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New blaster pistol stance anyone?

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I'm probably not gonna get it, but at least I'll try... :rolleyes:

So, while the original blaster pistol stance is supposed to be 'classic', copying Han Solo's, I kinda think it's really crappy. <_<

Thing is, over the years, I only found like one mod to alter it, but it was both crappy, and (I think) unfinished. :shrug:

So, any takers? :)

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The issue is you can replace it but the code still restricts the bottom half of the stance to match the default standing stance, and the top half the new one. So any cool stance that someone makes will look ridiculous without a code change.


I think @@redsaurus may have fixed that in JKE but I can't remember. Maybe I just requested it and it's on the list.

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