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Server Lagging Woes D:

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Only in the past two days one of my servers started lagging like nobody's business. I'm not talking about internet connection here because I can still do a rcon status and receive instant reply. It's happens for several hours then stops for a bit, then happens again. I had a chance to go in and see the lagometer green area turn yellow then suddenly the top part goes all yellow. 10 seconds later 1mm of green block appears below.


I opened a ticket with my host and they believe that my server is being 'attacked' despite all known patches that I've applied. Later they said they installed a patch that 'stopped the attack from going out' but that the server is showing massive hitch warnings. None of their other servers appear to be affected.


I've tried deleting logs, running default maps...nothing. I could reinstall the server and see if that fixes it but I'd like to know what exactly is going on.


Has anyone ever had such a problem?


' indicates in my host's own words.


Refresh my memory but getstatus is similar to infostring? Ugh I used to know all these.


The strange thing is, the jampded I use for that particular server is being used on all my other servers and those are working perfectly fine. Also this 'attack' comes not when the server is full but when it has very few people or empty.


The lag which I'll assume came from the hitch warnings, disappeared on its own twice. I've never been able to keep the server playable for more than 90 minutes.


I've asked them to monitor the traffic and resource usage, but it's a one-man army (what I like to call hosts that are run by one person with boxes) and they don't exactly have the manpower. He/they didn't elaborate on the patch but it's likely one of Luigi's.


Btw is there a 'subscribe to topic' somewhere so I can get notifications when someone's replied?

  On 9/18/2012 at 4:44 PM, Mysterious Stranger said:

Btw is there a 'subscribe to topic' somewhere so I can get notifications when someone's replied?

top right. "follow this topic"

  On 9/18/2012 at 4:44 PM, Mysterious Stranger said:


Refresh my memory but getstatus is similar to infostring? Ugh I used to know all these.

Its what happens when you request server info (such as when browsing the server list)


thanks for the quick response and the xD reply notification. Wonder how I didn't see it before.


On Luigi's forum he had patch made...I can send you the link privately if you want.


Nope they started before the host applied a patch. After the patch it's still merrily going on.


I'm not with ET, some small unknown host I plan to add to the directory after enough good experience with them.


Same here I'm curious.


Well if the hitch warnings were affecting the dedicated server, then surely other clients would have complained but so far no one has stepped forward. Or at least the host would stop my server permanently until fixed and not restart it over and over and over again for hours.


It's fine now, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it stays that way.


Unrelated stuff: I'm following the topic but getting no notifications.

  On 9/18/2012 at 5:06 PM, Mysterious Stranger said:

Unrelated stuff: I'm following the topic but getting no notifications.

it emails you.

  • 3 weeks later...

A million years later I reappear ~~


Just confirmed it IS getstatus, cause the attacker(s?) decided to move onto some of my dedicated servers and I got a chance to see exactly what was going on. The server with better hardware shows no sign of being affected by it, however the one with less resource does get its CPU chewed. Apparently the better hardware one had been attacked for ages and I wasn't aware of it (lol!)


With regard to the JKA server that first started this thread, it got better when the port was changed. Now it only happens once every many days >.<


I think it's a bot network, cause both dedi's are showing numerous different IPs.


WTB fix soon D:


The IPs are spoofed, which makes this difficult to fix.

There's been a bit of a debate on with how to best handle it :/

  On 10/6/2012 at 6:02 PM, Caelum said:

Cloudflare only works with TCP, and an attacker would still be able to target the server IP behind the redirect easily. D:

Oh, right.

As far as targetting the server IP, I doubt that that is actually the case since each of cloudflare's servers runs off of a different IP address, correct? It's much like IRC servers, from what I understand. If you did a split server setup in the code though, that might hurt performance a bit. And all for what? Getting rid of DDoS? Meh.


There's no real good way to get rid of the DDoS problem without getting rid of getstatus and or getchallenge altogether. Or setting up some kind of queue perhaps.

  On 10/6/2012 at 6:09 PM, Caelum said:

I liked @@Didz's suggestion of using a different protocol entirely, but yeah, a queue would work. I wonder if there's any way to do that that'd actually work o_o

A different protocol eh? Hm.

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