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  1. lol, that's part of its charm for me, I like some odd designs sometimes. The refit of the Rogue Shadow in TFU2 was perfectly symmetrical though.
  2. Honestly, I'd use the 3DS version of Ocarina of Time as a reference rather than the N64 version. Closer to creator's original intent and much more colorful.
  3. DT, I've noticed that you're revamping a Dark Forces Kyle Katarn mod. Have you considered revamping Mara's Mysteries of the Sith model?
  4. There's a really good ESB hilt out there made by Khaliban.
  5. No, it actually isn't. There are many differences between the Ep3 hilt and the Ep5 hilt. Empire Strikes Back Revenge of the Sith
  6. I wouldn't use an Ep3 Anakin saber, not for accuracy's sake.
  7. I'd love a Satele Shan model/skin.
  8. Most definitely. My effort was very sadly amateurish and based mostly on a flawed action figure. This is a great skin, and I'm glad that Mara is FINALLY given a proper treatment.
  9. Considering that Luke was running around like Daffy Duck on speed, I wouldn't blame her. I'm just glad I caught him at a moment where he was both still, facing the camera and Mara, wasn't shoving his butt into the camera, and hadn't run into her lightsaber.
  10. Naw, he's using the "staff" stance from OJP. Dumb NPC was spazzing out all over the place, finally nabbed a shot when he held still for more than an eighth of a second.
  11. Could be a shader issue. Definitely not a HUGE deal, just an oddity at the moment.
  12. Made some screenshots of Mara! She doesn't seem to light up as much as others, but that's fine I think. That last image is with my old retexture. This new one is a vast improvement!
  13. You can always worry about a version 2 later. Though I'd like to see how you would design her outfit based on Zahn's descriptions for when you make your own. EDIT: The suspense is killing me!
  14. A master of understatement.
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