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Paying for Jedi Outcast Star Wars Universe NPC Supported Characters

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I just got back into Jedi Outcast and want to relive days of glory when I would spawn massive Star Wars Universe characters for epic battles. I haven't had much luck finding skins with NPC support. I want to be able to spawn SWU characters in single player mode. I'm looking for good ones; good build aesthetically with sounds, correct npc support.  I have spent a few days searching the web and it is really slim pickins for JK2. If anyone has a lead on a website that still hosts JK2 skins with NPC support I would certainly be appreciative.There are a ton of these for JKJA, maybe someone is willing to be awesome and roll these back for JK2 compatibility? Were someone to do that I would be willing to pay but it wouldn't be a ton of cash, maybe $100 and my eternal gratitude for a good amt of characters 


May the Force be with you

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I'll try to work on something, but I honestly can't guarantee anything.


Btw you're at the right site, when it comes to mods for jk2. I know most jk2 specific mods aren't easy to find, but most are jka mods on here are compatible with jk2.


Just from browsing the downloads section I was able to find some that you could use to replace the npcs in the game:










Edited by Bek
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I wouldn't mind replacing an existing NPC with the same character if it were better but I really want NPCs added. Looking for characters Darth Vader young and old, Emperor, Maul, Bane, Malak, Sion, Revan, Dooku, Aurra Sing, Mace Windu, Mara Jade, Ki Adi Mundi, Kit Fisto, Qui-Gon, Exar Kun, and on and on LOL! All of these characters had been prevously created which I had used about 11 years ago. I unfortunately no longer have those files. I did try JA character files but when I spawn in JO the skins dont display properly, characters look like a pile of moving trash or a tornado of bits in wrong places and dont appear to have weapons

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Here's one - Darth Vader: http://jkhub.org/files/file/2345-darth-lord-vader/

And another Mr. Poof: http://jkhub.org/files/file/2193-yarael-poof-in-jedi-robes/

Watto: http://jkhub.org/files/file/2433-watto/


Search the JK2 tag on JKHUB to find easy jk2 files: http://jkhub.org/tags/downloads/JK2/


Unfortunately this site tends to cater to JKA more than JK2.  I suggest you check out Manassi Temple.  This is probably what you're looking for: http://www.massassi.net/levels/view_category.php3?category_id=13


Keep in mind these are just skins and they might not contain npc files, but they're honestly pretty easy to generate.  There's a nifty tool to make it easy you can get here: http://jkhub.org/files/file/2420-npctool/  The hardest part is adding appropriate sounds honestly.

JKG Developer

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 There's not really any characters at http://www.massassi....?category_id=13 that I would use here. As much as I do appreciate all the help and responses I'm really looking for already created characters or someone adept at doing so. I fear it would take me an ungodly amt of time creating skins and trying to figure out all the ins & outs of getting these to work as NPC's. Anyone who could put together a substantial pack of characters for me and other pining JK2 enthusiasts i would pay as much as $100 were the product true. Thanks for your time all 

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yea I stumbled across these but none of them have the  ext_data files needed to spawn. These files dont appear to be identical as the same named files for JA. I'm feeling retarded but just cant figure it out. i tried using the npctool but this is for JA only 

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