_deactivate doesn't kick in for the trigger so I'm lead to the believe the door combination in and of itself is simply not reading the slider commands hence why it's not working. If someone out there has any input on this feel free to post, I don't feel like spending crazy amounts of time on this trying to figure it out. Noticed on atlantica script constantly plays which is a lot like JO's level start for yavin_trial. But that script only plays once. Would that mean for MP such a script would have to constantly play for say the sliders to fully function with the door script in MP?
  11. Reads the scripts on the sliders fine just the door combo isn't working. I wager szico might be able to answer it since his atlantica map had a door combo setup on it also. Quite similar so who knows. Basically in the original setup after all the combinations were met, the func_door was simply "use" in the door combo script itself. But for whatever reason it doesn't use in JA MP. Figure it would be the same if JO MP could fully load SP maps. Basically the use in the script was more or less like pressing the use button on a trigger in game but for the life of me I can't seem to figure out why in the door combo the use doesn't work in MP. So it leads me to believe perhaps the door combo script isn't functioning itself.
  12. I'm using script_targetname for the door and the small redents. Think I forgot to add it to the trigger but that's easy fix. No I did not include an origin brush. I have an origin on the ref tag and an origin spawnflag inside the door itself. Door shows up in that starting position just fine. Would I possibly need another ref_tag at the center of the current door position also besides just the open position? If you want I can send you the scripts and you can dig through and see where the issues are at.
  13. Managed to get part way through with getting the original JO scripts for the sliders to function. Problem I'm facing is the overall script that holds the combination of the door not effecting the door to motion to it's open position after the proper combination is put in. Once it's at the end of the if's I've tried altering the script to effect the door but the standard use function didn't suffice, so I figured making the door a func_static and using ref tags would suffice but it's still not motioning the door. Here is how I currently have it setup based on how JO did it. I don't need the door to open back up, I simply need it so that once the proper combination is hit the door just goes into it's open position. In developer 1 it is reading the slider scripts itself just fine with the 1's and 0's. It is just not using the affect to move the door. I figure it's either due to how the affect was input into the script at the bottom of the if chain or just not the correct information in place to make it function, or perhaps the naming inside the script itself. The bottom right scriptrunner holds all the combination information and when the proper combination is put in it effects the top left scriptrunner and the door to move. This is what I have at the bottom of the 8th slider in the combination script and it is not playing the affect to move the door down to the proper reftag. Script itself is sliderdoor, the effect is for moving sliderdoora. I've tried use and some other functions to get the door to move but it is not so I stumped at the moment and I really don't wanna keep trial and erroring if someone else can just explain the issue and save me the headache. Anyone know how to aid with this? affect ( "sliderdoora", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH ) { move ( $tag( "downput", ORIGIN)$, 2000.000 ); wait ( 5000.000 );
  14. Misc_BSP is also an entity and basically all that does is simulate content, it probably also keeps the default level entity content regardless of what is inside the misc_bsp anyway. The 4096 limit, like a lot of the game engines default settings, is put in for multiple reasons but like anything else once a limitation is bypassed it can have adverse effects on different things, some small and some big. But what this does mean also is that the map probably wont even be able to be map modded into other maps due to the high entity levels as well. Not to mention making the level into a misc_bsp renders the entire map into an entity rather then a level so players wont drop shadows onto the level brush work as well. Basically what ever is done in radiant and when the map is compiled all content is baked into the map and level itself. Besides, the map has PLENTY of content already as it is. Smarter way to lower the entity count some on limitations is to group things up instead for example certain triggers, doors, or even level models such as what I did with the council chairs. It's acts as 1 entity since all those chairs are just models grouped up into a single model itself when compiled into a md3 yet the game still functions with rendering them all simply because it's not 1 solid model with high vert/tris count. Same with the food in the mess hall for each food group it's 1 model again but the cups the bowls and the food is all individual.
