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Jedi Academy Gaming League (JAGL)


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Yes i know making one of these types of communities probably wont work at this time but i will not give up on this idea, Pretty much (JAGL) is a gaming league like ESL, MLG, ACL and CyberGamer ect but obviously with the name of the league it'll will most likely be doing leagues on Jedi Academy and the multiplayer mods that have been developed in the past. You guys may be wondering what ill be doing to or providing for this project i will be providing.


  • Website (Leagues Based Operations) (CMS: phpbb, EGL Advanced) (Forums, Ladder matches ect)
  • 3 TeamSpeak3 Servers (Hosted in USA, UK, Australia/Asia) (500 Slots Per Server)
  • 3 Dedicated Servers  (Hosted in USA, UK, Australia/Asia) (1000Mbps Uplink Port)
  • Live broadcast & Archived of all events (TwitchTV, YouTube and UStream)
  • Competitive & Non Competitive Leagues 
  • Social active (Twitter, Facebook) 



As you guys know that its been rather dark times on JKA Servers lately but i am sure if you guys contact the clan leaders of the community that you guys are represent will get involved with this project and hopefully we can have some great matches so please get involved guys answer what you think and submit your answer in the poll below 


Add weekly tournaments, please, at least for the small CTF community it'd be nice (too small to take a part in the legue). Once on week, I'd say on weekends, people could gather and play double elimintion tournaments.

At least it could be a part of this competative project.

MrDJSilva, pete' and Grab like this

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