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Map leaking through structural brushes

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Apparently, my map is leaking through structural brushes. I've tried several things just to get it to compile including:

  • redoing the ceiling brush
  • making the entire map structural
  • encapsulating the map in brushes so it doesn't leak... and it leaks through that
  • blocking off the section
  • deleting then blocking off the section
  • copying and pasting into a new map
  • ported it to a different version of GTK radiant
  • brush cleanup

None of it worked...


I have a older rendition of the map I can work off of that compiles fine, but rather than do a bunch of that work again, I was hoping maybe there was something I can do to recover this.







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I found the problem and boy are you gonna laugh.... I was doing some stuff with models and model_statics and well, when I was fitting a model_static with origin (so it'd fit exact), I must of snagged a worldspawn brush with it by accident :| .  I've been doing this for years, to make what i'd say is an amateur mistake XD .


JKHub, I am disappoint :|

Asgarath83 likes this
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I found the problem and boy are you gonna laugh.... I was doing some stuff with models and model_statics and well, when I was fitting a model_static with origin (so it'd fit exact), I must of snagged a worldspawn brush with it by accident :| .  I've been doing this for years, to make what i'd say is an amateur mistake XD .


JKHub, I am disappoint :|


Well, this is nothing: some month ago i was using the clipping cutting tool for cut some brushes of my map and i select a face of the skybox for error because i used the touch selection tool.

So i have also cutted the skybox. and also deleted a piece of skybox. XD and when i start build... After an entire morning of work...


lol a leak big as a cathedral. XD

fixed ^_^

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