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Everything posted by IrocJeff

  1. Well, I don't have any triggers on the tutorial I found. In my test map my elevator would be at the bottom. I'd get on it and go up to my set height. Then, it'd sit there for a bit, whatever I set it at, and then i'd come back down. The issue happens on that part. Someone posted below this so I want to take a look at what he said and see if that way is easier...
  2. I finally got it working. That's an hour and half of my life I'll never get back. I lined up all the stock images and then the ones you had sent me below them. After much squinting, I was able to get it to work. I had to rename and inverse two, the back and left ones. Then, It took about 7 re-orientations of the top image. For some reason, everyime I turned that image clockwise it would go counterclockwise in the game. Odd. At any rate, thanks for all your help. I now know how to orient textures and pity people who do this for a living...
  3. After replacing the files you sent me this is still what I am getting. This is frustrating.. hehe. I'll have to take a look at renaming them...
  4. Thanks for all your help, again. However, I'm still running into the same issue. The sky textures don't seem to be flush with each other and you can still see the the boundaries of my skybox.
  5. I've been having issues with the func_door method, also. I can make the darn thing and get it to go up and then wait and then come back down. The problem comes when its about 3/4 the way back down it shoots back up again. I have no idea why. I've been re-designing my level around the problem.
  6. Once again, I'm a bit confused with the Rich Diesal Tutorials for this topic. I think its because there are no pictures and just text. Is there anyone that can explain elevators a bit clearer for me? I want my elevator to start lowered at the bottom of the shaft, the player then activates the controls to raise it up. Then, he gets on the elevator and it goes down again. Finally, the map will end.
  7. I kinda like it. I'm going one of two ways with my level as I found a cool mars-ish looking soil texture that looks awesome. I thought I'd add a Mars-ish sky and maybe some red-ish fog too. Where should I send it?
  8. The .shader file was the part I did wrong, along with the typo. I was able to load my skybox and it was visible but its not that great. I'm guessing the free skybox I got wasn't aligned properly and so it doesn't look good. It also doesn't look seamless so I have to look elsewhere.. Thanks for the help
  9. I've followed the Rich Diesal Tutorial and modified some images I found and created a shader file to go along with it. I'm running into problems. All I get is a checkerboard pattern where my images are supposed to go, but, my lighting is red-ish which is what I wanted from the shader. So, I have no images showing up but the light works. textures/skies/redsky { qer_editorimage textures/skies/sky q3map_lightRGB 1.000000 0.108827 0.108827 q3map_skylight 200 5 surfaceparm nomarks surfaceparm sky surfaceparm noimpact surfaceparm nodlight q3map_lightmapFilterRadius 0 8 q3map_sunExt 1.000000 0.997119 0.857641 350 90 90 1 2 notc q3map_nolightmap skyParms textures/skies/thesky 1024 - } My textures are renamed just as they are in the tutorial, only mine are redsky_bk, redsky_dn, ect.. The tutorial says that will need to add the shader to the shaderlist.txt and then load it in the textures menu. Does this mean I am to add redsky.shader into the list of all the other shaders as its own file or do I just add it to the skies.shader with all the other ones? My textures are in the skies texture directory. This is for single player mapping as well.
  10. Here is a shot of the outdoor part. This is a really small part of the level itself and is there just for a setting. My brush count was running rather high so I had to use a backup terrain I made and made my entire station underground. I had designed the base itself to be above ground. So, I used a smaller, less detailed terrain and made a trench system in it, some large doors where the supply ships enter and leave, and some other small buildings including the access area to the base itself. I was going to make an electric fence around the base but decided to go the Call of Duty 1&2 route and borrow the landmine sign. I went on google and found some landmine signs and then found the star wars basic font and made my own signs. They say "Danger! Mines", but, in the star wars language font. I'm really liking making or hacking up textures in my case.. hehe.. As of now, my terrain is connected to the underground base so the entire level is actually done. I'm still working on the texturing of the outdoor part and the skybox. Then, I have to learn about scripting and how to put in the bad guys and stuff. Here is an alternate image of the snowy part done in a dirt/sand texture. The only reason I did this is because the terrain isn't 100% smooth and may end up better with a mineral texture instead of snow. Since my story involves meth, i can still call it Ice Station Jawa if I go this route. hehehe. Ice being slang for meth. I wanted the double meaning in the title with a snowy world and meth but I'm happy either way.
  11. I'm using the system texture. I don't know any other way to make a ladder. Here is how I did mine in case anyone is interested. I made brushes that look like a ladder. Then, make a brush that would encompass the bounding box of the player and place that right up against the ladder step. You can make it bigger if you like. Shown at the right you have the wall, the step, the ladder texture. |--{ladder system texture} . It should look something like that in the editor with about the same width as well. Then, as someone above mentioned, I put a Cushion system texture on a brush and then placed that at the bottom of the ladder the same width and my ladder system texture. This stops the problem that randomly happened to me when climbing down the ladder and taking damage.
