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Blender JK3 Skeleton


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Does anyone have a JK3 Skeleton (with all the tags) for blender?

Well You can take them from other models (i do that and everything works fine ;) )


Import another model (ONLY if You have all model parts named and You have model_root0!!!)

Select whole player model (the one You want take tags from) and move it to the other layer (hit m and select one of the layers)

The process now - The model should have 46 tags. In the right top of the screen just go to the hierarchy of the model. Go to the hips and select first tag (the tags are ones that start with ,*, btw). Go to the object data and just parent it to the hips_0. Make the same process to all hips tags.

When hips are finished go to the legs and torso, later head and arms and the last hands. BUT you parent them to the parts that they belongs too ofcourse.

The problem with this method is.. there can be problems with scales etc. and moving these tags to the first layer. To do this You just simply remove selecting the parts of the second model and caps that are NOT tags. Then You just select all the tags and move them to the first layer :)


There is probably faster method for that :P But i dont know it

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