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"Search and Destroy" Gametype and "SD_Tatooine"

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So heres more shots of the horrifying web of entities that makes this gametype work:







Might be a bit more to come if I decide to improve it a little. Also has yet to have the entities for playing announcements added....

Malkav and therfiles like this

12,000 entities later, I am done, other than announcement sounds which will be easy to add.


  • Spawn room for each team in which you can choose any two guns and a set of explosives
  • Two minute timer system with remaining time messages for attackers to arm a bomb and attackers to defend them.
  • Two bomb sites too choose from. The bombs are armed by holding use near for 10 seconds them without adjusting your aim.
  • Beacon at armed bomb sites.
  • 45 Second timer system for attackers to defend their bomb.
  • Defenders can defuse the bomb just like arming it, only faster.
  • Big-ass explosion if the bomb isn't defused. =D
  • Objectives system that detects a winning team and ends the match
  • Dead players get locked in part of their spawn room until next round.
  • Team death detection, to check if one team is wiped out and end rounds when appropriate.
  • Team location display in the team overlay, tells you what part of the map your team members are at, and if they are dead.
  • Dynamic music which changes between set-up and during a round, and plays different fanfares depending on how the round ends
  • Map reset system. All players are killed shortly after a round ends and there is a 30 second interval while the map resets, after which players are dropped back into the gear selection area.
  • Announcements (SOON...)

Some screen shots. I will probably use one of these as the loading screen. Thoughts on which one?:
















Turquoise Dragon likes this
12,000 entities. I would love to have this .map file just for scientific purposes.

That was an exaggeration xD its actually 453 (and I haven't added all the speakers for the announcer, so that will be another 20 or so)


Once I have thoroughly tested the map, I will release a Search and Destroy source file which will be a .map with all the entities in it (and instructions on which ones you need to do anything with), so that people can build their own SD map. I will prolly release this map's source too as an example.

Turquoise Dragon likes this

I've just released the FFA/TFFA/Duel/Powerduel teaser version to the hub. It should appear in latest files shortly. The search and destroy version will follow in a few days, once I have done some beta testing of it. If you are interested in helping beta test (there wont be much playing of the map, it will largely just be checking that the correct thing happens at the correct times) let me know here with a reply or a PM and I will contact you at some point in the next few days.


I confused do we need to sign up, is this with the FFA version?

Nay, it will be with the search and destroy version. but I will prolly do a warm up on the ffa. I will post the map and details when I have a date.

Turquoise Dragon likes this

Whomever marked this as released needs a slap. As I am actually compiling the .zip as I type this....


I meant play the game silly.

Would love to, but a certain someone who will not be named donated our server to a certain mod which will not be named who still haven't bothered to get their own server. Will be hosting it Monday though.

therfiles likes this

Would love to, but a certain someone who will not be named donated our server to a certain mod which will not be named who still haven't bothered to get their own server. Will be hosting it Monday though.


I host a server from my PC as you well know :P


I host a server from my PC as you well know :P

Yeah, but horrible awful lag + it will be really awful with 2 people. Just wait till Monday and we can play it properly =P


Yeah, but horrible awful lag + it will be really awful with 2 people. Just wait till Monday and we can play it properly =P


I blame your country. :P


Would love to, but a certain someone who will not be named donated our server to a certain mod which will not be named who still haven't bothered to get their own server. Will be hosting it Monday though.




Can't wait til monday, though!

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