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Posts posted by eezstreet

  1. it did work for a few of my servers but at odd percentages. Some old JKA sites also advise com_hunkmegs 128 for incredibly huge maps.

    Com_hunkmegs is literally not used by the game though. The code creates the cvar, and then it is never again used or mentioned anywhere.

  2. The only thing a .glm exporter is good for is weapons, unless you found some way to export while going around the compile process that was used by the very developers of this game which was .xsi 3.x->assimilate->.glm that calls for the _humanoid.gla.

    Assimilate is just a compiler, the assimp method I was thinking of using would eliminate the need for assimiliate and exporting to .xsi and just export straight to .glm (with an optional skeleton from .gla) from any normal model format (.dae, .xsi, .obj, .max, .blend ...)

  3. shot0002-5.jpg


    EFX parsing is working itself along. The fields aren't fully parsed yet, so it thinks that some fields are there that shouldn't exist. (I didn't get all of the fields parsed today. might be a while)

    Also note the various differences in the game as a result of porting to a new setup (iojamp named in the console, blue text in some places, etc)

  4. What's your opinion of moderately expensive on a newer system with newer video card and loads of ram?

    Video card doesn't really matter, JA does a lot of it's rendering on the CPU due to an awkward engine interface in general. RAM also has literally no effect in this case.

    I'd really like to know more about collision, the main thing that bugs me about this game is the bounding box's, a dynamic collision mesh would be far better.

    ghoul 2 models already use mesh based collision, see lightsabers, which do basically no bounding box collision at all (except htey kinda tend to sometimes...see MB2 passthrough). The whole saber collision is a little weird though.

  5. Caelum, I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

  6. Here we go again. Looks like Raven added a whole bunch of flags to the engine parser for .efx that aren't referenced by EffectsEd, but ARE used in the game. You'll have to add these flags via NotePad (EffectsEd does NOT add them to the effect, but the engine still looks for them)



    - ghoul2Collision: Performs DIRECT COLLISION with any Ghoul2 model in the world (including players). Moderately expensive. Apparently works better in SP than in MP (cannot confirm)

    - ghoul2Decals: Puts a decal on a ghoul2 model (incuding players). Not very expensive.

    - relative: Unknown. Probably was a WIP of cheapOrgCalc. Does not work in SP.

    - paperPhysics/localizedFlash/playerView: Unknown what all of these are, but flip the same flag (so they all do the same thing on different segments), but seems to suggest that the effect is based off of wind. localizedFlash is used by Flash segments only. These do not work in SP (they are physically not referenced)


    On the flip end of things, spawnflags "lessAttenuation" does not do anything in MP (it DOES work in SP however)

    therfiles, Sentra and minilogoguy18 like this
  7. A few of the base maps have been included as part of a packaged deal with GTKRadiant (go nosing around C:\Program Files (x86)\Lucasarts\... if you want to see them, though I wouldn't hold your breath as GTKRadiant 1.4 and down have been known to cause severe issues with Win7/Steam copies of JA due to people not knowing how to code things properly)

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