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Posts posted by MoonDog

  1. Make them a CLASS_IMPERIAL, and give them the same 'rank' value as imperials. If you assign them the same 'rank' as a commander, they'll have burst-fire too. :)


    Class and rank is completely irrelevant. Any NPC should work with a misc_security_panel. A more difficult NPC is advisable though. Adds a bit of extra challenge. Not much though. It's pretty weird how they implemented this mechanic. It's not exactly... flushed out in my opinion.






    Use a misc_ something for the lock (misc_security_panel, maybe? Check Radiant. There's a few on t2_rancor, which is included as a sample)


    All of these edits can be done with entity modding, no ICARUS needed.


    Give the func_door spawnflags 16. Which is locked. Give it a targetname. Make a  misc_security_panel and target it at the door.


    Give it a "message" key with whatever value you want. Such as, door_01_key.


    Create the NPC entity you wish the player to kill in order to acquire the key. Also give it the message key, of the same value.


    Let's say this is your door.



    "classname" "func_door"

    "origin" "0 0 0"

    "angle" "-1"

    "targetname" "the_door_01" 

    "spawnflags" "16" // This NEEDS TO BE SET. Indicates the door is "Locked"





    That's how that'd be setup. This would be your security panel:



    "classname" "misc_security_panel"

    "origin" "0 0 0"

    "angles" "0 0 0"

    "target" "the_door_01"

    "message" "the_door_01_key" // The key that will open the door





    Then you need the NPC that drops the "key"



    "classname" "NPC_imperial"

    "origin" "0 0 0"

    "angles" "0 0 0"

    "message" "the_door_01_key" // This needs to correspond with the misc_security_panel you want the player to be able to unlock after killing the NPC and getting the key



    Should work like that, no Icarus required.

  2. mmm, it's not necessary Icarus script for keys and doors. i am sorry for incomplete info. Today i have a lot of headache. yes, need also to check the spawnflawg door as locked. for func_group... Mmm, thanks,  @@MoonDog. i confess i never used that function. Sometime i ask to myself "what is func group?" now it's clear. it's for group more entity with the same functions. :)


    Edit: it's a very large time i not mapping, becuase i am making efx at the moment. But i now i remeber.

    for make a door, i created square brushes, cutted in two part in half way with clipper tool, and textured.

    After all i remember that i convert in func door selecting all the brush that make the door. not one by one. so i never used the func_Group function also for that.

    O.o Thanks for the lesson.


    Yeah, if you have a group of brushes you turn into a func_door, selecting them individually isn't necessary. You are working harder than you have to, lol.

    Asgarath83 likes this
  3. ^So, is the "otherwise" for if I'm doing this in text? Or do I need to add another step to "connect" the entities? Remember, I can't actually use GTK Radiant except for reference, I'm actually just doing text ent-modding.


    And before it comes up, I'm not decompiling some modder's work and ent-modding it, I'm really just editing Raven's SP levels, if anyone is worried about that  :winkthumb: If I could just do this in GTK radiant I would, but you know, decompiling a .bsp fudges everything up so I don't want to do that, just some sneaky ent-modding is all.



    Let's say this is your door.



    "classname" "func_door"

    "origin" "0 0 0"

    "angle" "-1"

    "targetname" "the_door_01" 

    "spawnflags" "16" // This NEEDS TO BE SET. Indicates the door is "Locked"





    That's how that'd be setup. This would be your security panel:



    "classname" "misc_security_panel"

    "origin" "0 0 0"

    "angles" "0 0 0"

    "target" "the_door_01"

    "message" "the_door_01_key" // The key that will open the door





    Then you need the NPC that drops the "key"



    "classname" "NPC_imperial"

    "origin" "0 0 0"

    "angles" "0 0 0"

    "message" "the_door_01_key" // This needs to correspond with the misc_security_panel you want the player to be able to unlock after killing the NPC and getting the key


  4. 1: L key it's the entity list if i remember correct. N key it's the parms of the selected entity. if you have not entity select but it's select a brush, it's worldspawn parameters.

    2: Select Misc_security_panel, after select the door brushes and use CTRL + K. yu need to make for every door brush. Yu can see a blue line that connect panel to the brushes. :)


    select misc_security_panel

    Key "target" value "doorname"

    Select the brushes of the door.

    Key "targetname"

    value "doorname"



    L is the mapinfo list. N is the entity list. Also, you do not need to individually select the brushes of a func_door and set their values... that takes forever. If your entity has multiple brushes, you can select them all at the same time much the same way you'd select a func_group.


    Also, you need the message key on the security panel, and the NPC. Like I said above... As well as the proper spawnflags on the door indicating that the entity is "locked". You need to give proper and complete directions when offering help. It's not cool to give incomplete information...

  5. Actually Asgarath, looking at the decompiled maps, that does seem to be how Raven did it.



    Yes. In single player. It's been a long time, but I do not think you are going to get the results you are looking for in MP.



    1. When I select an entity in Radiant 1.4, how do I pull up it's stats? I can manually go through the Entity Info list and select the entity from there to see its info, but that's extreeeeemely round about.


    Select the entity and press N.

  6. On jedi outcast, after yu rescue Jan on doomgiver starship, there is a part of level with Jan that hold the button for open the doors...


    Edit. No no, ROTFL, sorry, yu need simply to place the misc_security_panel near the door with message "keyname" the same messag commanda and same "keyname" parameter are on your enemy NPC that drop the security key. :) The door be unlocked by activation of Misc_security panel with the key ;)



  7. it is a discussion, but I guess you could consider it a request as well but its primarily a discussion not a request.



    I am requesting assistance on this project to make this possible.


    definitely need assistance there


    You should indicate that you'll be needing a mapper or two as well. After all, decompiling isn't really a skill, now is it? :)


    The copypasta sauce runs out eventually you know.

  8. Making an admin key is exactly the same thing, so you could simply follow that tutorial. You just need a door run by a trigger, that will only activate if a parameter is set to a certain integer(or string) on the player.


    In Icarus, that is the simplest way to get the job done. Getting the NPC to drop something that sets the parameter will take a little doing. Icarus is very weak in this regard. I'll have to think about this, look through my library of scripts and see if I did it in the past.

  9. Holy moly it's like a new map! Thanks for that, one more question: Is there anyway to add a realistic spaceship sheen (env map) to the shader without it looking false. All the env maps ive used for my other textures look so bad I've been forced to use them on small brushes.


    The way to make it look best is going to be a little more painstaking. Some of the materials on Serenity are a little more matte, so using a weak env map on those parts will help tremendously.


    As for the parts that offer a good deal of reflection, it would be best to take a reflective water approach and get rough 90 degree shots of the space inside your skybox, combining them into one env map image and weakening it. That way you sort of get a good spacey reflection. Will look great if you have a faux sun, space debris etc... floating around. Depending on the complexity of the space, you may have to clone off shaders for each side. It will be a little expensive shader memory wise, but shouldn't break the bank.

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