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Posts posted by Fighter

  1. You may want to make chat distance based instead of global for various reasons. Maybe you're making some kind of RP or RPG mod or something else. Whatever the reason may be, let's begin.


    1. Open the SDK. Open the file g_cmds.c located in the Game(serverside) portion of the code. (The serverside might also be called JK2game in your SDK).


    2. Search for the function G_Say. (Not G_SayTo)


    3. Near the beginning of the function, declare an int like so:

    int distance = 0;
    As you can maybe tell, this int will be used for the maximum distance a person's chat can be heard from their location.


    4. In the same function, search for

    case SAY_ALL:
    At the end of this case statement (before the break; of course) add this:

    distance = 600;
    replacing 600 with whatever you want to be the maximum distance a message can be heard from.

    According to @@eezstreet: "52 units = roughly 1 meter".


    5. At the end of the function, take a look at this:

    for (j = 0; j < level.maxclients; j++) {
    other = &g_entities[j];
    G_SayTo( ent, other, mode, color, name, text, locMsg );
    Change it to the following so that it checks the distance to all players on the server from you to them and shows them your message if they're in range:

    for (j = 0; j < level.maxclients; j++) {
    other = &g_entities[j];
    if ( mode == SAY_ALL )
    if ( Distance( ent->client->ps.origin, other->client->ps.origin ) <= distance )
    G_SayTo( ent, other, mode, color, name, text, locMsg );
    G_SayTo( ent, other, mode, color, name, text, locMsg );
    And you're all set! Have fun!


    Note: I adapted this from my own way of doing this which includes some other stuff. If you experience any problems using this, be sure to post a comment so we can try and figure it out.


    Some things to try on your own:

    • Make distance based chat toggleable
    • Make a command that lets admins see out of range chat
    Droidy365 likes this
  2. I can help you with Linux server-side support as I made the build there.


    Did you upload the fixes needed for the Linux build?

    Yup, the fixes you gave me a while ago should have been uploaded to the GitHub repo.

  3. The first patch is being worked on again. I temporarily stopped working on the mod for a bit to do getting busy with other stuff. It will fix mostly minor bugs like amGiveGun not working, some bugs with prints, etc. I'm also looking into Linux server-side support and OS X client-side support as well now that I have a Mac, but I'm unsure at this time whether or not they'll be done in time for the patch. As always, keep an eye on the GitHub page for the latest updates.

    Circa likes this
  4. Some of the code currently on Github is incomplete code I uploaded. You can try the last commit before the current one: https://github.com/Fighter1/OpenRP/archive/2bd3293efdb5f0ffbe2cac6a224590ce5b7911d2.zip , though it looks like you've managed to remove most of the incomplete code.


    As for that one line, try replacing ADMIN_ITEM with ADMIN_GUNITEM




    Just updated the Github code. I've commented out the incomplete code for now/fixed the error.





    OOC chat shouldn't  be spammed(Some people use it as a normal chat and other players get "disturbed" by that. Like a 10 s between each message filter or something, though it can be solved through silence or disabling the channel through admin.

    It might take me sometime to figure out how UI works in OJK, but I will try to understand the ORP UI


    I took a few mins to take a look at the em list, if you want you can use this code :

    void Cmd_eminfo_F(gentity_t *ent)
    	if (ent->client->sess.loggedIn)
    		// emote list
    		trap->SendServerCommand(ent - g_entities, "print \"^3EMOTE list :\n\"");
    		trap->SendServerCommand(ent - g_entities, "print \"^5emaim, ematease, emfloating, embutton, emcommtype, emchoke, emdie, emdie2\n\"");
    		trap->SendServerCommand(ent - g_entities, "print \"^5emdie3, emdie4, emhello, emhips, eminjuredhand, emintimidate, emknees\n\"");
    		trap->SendServerCommand(ent - g_entities, "print \"^5emmindcrush, empoint, empush, emsit, emsit2, emsit3, emsit4,  emsit5\n\"");
    		trap->SendServerCommand(ent - g_entities, "print \"^5emsit6, emsit7, emsorrow, emstand, emthrow, emtwitch, emtyping, emtyping\n\"");
    		trap->SendServerCommand(ent - g_entities, "print \"^5emwait, emhold, emspreadout, emmove, emclear\n\"");

    Thanks for the code. Also, I'll consider that 10 second between each message feature. I'd probably make it so it can be enabled/disabled in the server.cfg or something.

