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Increase the weapon dmg in MP .. Without coding

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I mean guns only. There is cheat for making lightsabers more powerful - G_saberdamagescale

But how to make other weapons more powerful? I know there are modifications called - one hit kill. They didnt need coding work .. but i dont know how to make it to work.

There is only - jampgamex86.dll How to edit it?


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DLL files are basically libraries of instructions a normal executable would access to finish whatever task it is doing. They are usually used when two different programs might need to use the same set of instructions and thus instead of embedding a static library in each exe (and increasing the file size of each exe unnecessarily) they just have one dll they both refer to and share. There are also other reasons to use dlls instead of static libraries such as in jka, allows a Dev to publish a change to the game on the code side without requiring a new executable. (Can also make 3rd party libraries this way, so you only have to provide code for certain parts, instead of everything.



If you want you could possibly create a new cvar for your weapon idea so once the MOD is created and distributed users of the MOD can make changes they want on the fly, without needing to wait for a new dll.

JKG Developer

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