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MD3View Issue

Go to solution Solved by mrwonko,

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hello! :D

un years ago a my friend make for my mod a giant Cathedral on blender, that i want to convert for using as MD3 as building. this is already work with a 3d reconstruction of the Nupraptor Retreat of Blood Omen game and it working perfect.

The build is a large circular cathedral with inside the Pillars of Nosgoth, a main Big circular Hall and eight little tower at the side with eight domes, one for pillars. the main central dome is for contain the pillars itself.

Because is a BIG builg and model  i pass all day to detach and renaming the meshes.

now i tryed to see the md3 on Md3view of mrwonko and i see this error about this mesh:


"Error in c:/base/models/map_objects/cda/cda0.md3

mesh 0Ledge3c

Meshsize 176 <= trianglestart(176)

Meshsize 176 <= texvecstart(176)

Meshsize 176 <= vertexstart(176)

after that, md3view crashing.


Please, Help! O.o

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Select all faces with A BUT FIRST! Save copy of this model. Some faces cant turn from tris to quads and making model in tris sucks... So make copy of your file.

When you will select all faces press ctrl + t. (Quads to tris) If you want (tris to quads ) alt + j but as i said some faces dont want to change back and it only cause problems.

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Select all faces with A BUT FIRST! Save copy of this model. Some faces cant turn from tris to quads and making model in tris sucks... So make copy of your file.


When you will select all faces press ctrl + t. (Quads to tris) If you want (tris to quads ) alt + j but as i said some faces dont want to change back and it only cause problems.

Thanks very much for warning and explanation, friend.

Tomorrow i and blender will got a dodge fight :D

prepare the pop corns and coke because is a nice show see me when i fighting with programs and go to rage D:


Not worry, i create a new file of back up for every step of my graphical works, i know that is sufficient a single mistake and JKA shows a trollface :\

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Yeah... i am making back ups everywhere. In blender in gtkradiant even with textures.

Me too,

For models on 3d max, i make a different save for every port of working:

1 importing mesh

2 scaling and merge with skeleton

3 detach and renaming

4 capping (3 save slot for the cappings )

5 xforma nd hierarchy

6 skin and rig, a safe slot for lower rig, a safe slot for torso, a safe for head and a safe for arms.

And after rigging debugging with modelview


For MD3 i use really simply model with one only mesh so is not necessary, i take however the file blend of every model before expoirting with mrwonko plug in.

For radiant, i make 3 version of Each Map , theA, the B, the C, i work in the A, ever, and i use for make meta build for testing. i make light and light and vis build only when i end all cinematic scripting etc ect. XD

i overwrite B e C only if i see the A version is working. so not strange crash of map or freeze in map loading. >_>

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Yeah, if you're using the Blender MD3 exporter from my plugin suite, that skips non-triangular faces and prints a message about them to the console. So if there are no triangles in the mesh, it will actually export an empty md3, which md3view can't handle (and which isn't of much use anyway). The exporter pretty bad at failing in a noticeable way and could use some work... And the ASE exporter isn't much better, either - it just silently drops any vertices beyond the first 3 from each face.


Since you're talking about backups, you may want to use a version control system like Git for that.

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Yeah, if you're using the Blender MD3 exporter from my plugin suite, that skips non-triangular faces and prints a message about them to the console. So if there are no triangles in the mesh, it will actually export an empty md3, which md3view can't handle (and which isn't of much use anyway). The exporter pretty bad at failing in a noticeable way and could use some work... And the ASE exporter isn't much better, either - it just silently drops any vertices beyond the first 3 from each face.


Since you're talking about backups, you may want to use a version control system like Git for that.

Ok, thanks, i will triangulate all my mesh. >:> for lucky, triangulation not increase vertex number but only their connection, and so not alterate also the Uvmapping. :\ If not, my friend will cut my head T_T

I see the jkhub staff use Git many time. it's something like dropbox for makling online back up of work? O.o

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Git (and Mercurial, a similar software) allows you to store old versions of files and go back to them as well as some more advanced stuff that's mostly interesting to coders. These backups can be stored anywhere - usually on your own computer, but you can also upload them online.

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Okay ... mmm

@@mrwonko thanks for expanation. so not need to upload on web like dropbox this is nice because dropbox slow too much my computer >_>  i uninstall for this reason.

@@Langerd not worry, convert in tris was the solution and now models is working, on MD3 and JKA too.

the problem is just another O.o.

because the entire building is impossible to convert in MD3 file withouts crashing of blender (too big i think) i subdivide in 10 MD3,m everyhone have 1 tower and a dome of cathedral + the central building a part.

i cannot stock all MD3 model into my map with misc_model_static because map wouldn't compile because overflow the max limit of brushes.

so the solution is that: because i need to use this map only for 1 battle, and for the rest is only for cutscenes, i think i make as misc_model solid only 4 parts of the map, the central, the tower for fight or cinematic and the nearest towers.

the other tower i make as misc_model_static. that's work and bypass building trouble, but in game, i cannot see the misc_model_static, but only the misc_models >_>

damn, i will fix this after i apply some thousand of md3shader command in custom properties. >_> i am again texturing the towers. confort me the fact that i not have any part of cathderal to split or subdivide over because JKA not give me the 1000 vertexes hit error. ^_^


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Do You use a solid spawnflag in misc_model? If yes it will cause the max limit of the brushes for sure. Or you just use phys_clip to make them solid? But ofcourse by yourself?

