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Status Replies posted by AngelModder

  1. Does blocknpc not work in MP?

  2. Well. After a lifetime of lies and obscurantism, I found out that my real grandfather is still alive. Ben, why didn't you tell me?

  3. Jesus christ I found 3 other people using my textures, Wtf can people NOT reade a readme file?

  4. I want this removed! I did not give him permission to use my textures from Vader! People let me make this very clear. Do not take apart, open, adjust touch in general other then to play with my version of Vader without asking me. I also am getting very tired of finding it and my other mods off on other sites where people are claiming to have been the creator! https://jkhub.org/files/file/3190-luke-skywalker-dark-empire-ii-legends/ REMOVE IT!

    1. AngelModder


      @Bladehero123 Right, that's why mine has the most downloads, has been used in several large mods, and has even been featured in articles and videos.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. I want this removed! I did not give him permission to use my textures from Vader! People let me make this very clear. Do not take apart, open, adjust touch in general other then to play with my version of Vader without asking me. I also am getting very tired of finding it and my other mods off on other sites where people are claiming to have been the creator! https://jkhub.org/files/file/3190-luke-skywalker-dark-empire-ii-legends/ REMOVE IT!

    1. AngelModder


      If I can find it I'm adding that too the list too. I am looking at the wip shots when he was working on it. I can tell immediately those are more then likely again my textures.

      Look I'm not trying to be a Nazi, but I made it very clear in the readme. DO NOT USE MY WORK...

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  6. I'm back!

    1. AngelModder


      ^ Pretty much answers it all XD! Moved to Europe for starters, had 3 private custom map projects, about a dozen models and skins to work through. Now a website, server, clan, and a new map XD... I've been busy!


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  7. Is there a reason that Misc model static makes certain things look like they're havining a sezure? Seriosuly try one of the ferns the spec map goes crazy...

    1. AngelModder


      Yea I just switched the one's that were having seizures back to regular misc model, and left the ones that weren't freaking out alone. Thanks for the tips guys.


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. What was your favorite map of all time? Mine was Jedi's Home and ofcourse the Academy V3...

    1. AngelModder


      I always liked quick tripp for its textures XD and the swoop!

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  9. What was your favorite map of all time? Mine was Jedi's Home and ofcourse the Academy V3...

    1. AngelModder


      LOL Jh'2 and 1 were great maps... Especially with low gravity and a merc war..

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  10. Is it sad I dled Movie battle just for there skins/models? I wont even play it...

    1. AngelModder


      I did enjoy the effects and the merc play Ill say that much


    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  11. Is it sad I dled Movie battle just for there skins/models? I wont even play it...

    1. AngelModder


      Hesitation about taking advantage of your unfamiliarity with the mod. While it was good to see some of my old friends maps, immenors etc, I gag every time I see and SJC map... So does my FPS for that matter...

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  12. Is it sad I dled Movie battle just for there skins/models? I wont even play it...

    1. AngelModder


      It is a good mod don;'t get me wrong, however it's changed SOOO much since it's original days that now it's just to complicated and different. Going from base/ja++ to MB is like a completely different game, and the saber combat is more restrictive which I didn't care for. Plus the communities are really tight nit and outsiders are definitely left with a feeling of not being welcome. Understandable as that is, they act as if you should just know how to use MB and have no he...

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  13. Love it when folks modify your work without permission and then ask permission afterwords...

  14. Oy I really need to find some one who can help vis the Titanic, this is beyond my skill... HELP XD!

    1. AngelModder


      The problem with hint portals I can see already, 2 things to be properly shaped, the floors in many area's are NOT level, and are NOT 8 units thick, they are 2, as the original titanic had at most 6 inches between the floors for wiring pluming etc. I'll link an example photo in a moment to explain this problem. there ARE however nice long hallways along the outsides promenade deck so IF the floors were level and were 8 units thick, then ok, but to do so KILL'S the look of the ship...

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  15. Oy I really need to find some one who can help vis the Titanic, this is beyond my skill... HELP XD!

    1. AngelModder


      Area portaling the hallways and the inside and outside is easy. I'll have to do some new research into hint portals etc. It needs actual vis work for the exterior as you're walking around on deck etc.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  16. I love when folks try to bring you down, it just proves there nothing but a clown!

    1. AngelModder


      Thank you, that's just what I needed to hear! :D


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  17. Darth Vader Coming Christmas 2013!

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