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Need a Fix for a weapon

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it can be fixed if you can find a blue "blaster/deflect" file for your assets and change it from the default deflect one to a blue one deflect





okay here is what you can do it pretty easy and may be your first edit to the files.

in that file the gun is in. open it with winrar or winzip or what you use. and go in to effects/blaster and copy the projectile.efx and rename it to deflect and put it back in to the same folder you tolk the projectile.efx file from and try that

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it can be fixed if you can find a blue "blaster/deflect" file for your assets and change it from the default deflect one to a blue one deflect





okay here is what you can do it pretty easy and may be your first edit to the files.

in that file the gun is in. open it with winrar or winzip or what you use. and go in to effects/blaster and copy the projectile.efx and rename it to deflect and put it back in to the same folder you tolk the projectile.efx file from and try that

I did what you said now it shoots red shots and deflects blue shots

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i think we get a problem in commons.

i got also on my mod that issue and i solved with an escamotage... disabling the deflecting of saber into the code... o_o well, my mod is a fantasy mod, so this is okay. a saber\shield can parry projectiles, but not deflect but for a starwars mod this is not much fine.

basically, on my code, i hacked the muzzleflash, projectile, impact and fleshimpact effect: is different at second of the Shooter class. so if CLASS_LUKE use blaster, it make a different efx that the blaster of default.

problem was the same: when someone with saber \ sword  deflects the projectile, it turn on the default efx.

again i not know how to fix this. this happened also to customized classes rockets, when they are pushed away by force push.


and i work directly on code. o_o


also, my edit get some unpredictable effect: bounce function crash. so when a projectile hit a surface with forcefield parm, a shield of assassin_droid, or is a flechette or bowcaster shoot it crash. o_o

also, for me, SP client.

A little hint for that: into sp code, the deflecting and physical of projectiles are setted on game/g_missile.cpp

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I believ there is effect for blaster called npc shot. Dont remember about other weapons.. when i was changing the bkaster bolt effect i was confused when i was shooting at stormies with fireballs but they used blasters..


Dunno about code though :( maybe there is kinda option to change the reflected efx

Some files dont make sense in jk3. In many assets of the game there is a competely mess :/

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assest files interact with code. without knowing code structure is hard :\ i not again understand why there are shot and npcshot, too, and i know how is the code. o_o

the problem of code is that is hard to dive. because functions of each weapons \ force powers, etc are ever scattered into more files. it's not easy to searching exaclty what you need. also, there are a lot of bad dependances. edit one thing can cause unpredictable crash and effects. :|

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assest files interact with code. without knowing code structure is hard :\ i not again understand why there are shot and npcshot, too, and i know how is the code. o_o

the problem of code is that is hard to dive. because functions of each weapons \ force powers, etc are ever scattered into more files. it's not easy to searching exaclty what you need. also, there are a lot of bad dependances. edit one thing can cause unpredictable crash and effects. :|

Shieeeet... This sounds rly hard then :C

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Shieeeet... This sounds rly hard then :C

@ Landerd yes, it's pretty hard. example:

Mp code : a force power is programmed into w_force.c

SP code: a force power is programmed into WP_saber.cpp, with lightsaber code together,... but NOT ever... for example, the visual aurea effect of FP_PROECT AND ABSORB, strangely is setted on cg_players.cpp >.< that's is just an example. i added force fall cde and it work, but when my character (only player not NPC) fall by HIGH cliff, game crash on impact with land.

another stupid crash: when i pusn someone that shooting me with disruptor, or when a projectile bounce again a surface with forcefield surfaceparm in this shader. and i not touch ANYTHING of shaders >.< and edit g_missile.cpp related to impact with forcefield not fix the crash.

that's is only some little example.

i tryed with debug, but the debug exe crash ever on startup >.<

so i need to going crazy to manually search in my code the origin of errors <.<


@@Stoiss Nope. it's here.



void G_MissileBounceEffect( gentity_t *ent, vec3_t org, vec3_t dir, qboolean hitWorld )
    //FIXME: have an EV_BOUNCE_MISSILE event that checks the s.weapon and does the appropriate effect
    switch( ent->s.weapon )
    case WP_BOWCASTER:
        if ( hitWorld )
            G_PlayEffect( "bowcaster/bounce_wall", org, dir );
            G_PlayEffect( "bowcaster/deflect", ent->currentOrigin, dir );
    case WP_BLASTER:
        G_PlayEffect( "blaster/deflect", ent->currentOrigin, dir );
            gentity_t *tent = G_TempEntity( org, EV_GRENADE_BOUNCE );
            VectorCopy( dir, tent->pos1 );
            tent->s.weapon = ent->s.weapon;


and is registered on cg_weapons.cpp


    case WP_BLASTER:
        cgs.effects.blasterShotEffect            = theFxScheduler.RegisterEffect( "blaster/shot" );
                                                    theFxScheduler.RegisterEffect( "blaster/NPCshot" );
//        cgs.effects.blasterOverchargeEffect        = theFxScheduler.RegisterEffect( "blaster/overcharge" );
        cgs.effects.blasterWallImpactEffect        = theFxScheduler.RegisterEffect( "blaster/wall_impact" );
        cgs.effects.blasterFleshImpactEffect    = theFxScheduler.RegisterEffect( "blaster/flesh_impact" );
        theFxScheduler.RegisterEffect( "blaster/deflect" );
        theFxScheduler.RegisterEffect( "blaster/smoke_bolton" ); // note: this will be called game side


yhowever, g_missile.cpp i think is the key for my dilemma and for dilemma of @  it coded also saber defense deflections.

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then it should also work from what i can see. as for what i can understand from this the blaster shoot red and deflect blue now

then it sounds to me the projectile.efx files is missing you need to still have this files in there also but make a copy of it and call it deflect then it should deflect as a blue line and not red

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then it should also work from what i can see. as for what i can understand from this the blaster shoot red and deflect blue now

then it sounds to me the projectile.efx files is missing you need to still have this files in there also but make a copy of it and call it deflect then it should deflect as a blue line and not red


This can really works? D: because some weapons not use projectile.efx i see that pk3 file contain this efx file, but blaster rifle not use projectiles.efx like repeater. is possible to check that on FX file of blaster and repeater inside the code, cg_media register they function and cg_weapons.cpp assign to the function they effects.

@ try to replace the shot.efx of the pk3 with a copy of projectile.efx that you find into pk3. rename it to shot.efx

also, put another copy renamed to npcshot.efx...  should be work. D:

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This can really works? D: because some weapons not use projectile.efx i see that pk3 file contain this efx file, but blaster rifle not use projectiles.efx like repeater. is possible to check that on FX file of blaster and repeater inside the code, cg_media register they function and cg_weapons.cpp assign to the function they effects.

@ try to replace the shot.efx of the pk3 with a copy of projectile.efx that you find into pk3. rename it to shot.efx

also, put another copy renamed to npcshot.efx...  should be work. D:

Do you need a link to the mod to understand it?


 I'm practically new to modding but I'm learning.

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