  12. no idea.. my map is is for Jedi Outcast.
  13. Yeah, that is one of the little detail changes I have to do. There are some good frontal images of all red coke ones and some other generics I found on Google so I'll change that out. I was going to try and texture an Imperial Cola machine or something. I was thinking of throwing this in as a secret area or something but even intergalactic, Imperial-backed, meth pushers need to take a break now and then. So, I left it in the game. And no, this is Jedi Outcast only. However, once I am done I'd be more than happy to let anyone make a JKA version if they want. I don't own that game so I really don't know what would be involved.
  14. I already fixed the 2 doors on the right hand bottom cabinet. I just aligned them to the wrong brush but that are where they should be now.Just in case anyone notices... Yeah, I made a freakin' break room. This was more of a test room to see if I can find and include my own textures. I have the 3 vending machines, the fridge, and the microwave as newly imported textures. The coffee pot and bottles were from the Nar Shadaa bar modelset. I even made a sink and faucet.. hehe. i didn't have any clue what to do in this one room so I just threw this in there for comic relief. I even had one of those workplace posters about lifting but I don't know how to make decals so it looked dumb on the wall 1 unit thick. I do need to learn decals, though. At any rate, this will be the last interior image of Ice Station Wampa. My architecture is done. I now have to add the station to the snowy terrain, add in a new skybox, and do the outdoor part. Then, actually put in the bad guys and stuff like that. That will bring me towards the completion of Level 1 of Ice Station Wampa.
  15. Oh believe me... it would be a mess. I was going cross eyed trying to find brushes everything is so densely packed. Blame me for that one. I had to fit everything I wanted into a shell of a station since I already have the terrain cut out for it... hehehe. Basically, I just have to drop all this in. The downside is that its built like a real building and man, that is a pain to see in Radiant...
  16. That's a good question. My original idea is someone Kyle-like. I may have to sub-contract that part of this out so if anyone out there has an ideal replacement for Kyle I'm all for it. It really won't matter much, to be honest, unless you'll use 3rd person view. There are no lightsabers in my map so seeing the player doesn't really matter much.
  17. Yeah, i suppose it does just have to be there. The opening itself is around 50x50 units. the shaft itself is 64x64. There is no way a player can jump. They can speed down the ladder, but, you still hear the climbing sound. Imagine a hatch in the floor, it opens, and there is the ladder in a shaft.
  18. You will have to use your imagination on any tunnels under those grates. I have about 24 grid units between this level and the basement level. I really couldn't do much with it.
  19. Well, that makes sense... lol ... Does the brush for the cushion need to be a certain height or anything?
  20. So, I made a few ladders and they work well. Sometimes, though, the player will go down the ladder and will hit the bottom of the next room and suffer some damage. This doesn't happen every time you use the ladder. My ladder is fairly tall so maybe the game thinks the player is falling instead of using the ladder. At any rate, is there anything I can do at the bottom of the ladder to have the player incur no damage?
  21. I do have tunnels!! In fact, at one end of the utility room I made a hatch door in the floor, made a ladder, and created maintenance tunnels that may take you to some rooms that have locked doors around the station..
  22. Glad you like it. I took a look at screenshots of Quake 2, Quake 4, Doom3, ect... to get some ideas and then stumbled onto a model someone made on Deviant Art for Half Life 2 I think. Google images is random sometimes.I thought it looked cool and was nothing but simple shapes. I started with one section and just modified the design to my needs. I'm glad you like the lighting. I had spotlights in there but it just didn't do. I think some Quake iteration had floor lights in places and I thought it'd be a neat idea. All I did with those is put a yellow light entity with a value of 50 about 30 units above the light, then another yellow light entity 50 units above that with a value of 25. It turned out pretty cool. Its getting there.
  23. Here is the re-designed hallway images from the first set I uploaded. This is the first image. I just sunk the floor down a bit and put the grate texture in. Didn't have much luck using the grate shader from the game to work right. This one works well, though. I also added a panel and exposed something or other and some pipes in the ceiling. Here is the other hallway with the same type of design. I also figured out glass and to the right I made a server-type room that you can't enter. Its kinda one of those rooms you see in a game that you can't get into. I made a utilities room as well. Basically, this is all the essential components to run the station. Power, water, ect... In the image behind the player are some larger water tanks and more pipes and other stuff.
  24. Oh, well then I'll answer with I'm not an architect. However, its a just a station sitting on a waste of a planet. Its utilitarian and not going to be designed for every square foot to be some awe inspiring view. Its just a pre-fab-esque station that serves its purpose for what these people use it for.
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