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Where to get the Jedi Knight series without discs, steam?

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Someone help me, I legitimatley hate even the word "steam" and all forms of hardware. (do you know there are households that still make use of VCR players?)

Could this please exist? I will pay for it but if I can't even download a pure copy of the game, how can I expect to do all these fancy maps and mods.

Heck, I could buy a used hardcopy from ebay or the steam copy right this instant but I dislike hardware and steam, I am serious, lots of people hate it, look..


Now what I ask is in all seriousness, I am not trying to pirate it, is there anyone that has any leads? and if not I think that this is a fair issue for us in general, although it's probably not going to be significant as all the tricky guys will just use a crack.

Anyway, is their any suggestions, I know I can just use steam, I probably will for the moment, but even in the long run I would still like to be able to open and play jedi academy without it, or require an internet connection while traveling etc.

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Jedi Academy and Jedi Outcast are on gog.com: https://www.gog.com/game/star_wars_jedi_knight_jedi_academy

Aha! you have solved so many things and brought me so much joy.


Hmmm, we have a "Buy Jedi Knight" block on the front page of JKHub. I can update that later so that it has GOG.com links, and also include JK2.

Yes this sounds like a great idea, perhaps the block is situated a little too low on the page for people to notice?


I checked out the amazon link to that hardcopy, I live in Australia and it does not ship internationally, also only one left, does anyone around actually know if they still make the hardcopy of the game in small portions or are these all old stock from some warehouse or something?


I think as we proceed into the future the electronic availiability of the jedi knight series will become of high importance for those who play and mod it, and it's availiability should not be like a communist government system and only availiable through steam, it's electronic availiability without piracy should be maintained and established well throughout this community that work together to keep it alive, (not that it needs to be kept alive) but kept existing for new people who discover it.

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What is the problem with Steam?  Its existence cannot be maintained by the community because then it would be piracy.

Well really there is nothing that wrong with steam (although there are some annoying things) it's just my OCD and obsession for perfection, having a jedi academy without steam is a placement of the obsessive compulsive disorder that exists within my mind, like it has been shown you can get it without the use of steam, but just to clarify so everyone can know the true reason and maybe a little more about who I am (haha) and yeah I suppose there does exist a piracy element to this particular subject.

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Do you legitimately have OCD or are you just talking what people think is OCD?

Well I have not been diagnosed with it, but I certainly do posses it's characteristics (regularly making the choice of having every insignificant detail just perfect) but we won't venture too far into what was a simple explanation, so to answer your query maybe and yes.

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This is somewhat offtopic, but what you describe is a perfectionist complex, not OCD. OCD is where you obsess about things to the point of self harm to satisfy compulsions. For instance, a germophobe obsessing about handwashing to the point that they cause their knuckles to bleed, or someone focusing on whether or not their table is set properly to the point that they will delay their meals by hours until the table is set properly. The distinction between this and a perfectionist complex is that someone with OCD will obsess about one thing and methodically act on a compulsion, whereas a perfectionist simply obsessed that everything they do must be correct. OCD interferes with day-to-day functioning, at most perfectionism causes severe anxiety or distress. That's not to say that it's a competition, they are just two different things. Same thing as being depressed and simply being sad. Both suck, but saying "I'm depressed," instead of "I'm sad," is an exaggeration, and more often than not it trivializes actual mental illness. But it's a common thing, I can understand the confusion.


Can we stay on topic though? I don't know if there's much more that needs to be said about the subject.

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This is somewhat offtopic, but what you describe is a perfectionist complex, not OCD. OCD is where you obsess about things to the point of self harm to satisfy compulsions. For instance, a germophobe obsessing about handwashing to the point that they cause their knuckles to bleed, or someone focusing on whether or not their table is set properly to the point that they will delay their meals by hours until the table is set properly. The distinction between this and a perfectionist complex is that someone with OCD will obsess about one thing and methodically act on a compulsion, whereas a perfectionist simply obsessed that everything they do must be correct. OCD interferes with day-to-day functioning, at most perfectionism causes severe anxiety or distress. That's not to say that it's a competition, they are just two different things. Same thing as being depressed and simply being sad. Both suck, but saying "I'm depressed," instead of "I'm sad," is an exaggeration, and more often than not it trivializes actual mental illness. But it's a common thing, I can understand the confusion.


Can we stay on topic though? I don't know if there's much more that needs to be said about the subject.

Why can't I just say it's similar to an ocd characteristic, why must the definition be so exact, you don't have ocd do you? (joking)  :D


You're probably just going to end up using openjk anyway, might as well just use steam to grab the assets since you already own it.  Then you don't have to bother with their DRM protection and slightly messed up exe.  Also for your viewing pleasure.

The gum - far out.. that was too good.




...What is this magic?

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A little background. The source code for JK2 and JKA was released almost 3 years ago. Prior to this, we only had enough code to create mods, but now we can produce full executables and also SP mods (Two of the first SP mods to use code are the Jedi Knight: Enhanced series and The Morin Mod, both of which were started after the code came out).


OpenJK is a standardized executable produced by the community which has lots of bugs fixed. Some mods, such as the two I mentioned, are based on it. Jedi Knight Galaxies migrated their source code to run on OpenJK, and MB2 has produced an OpenJK - compatible release.


OpenJK has lots of bugs fixed and some minor nuisances corrected. Bothered by the fact that there isn't an orange or grey color code? They've got that. Annoyed because /setforceall 3 breaks the force menu, stalling progression? That's fixed. Having an SV_MiniHeapSize error? Fixed. It also provides native Linux support.


rend2 is a new, modern renderer for OpenJK. It's currently in beta.

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Why can't I just say it's similar to an ocd characteristic, why must the definition be so exact, you don't have ocd do you? (joking) :D


The gum - far out.. that was too good.




...What is this magic?

I actually do, yes. So you saying that feeds misinformation.

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