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Max Map Entity

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So during compile I got that old damn Max map entities bs. Easilly solved by just undoing some func groups and or combining them. The question is though which entities count against this list. I know light entities and Misc models don't count against the IN game entity max, but what about compile time? I was always under the assumption that Lights don't count against you? >.> Will really suck if I have to switch over to full shader lighting as I just never have personally liked it's effect some times and it jacks the light compile through the damn roof...

So if any one has a definitive list of which ones DONT count against the max map entity list during compile that'd be helpful for the future.

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  • Entity limit is 1024, but players, lightsabers and bodyque take up around 100 entities or so, so the functional limit is more like 900.
  • Lights do not count, they are removed during compilation of the map.
  • ref_tag, info_null, target_position, info_notnull do not count, they are removed after the map is loaded by the game.
  • worldspawn and weather entities do not count, it's not treated as an entity by the game and aren't spawned.
  • NPC_Spawner (and all derivative types) are removed from the entity list after they have finished spawning all of their NPCs.
  • misc_model does not count, it's baked into the map. (misc_model_static and misc_model_breakable do count)
  • Waypoints do not count.


  • Entity limit is 2048
  • Everything counts, including worldspawn, lights, and func_group

There might be a version of q3map2 that is compiled to have higher entity limits, maybe @@UniqueOne's wzmap has a higher entity limit?

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  • Entity limit is 1024, but players, lightsabers and bodyque take up around 100 entities or so, so the functional limit is more like 900.
  • Lights do not count, they are removed during compilation of the map.
  • ref_tag, info_null, target_position, info_notnull do not count, they are removed after the map is loaded by the game.
  • worldspawn and weather entities do not count, it's not treated as an entity by the game and aren't spawned.
  • NPC_Spawner (and all derivative types) are removed from the entity list after they have finished spawning all of their NPCs.


  • Entity limit is 2048
  • Everything counts, including worldspawn, lights, and func_group

There might be a version of q3map2 that is compiled to have higher entity limits, maybe @@UniqueOne's wzmap has a higher entity limit?

It would be great if so. I'm going to see what exactly I have minus lights and the other non count ones. I know I have quiet a few func groups, kind of stupid for them to count imo but w/e.

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