  6. Thanks for all the feedback, everyone!
    Here are my thoughts:
    @@Kannos'v Lightdust


    Hologram is currently incomplete and needs more work done.


    Blurred distance chat or something similar is something I'd like and thus will look into.


    While a database bridge would be nice, unfortunately I don't have the knowledge to make one.





    amGiveGun is fixed in the upcoming patch.


    I will consider ways that people can earn their own money.


    I will look into potential ways to make others faction leader and have multiple leaders.


    Disguise will display those who are disguised if you have the ADMIN_ADMINWHOIS bitvalue, which I think in that case you do. Otherwise, it should not display disguised admins.


    I'll take a look at warnings.


    I agree that toblack needs to be improved.


    Perhaps weatherplus recently broke? It's supposed to allow for stacked weather effects, like a sandstorm and rain at the same time, for example.


    setstun's display messaged is fixed, and it no longer affects all means of death in the upcoming patch.


    I'll talk over allowing for the restriction of setstun with others.


    Bounty shouldn't cause DM, as I made it so one has to RP doing a bounty - as if it's an alive bounty, one has to prove to an admin that they captured that person through RP for example, or that they perma-killed a person through RP. Admins have to remove the bounty listing themselves and then give the credits to the bounty hunter. I feel that this way, it promotes RP and doesn't allow for DM.


    I plan to make it so force points have to be given to someone by an admin, so that shouldn't be an issue in the future, as then people won't be able get saber offensive unless allowed by an admin.


    What do you mean by OOC should be limited?


    I'll take a look at jumping.


    /try and /do sound interesting. I'll discuss it with others.


    I'll take a look at that faction leave bug.


    Thanks for the help with the calculator and menu.

  7. Thanks for the feedback. Also I've fixed posting in the OpenRP discussion section and moved this topic there.


    Regarding your feedback:


    The shop was actually replaced with the /amGiveGun command. (Although, there's a bug in 0.0.1 that prevents one from using the command. This will be fixed in the upcoming 0.0.2 bugfix release).


    As for the info/list cmds missing, thanks for reminding me about this. I'll try to add them in the next release.


    I'll take a look at the setstun issue.


    With the non-FS users being able to use force powers and have a saber, this is something that I have yet to prevent, although it is planned for a future release (perhaps at the same time I implement the feature where admins give characters force points that are then bound to that character).


    The OpenRP UI crash-related bug is something I'm aware of and will investigate.


    Thanks for the Linux fix. I'll be sure to implement it.


    Also, with factions, I do hope to expand the features related to them.


    Thanks for the feedback.  :)

  8. Version 0.0.1 (Pre-alpha) of OpenRP will be released shortly (either tonight or tomorrow) onto JKHub. Many of the mod's current features are documented in the documentation file that is included with the mod (or just look here).


    Please note that as this is only a pre-alpha, there are bugs, some incomplete features, could be potential security issues regarding the database (although I feel there most likely isn't due to the methods with database-related code I used, but I have this warning here just to be safe. Note that for accounts on servers, please don't use a password you use elsewhere.), and many features which have yet to be implemented. Additionally, only client/server files for Windows (7 and above, no XP support) will be available for this first release, but we're hoping to include downloads for Linux server in future versions. (Although, you should be able to just compile an .so just fine since the mod is based off of OpenJK and I have done a little bit of work with testing for Linux in the past, but it has not really been tested a whole lot yet).


    I will also setup a server for testing purposes. The IP of that server will be posted here once it's up.

    therfiles likes this
  9. Posted Image

    A New Staff Member
    SiLink will be rejoining the JKHub staff after retiring last year! Please welcome him back! Due to his technical knowledge and experience, he will also be considered the "site technician," as was spoken about last month. He has a large amount of technical experience as the former leader of the JAWA clan. As time goes on though, there possibly may be more opportunities/positions in the technical area of JKH for those interested.