  15. I have no intent to release another map update at least till after the new year, between the time frame just going to crush bugs and so forth plus I'm sure the jkhub admins would appreciate not having to update another version for a while. Some more content I managed to squeeze out in the mean time. Can now spawn and hide council room chairs in the ceremony hall. Scaled only for the yoda model size and the default model size. Anything in between might make you look to big for small for certain seats. Beyond that there is a total of 19 council chairs. 4 small ones, 15 standard ones. The spawn around the center stone block in the ceremony hall as well as are not clipped, this is so people can use the amsit and amsit2 emotes/animations on the chairs. To spawn them push the switch up on the ledge at the end of the ceremony hall. The council chairs are all under a single model rotated and setup in 3ds max. This bypasses the need for having to use up a lot of map entity's. The level is currently at 4095 entity's, so if I add 1 more entity of any kind to either the night or day map version it will not compile in any way, shape, or form. Because of the fact the room can now double up as a council room as well the main door has a switch next to it to lock the entrance and the elevator up to the roof off so the room can't be invaded by people should the council chairs need to be used for anything. Like yavin_final area it is just a wall of physics clip. Also all player spawns in the room itself now are just moved down to the second floor so people can't randomly spawn in the room if you have to ues the room for more personal stuff, more or less.
  16. Some more small fixes. Tweaked lighting in the archives a little since there was a dark spot on one of the archives as well as a dark spot behind the chandiler. As well as fixed it so now there is proper lighting on the main lifts bottom, the lift that goes up all 3 floors. Now though it instead starts on the 3rd floor by default. I also added in wooden men that can be spawned in the yavin_final area. Functionality is a simulated ffa setting with targets spread out over an area where everyone is moving, the dolls don't move but also using them as a means to avoid taking damage from other players. There is now a physics clip which can be turned on via a switch in the yavin_final area. This functions as a door and basically is there to keep people out of the yavin_final if you need the room isolated for specific things such as trials and events.
  17. Just setup the brush work, possible patch meshes for the blades and give it a func_rotate with an origin brush with the speed tweaked to suit your needs. Probably need a crusher flag or whatever setup to it as well. Might not gib body parts everywhere but it should kill people none the less.
  18. Just to clarify, no I don't expect anyone to do this. This is just a general idea and I'm curious how people would like this or if someone would even attempt something like this even with all the current mods out there for server hosting. Kinda more in line with a suggestion then a request. A mod LIKE japlus in it's additions, it adds fluff to mp but at the same time it doesn't go so crazy it bloats up the game. This mod would basically be just server side(Like JAE) based and a lot more like a light version of japlus where as JA++ could be considered a step above JA+. So it would be like this. This mod, JA+, JA++. The only real download for a mod like this would be whatever little custom fluff basically just the animations used in the mod and maybe a UI tweak or 2. This mod would incorporate ideas from a few other mods into 1, basically. Some of the mod ideas are as follows: Looking at this I'm sure lot of people might think or say it takes content or ideas from other mods and shoved them into a single package. My response to that is, duuuuuh. Consider all this the core mod itself. From this core setup, the mod from there is open sourced which allows anyoneone to build off of and basically this knocks out lot of grunt work for people to build off of as well. Since it's open source that also means people can add in things like more admin levels, etc for their own personal server. Yes I'm also aware that some mods already have most of this stuff in them. tl;dr It's just a mod idea, no ones expected to make it
  19. Those were just the original textures used. Right now consider what I'm showing off a rough sketch. It does not represent the final release. My overall approach right now is getting all the core areas setup. Then comes little details or fluff which is basically instead of brush funriture switch that out for modeled chairs and such. Also some new light fixtures and perhaps some change to the textures but to much change to certain things like the looks for example and someones going to blow there lid. Figure out things when I get to that portion of it in the mapping.
  20. Hallway, lot like the one from the dev room area, this one from the archives to the center area. Every window you look out you'll see the mountains, no fps drops either. Considering also adding in a faint windy noise outside all windows areas. To give off the sense of your inside a building and the cold and snow is blowing outside.
  21. Still debating on some textures but I added a little more graphical definition to the standard textures already used. AKA basically a sharpern and increased there sized up to 512 from 256. New wall lights are going to be setup as well.
  22. _Skyboxes I setup. So now the place looks more like it's on a mountain top rather then floating in the middle of a lake.
  23. Archives. This will wrap around to the central area up to the council room. Outside of map secrets this now only leaves 4 main areas left to recreate and setup for a basic test map. -Indoor garden area -Council Area -Admin(Dev room?) -Bar n' Grill I have been considering tweaking the snow effects so they fall at a heavier rate as well as they are a bit more constant rather then needing small bit of time to load up when you enter each area. See what I can manage to do, anyway.
  24. Video showing off all that is on the map currently. Areas still need work and I still need to complete some more of the core content and all the map secrets. http://youtu.be/CbEwxxTBcw0
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