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Is possible convert this Phase 1 clone helmet?

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Some months ago I found this phase 1 clone trooper helemt  https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1645346


The quality is great and it could fit with the body from the Ashura's clone trooper  ,because there is not a new phase 1 clone trooper model


The problem of this helmet is that comes without textures and  the UV map,wich is weird,I would love to see it on Jedi Academy


Here is a picture of how would look (I don't know how convert it to .glm)



yeyo JK likes this

I believe that his attempt on that trooper is way better than the model you mentioned as reference, I don't stand behind him but personally I don't like the one you mentioned and find the one he made (including the helmet) to be very modern and high detailed even the fact, that it's for an old game like JKA and not based on a new engine such as those of EA Battlefront. I'd suggest you if you want any improvements just to ask Ashura if and when he have the time to do them and release updated version or a separate version [?] Anyway just my opinion, not needed to agree with me or to bear in mind what I am saying.

  On 11/10/2017 at 11:12 AM, AshuraDX said:

It will be a while until I find the motivation to work on more clone stuff. Modeling clone armor variations is kinda boring after all.


New EP2 clones based on your clonetrooper model is a must! :D

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