    Looking Forward to 2014
    2014 is not far from today. We will be interviewing some well known modders on their projects, modding backgrounds, and more soon! So you can look forward to those interviews being published over a period of several weeks, likely beginning next month! I also feel 2014 will continue to bring interesting file submissions from modders and more!

    Click here to view the article
    spior, h643, Dai and 1 other like this
  10. Posted Image

    We are looking for a technician (or technicians)!
    The staff have determined that we have had some people asking at one point or another if they could help JKHub by being a technician of some kind, to help work on the maintenance/improvements side of JKHub. Therefore, we are opening applications for such a position. If we get several good applications, we may choose 2 people for the position.

    The Work
    As technician, you will be doing site maintenance, coordinating backups, and ensuring our site and hosted sites are kept secure and up-to-date software-wise. You will also write documentation for how to do processes with the site if needed (for the staff and any future technicians' reference). You will be helping to keep JKHub, one of the most popular and active community sites for the Jedi Knight series, with over 900 registered members, up and running. You must be responsible, as you will have access to various parts of JKHub and its site files. You must also be able to set aside time on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis for required maintenance tasks. This is a volunteer position. You will not be paid.

    • At least Intermediate HTML and CSS knowledge.
    • Experience with managing websites in the past (medium to large scale).
    • Basic MySQL knowledge (being able to create new databases and database users, add data with phpMyAdmin)
    • Ability to work well with others (others means the other technician if chosen and the staff members).
    • Have responsibility and maturity.
    • Ability to quickly learn about our systems and how they work (There are tutorials we have already made for a lot of the essential tasks).
    • Ability to set aside time on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis for required maintenance tasks.
    Good to haves
    • PHP knowledge.
    • IP Board knowledge.
    • Intermediate to advanced MySQL knowledge.
    • Very fast internet connection for site backups (if you don't, that's fine, as you can just work with one of our staff members to do backups when available). By fast, we mean being able to download 40GB+ relatively quickly, and being able to quickly upload 8GB+ if necessary.
    How to apply
    Submit your application via PM to the JKHub account. There is no formal format for the application, just explain how you meet the requirements and why you'd be good for the position.

    Application Deadline
    All applications must be submitted by December 14th.

    Thanks for reading, and be sure to submit your application if you want the position!

    Click here to view the article
  11. I'm going to be transferring the code to an OpenJK fork. I was planning on doing this later on, but I figure it'll be best to just do it before any public release to reduce any potential issues. This will also allow for more freedom in terms of development and perhaps will allow for some interesting features I've had in mind.

    Circa likes this
  12. I did talk to @futuza about expanding our JKG launcher code into a separate project as a general purpose game launcher,  to also be able to connect to other FTPs so as to download from MovieBattles site, JKHub, etc and launch the mods (with per-mod setting profiles and such).


    On top of that, a server browser and maybe even an IRC powered lobby chatroom that could be accessed ingame as well  (second console ingame to chat in IRC).


    You can see I'm dreaming now. Would be cool though. :D Would also have alerts about updates to said mods and games, which while under development would be pretty useful for OJK.

    For JKH though, you'd need to download through Dropbox, as our files aren't accessible through FTP (Unless one could access Dropbox files through FTP somehow. I think I read something on it earlier).

  13. Those things can be done with a database and account system, such as through a game launcher (maybe ' the JKHub Launcher ' ) which could launch multiple game versions, mods, etc and do things such as achievements  +  config files stored in a database

    A JKHub launcher would be an interesting idea. I've thought of similar ideas in the past. One could easily install popular mods, and less popular mods could be added too to perhaps get them noticed. Of course, the permission of the mod's devs would need to be obtained for this. It would also solve the problem of someone having several launchers (though atm the only active mod I know of using a launcher is JKG). Perhaps somehow it could also support maps, models, etc. too.


    @@eezstreet If others in the community support the idea of a launcher, perhaps somehow it could go along with your current project? I don't know, just an idea.

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