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A little question of entities

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I'm not sure about the exact limits, but in general:

  • There's a limit on the total number of entities, which I think is 2048, and that includes shots fired during gameplay etc.
  • misc_model is turned into static geometry during compilation; if there's a limit, it's pretty high and probably depends on the number of different materials per model as well.
  • There might be an NPC limit, if there is, it's probably somewhere in the hundreds, maybe 256 or 512. I don't know if spawned NPCs also count towards the entity limit, or if only their spawners do.
  • Lights are only used during compilation to create the lightmap and basically unlimited.
  • Effects could be limited in some way as well, possibly both in total and in the number of simultaneously visible ones.
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Total limit is 1024. Each player and their lightsaber constitutes an entity. There are a number of reserved entities for the body queue, which handles dead bodies. Each shot counts as an entity. This includes each particle from the Flechette. This does not include the Disruptor or the Concussion Rifle alt fire. If I remember correctly, each snapshot sent to a client can only contain 200 entities, so that's the amount that can display.


Unless you're using a mod which has the concept of "logical entities," each spawner, trigger, AI waypoint and otherwise unseen entity also counts towards that limit. The mod's limit is purely arbitrary.

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Total limit is 1024. Each player and their lightsaber constitutes an entity. There are a number of reserved entities for the body queue, which handles dead bodies. Each shot counts as an entity. This includes each particle from the Flechette. This does not include the Disruptor or the Concussion Rifle alt fire. If I remember correctly, each snapshot sent to a client can only contain 200 entities, so that's the amount that can display.


Unless you're using a mod which has the concept of "logical entities," each spawner, trigger, AI waypoint and otherwise unseen entity also counts towards that limit. The mod's limit is purely arbitrary.

200 entities FPS! now understood the limitations of Efx displaying D:

well, thats mean in future i need to optimize my Efx of my blades. specially the bladeeffects and hitpersoneffect because they are spawned multiple times and also the map efxs. thanks for enlightment :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not sure about the exact limits, but in general:

  • There's a limit on the total number of entities, which I think is 2048, and that includes shots fired during gameplay etc.
  • misc_model is turned into static geometry during compilation; if there's a limit, it's pretty high and probably depends on the number of different materials per model as well.
  • There might be an NPC limit, if there is, it's probably somewhere in the hundreds, maybe 256 or 512. I don't know if spawned NPCs also count towards the entity limit, or if only their spawners do.
  • Lights are only used during compilation to create the lightmap and basically unlimited.
  • Effects could be limited in some way as well, possibly both in total and in the number of simultaneously visible ones.


lol yesterday i hitted the limit of misc_model material, but is not a limit about misc_model itself. there is a limiation of how many texturee \ materail can be used in a map. instead i deleted a part of map and that fix the problem. i think at this point i make 2 maprs fo my cathedrals, one with inside, and one with outside, with a good use of target_level_change i think is possible to make a double istance maps working.

i have also a map with 2700 entities build many years ago with a full, amkpunt of misc model static forest and a large swamp lake around a rocky montain with ruins on top on the center of map. this map work very fine. strange. D: 

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