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  • Gaming Specialty
    Capture the Flag

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Community Answers

  1. This would for sure be full force and guns
  2. I know I could but I don't have the time quite to invest into it atm, I'd like to though :/
  3. But I don't have the skiiiilllllllllsssssss
  4. I think it'd be awesome to recreate the Nightingale armor from Skyrim as a skin in JKA! Anyone up for it?
  5. I'm in
  6. I don't think I have OpenJK installed...how do I go about doing that without messing up all my other mods and such
  7. I reverted because it was causing other problems (weird sound, messed up resolution in CS:GO)
  8. Ok so I reverted back to 8.1 and it still won't work, although now it gives me error messages for both SP and MP...
  9. Which ones should I update? Would it be like an automatic Windows update or would I have to go find something and do it
  10. I just reinstalled the game and removed all mods, still gives me the same problems
  11. Won't run in either, same problems...something interesting - I only get the message "Jedi Academy has stopped working" for SP, MP it just closes and doesn't tell me anything
  12. yeaah...I'm on a laptop xD
  13. Soooo....JKA won't start SP or MP for me after I upgraded to Windows 10. It'll get to the first title screen (one before the Lucasarts animation thingy) and then crash. I am using the Steam version of the game if that makes any difference. Sorry if this has already been answered!
  14. Elevators in CTF are the bane of my existence...so slow and messed up gah Also you can stand on top of someone on an elevator and kill them when it goes up
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