Making the 10 MD3 is very good idea. I used it too once :P

Can you send some screens? It might help me to ... help You XD (sry for my poor english... i am polish)

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Do You use a solid spawnflag in misc_model? If yes it will cause the max limit of the brushes for sure. Or you just use phys_clip to make them solid? But ofcourse by yourself?


Making the 10 MD3 is very good idea. I used it too once :P


Can you send some screens? It might help me to ... help You XD (sry for my poor english... i am polish)

I am italian, if we talk in our mother langague, ... total understand! LOOOOL :D

Oh, yes, i use the solid spawnflag for not become mad to create all Physic for entire construction. Oh, i can use misc_model with no solid spawnflag... mmm, okay... there is a fast way for create the physic clip without pass hours and models every single brush? O.o



The Nupraptor Retreat on Blenderrendering


The Soul Cathedral of the Raziel's Heirs, builded buy my friend, on blender rendering:


The Pillars Restored!



Enjoy :D @@Langerd

Nupraptor retreat not give me any problem, but the Cathedral is ... Damn XDDD i will become mad for that LOL

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Hmm i am 100% sure that this spawnflag cause this error Man :/ I dont know any way to make it faster. And now i see why this is a very big problem. The columns could be made with using cilinders.

The only way i see is to make it whole in one day with phys clip :/ . To rly sit next to the computer and just do it. But first check MD3 without anything in the game. Without solid spawnflag. Just misc_models. And if it possible make some screens


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@@Langerd : now i test if JKA load the misc_model no solid map.  my map for moment is just a cube with grey bricks, a "skybox" for contain the pillars and the cathedral with a ground and no more. because i am again testing the model, and not make a real map of the level.

For the physic clip building, i think about a solution:

1: make solid only the central build.  so i have a lot of work less.

2: the tower and lateral domes are specular, egual and duplicated, so is sufficient to make the physic clip of one buildind and after copying 8 times, orienting and fix with the others ^_^


@@DT85 My md3model are VERY SMALLS in GTK, are so small that the MD3 of the cathedral are invisibile when i place, i need to set modelscale to 175 for make the build to his real size. the textures are at HD definitaion pixel, something like 1024 larger value for that.

by the rest, this place is the more important of the Nosgoth universe i wanna recreate on JKA, so i need really a perfection. i am not too much perfectionist. and i am not an exclellent mapper like sczico. for many map i need to retexture and use part of other maps of JKA for create nosgoth's cities and lands. i am only one in this job and i canont make all maps alone. for my lucky, blood omnicide staff got me the staff of 3d remake of Blood Omen and Sczico give me permission to use building and object of blueice nightfall as prefab for create nosgoth's city. D: at moment, however i am more focused on the Npcs. the fist module of my mod want to be a JKA converrsion\  trasposition of deleted sequel of defiance, the dark prophecy,. i wanna show in a dozen of level how can restore the Balance of his work. this building is for the final , when Kain create an Alliance of Reapers and Vampires for preserve the restored balance of his world. this is the Alliance Headquartier. every dome is aligned to a principe of a Pillars.

so the Time dome will contain a chronoplastic chamber, the Dimension a dimensional chamber, the Nature dome a holy garden, the Conflict Dome an underworld training arena etc etc. XD

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Yep . About making MD3 solid You should just choose the one that is not very detailed.However It will create a lot of the brushes which will lag the game and will cause a long compiling.

And some of these buildings could be made in Gtk. I always said to myself that the more detailed parts should be models. You can make

Can you show your models in the game?

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The metod work @@Langerd i placed all the misc_model not solid except for central dome that contain pillars. load map time is little long, but it work, the other towers and lateral domes are not solid, after i will end the md3shader texturing, i will place the physic clip inside the geometry of one tower and i will duplicate eight times and rotate :) shoud be sufficient. ^^ 2 laterla dome are different in the underground level so i will need to make alittle more work on that. however...

there is not a way to convert into structural a misc_model?

so i can?

1 - copy the misc_model converting into structural brushes

2 - build the physic clip around his structure

3 - delete his structure.

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Remember ... If you dont walk in some of the place you shouldnt even use the clip because is unnecessary. To the Dome you can just use the patch called cone.

Pity i need to make accessible alls dome every one have a finality :S

thanks for suggest, patch cone and cylinder for the roof with physic clip. thanks! ^_^ that's make the work more easy. :)

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LOL i am not again builded the physic. because first i wanna end the texturing on MD3VIEW, Radiant e JKA. (also because if not i see only a black model on radiant and build the physic is terrific D: )

I am making another custom properties md3shader "models/map_objects/cda/NAMEOFTEXTURES blablabla and exportin the md3shaded MD3. if not , radiant, md3view and jka cannot read the textures >_>

mrwonko has teach me this tecnique for my md3model for resolve the problem of missing texture paths .

because my cathedral have a LARGE Amount of mesh, i need a lot of time.

when i end i will build the physic structure.

today i ended the fifth dome of my cathedral with 2 tower. the dome is connected af the two tower by 2 tunnel, one tower have a room with a magic crystal, the other got a rope with a bell and a sonic enchantment. Energy Dome is necessary for imbue reaver of reapers with elemental power of air, fire, water, earth, dark and light and so have 6 "magic brazier" for imbue the blade with elementl ^^ i get a problem with a mesh that inside was invisibile. but i solved with SHIFT+D i make 2 meshes in same postion and i flipped normal of the new mesh and that solve the problems, so now the towers wall inside are closed :)

i left the central dome to texturize and 2 domes, the Time Dome and the States Dome. :D

I need a lot of day for end because md3shadering custom properties is really a boring, long a mechanical work :\ and is not possible to copy \ paste on blender the relative path input. :(

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