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What's wrong with JKG?

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Back in the day, I remember checking the JKG website every time i got back home from school, to check the news for any updates and read the forums to read about people's quite interesting ideas.


Even though JKG didn't work out in the end, it gave me and i imagine a lot of other jka players, a glimpse of hope that the game wasn't dying, that it could even get better someday, and we all needed that.


I remember disscussing for hours on lugormod servers about how jkg would be like, even though we all knew deep inside it was quite improbable that we would play it one day.


So imo, JKG was the santa of the jkg community, even though it wasn't real we all needed it, and we grew up the day we realised it wasn't real :)

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I think I can speak objectively here when I say that I have more to be bitter about. Quite honestly, I'm a little bit afraid to talk to Boba over the whole situation. He's not mad at me so far as I know, I just kinda feel like I let him down. I read everything on the old JKG forums (and MBII, for that matter) regarding my applications to the team, and well, Boba really struck out to me as the only person sticking up for me. But I dunno. I don't think I would've done as good of a job when @@Didz, @@Xycaleth and @@BobaFett were the main coders.

Well you did some really amazing things with the saber system in particular and more importantly perhaps getting a somewhat playable game released.  I feel a lot of blame as well, if I were half the coder you were / put in as much time as you did, I feel like we might've actually done a lot more, but forcing you to do most of it on your own - yeah I feel pretty bad about that.  :(

JKG Developer

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This game is dead; empty servers and a handful of

dreamers, who still want to play or/and modify the game, and this website is very imporant for anyone who's still interested in this game.


Creating maps and player models and making re-skins is fun, but working on anything bigger is a waste of time to me. I hope EA makes a new JK.

Edited by eezstreet
Let's not instigate things.
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