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Let's talk about tags

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My axis comparison was from Softimage to GLM, showing what matches what. I didn't know that Max and GLM were the same, it's odd considering they used a Softimage format, you would think they would match.


I know I'm very late to the party, but I've had a different experience regarding tags. Basically from what I've found, the tag axis is done by vert numbering. I forget which vert number (0, 1, 2) stands for which axis though. It might be different for carcass though, but I really doubt it somehow.


I know I'm very late to the party, but I've had a different experience regarding tags. Basically from what I've found, the tag axis is done by vert numbering. I forget which vert number (0, 1, 2) stands for which axis though. It might be different for carcass though, but I really doubt it somehow.

You're somewhat correct... but it uses the tag's edge lengths to determine the origin and orientation, which results in a specific vertex order in the GLM file.  Basically, it finds the hypotenuse first, and depending on what edge number the hypotenuse is... it sets the vertex opposite the hypotenuse edge as the origin; then it throws out the hypotenuse from comparisons and then finds which of the two side legs is longest (the longer one is assigned +X and the shorter +Y); and they determine the remaining vertex numbers. See pretty picture below courtesy of @@Xycaleth:




EDIT:  The cross product (X x Y) becomes the +Z axis.  The tag's face normal should face in the +Z direction.


It's the same process for both MD3 tags and GLM bolts. Note: The tag must be a right triangle, else it will throw an error; and one side leg must be longer than the other-- creating an equilateral right triangle will cause Carcass to crap itself.

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