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Well to be fair, if I had just discovered JKA, I'd be VERY IMPATIENT too because JKA is so awesome. But then again, my eagerness to play the game would have driven me to do my own research. Anyways: You don't need any mods. For anything else, google openjk.

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Open JK is the only mod you really "need" in my opinion.  Get latest builds here: https://builds.openjk.org/  It doesn't change anything as far as gameplay goes, but rather provides you with a much more stable and secure client and server to play with then the vanilla game.  You also get some cool new technical features that provide larger support for various screen resolutions, etc.


Everything else is entirely up to your personal choices.  Movie Battles is a popular multiplayer that adds a lot of new viable strategy and balance to the siege game mode and is really it's own game.  Here: https://www.moviebattles.org/


There's also popular single player mod that let's you play the most iconic battles from the films, called Movie Duels here: http://md2.ucoz.com/load/


If you're just starting you should try out one of Szico VII's maps, say...Atlantica: http://jkhub.org/files/file/1561-atlantica-fix/


Right now the latest popular thing on jkhub is this: http://jkhub.org/files/file/2550-jedi-academy-enhanced/  I haven't tried it yet (though I need to!)

Smoo, Omicron and Onysfx like this

JKG Developer

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Explore on your own. We can outline some big mods but if you're new to this game, the best part is browsing the thousands of mods that have been made over the years. I miss discovering new mods all the time back in the day.


And the best way to learn multiplayer is to join populated servers and ask for tips. Maybe even join a clan if you're really dedicated.


Unless you are having an actual issue launching multiplayer. If that's the case, explain the issue in more detail.

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