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Inverse and Hollow Cylinder \ Patchs

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I have a question about a function of GTK radiant that i not know how to make.

I want to make the physic clip for the roof of the central dome of my cathedral, but with radiant i can make only cylinder with external faces and emispheres patch meshes, but they are external faces, so i can clip only the outside part of the roof. but i have also some windows circular walls, and an inner dome. my question is: how can i copy and flip the faces of cylinder for clip the inside section of my dome? o how can i make an hollow cylinder or patch?

example is : how make the structure of a Pipe, with the player can walk inside it? the solution is in something like that.

thanks for  any assistance. :)




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Select Your patch and go to the patches options . Select matrix tab and here You go ( press ctrl + i or m i dont remember ) . There is also possible to make the texture Twosided in patches but i dont recommend this option because the pipe is tight like the paper sheet. Matrix works with all the patches - cones,cilinders and bevels too. 

To make great in wall entrance to the pipe follow this tutorial : http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/120-joining-a-flat-surface-to-a-cylinder/


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With "Curve → Insert/Delete" you can add or remove columns or rows to a selected patch, cylinder, cap or bevel.

Press V to move vertices around.

Use SHIFT+LMB to select more than one vertex.

Press CTRL+I to invert front side and backside.

Press CTRL+C to add a cap to bevels and cylinders.

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