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Reborn Masters vs. Tavion vs. Alora vs. Jedi Masters?

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So, I'm trying to make sense of Jaden's strength level. Canonically (according to Wookieepedia anyway) he seems to be considered a "skilled jedi". He's good but not some hack character like Starkiller. He takes a while to be offered the promotion to Jedi Master after Academy too IIRC.


Now, assuming any NPC/boss you come across in JA is "defeated" by Jaden, unless you are officially or unofficially supposed to run from that NPC which is always an option, though Raven never made any NPC un-defeatable, that would mean he's stronger than all of them.


So, Jaden is stronger/more skilled than, Alora, Tavion (w/scepter), Marka Ragnos possessing Tavion's body, Reborn Masters, and, if playing dark side, he's also more powerful than jedi masters, jedi trainers, and close to Kyle's level.



Him being able to defeat Jedi Masters and Trainers honestly sounds like total bull to me. As for the others, this is my assumption, Tavion > Alora > Reborn Masters. And Jedi Masters > Tavion. So, assuming Tavion is fairly strong, but not quite master-material, that sounds about right and not too unrealistic for Jaden to be able to defeat her, but Marka Ragnos, as well as Jedi Masters, just seems irreconcilable to me.

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He's good but not some hack character like Starkiller. 

Starkiller wasn't even in top tier of the strongest character in Star Wars if you seek for his powerlevel go read the force unleashed novel, since the game is just for pure gameplay.





So, I'm trying to make sense of Jaden's strength level. Canonically (according to Wookieepedia anyway) he seems to be considered a "skilled jedi". He's good but not some hack character like Starkiller. He takes a while to be offered the promotion to Jedi Master after Academy too IIRC.


Now, assuming any NPC/boss you come across in JA is "defeated" by Jaden, unless you are officially or unofficially supposed to run from that NPC which is always an option, though Raven never made any NPC un-defeatable, that would mean he's stronger than all of them.


So, Jaden is stronger/more skilled than, Alora, Tavion (w/scepter), Marka Ragnos possessing Tavion's body, Reborn Masters, and, if playing dark side, he's also more powerful than jedi masters, jedi trainers, and close to Kyle's level.



Him being able to defeat Jedi Masters and Trainers honestly sounds like total bull to me. As for the others, this is my assumption, Tavion > Alora > Reborn Masters. And Jedi Masters > Tavion. So, assuming Tavion is fairly strong, but not quite master-material, that sounds about right and not too unrealistic for Jaden to be able to defeat her, but Marka Ragnos, as well as Jedi Masters, just seems irreconcilable to me.

That's the worst problem of JKA because you can't really state in canon how Jaden was powerful, he was probably running away from formidable foes/OR they were on his level/Had some fancy luck.

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Defeating Tavion without help is pretty irreconcilable I guess, and that was one fight he definitely didn't run from. Heck even the Reborn Masters seem like they would be tougher than Alora save the fact ingame they only have 200 HP. They would have more training anyway, but then maybe Tavion would teach Alora things she didn't teach all the reborn?

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, question, how does Jaden beat Kyle in the Dark Side ending?


Does he just put up some sort of fight then gains an advantage? IIRC I think Kyle gets trapped under some rocks or something and then Jaden escapes?


Yes, they fight until the cutscene that shows Kyle (who seems to be gaining the upper hand on Jaden) being hit by a blast of the Scepter that Jaden Force-pulled, then trapped by some rocks caused by another blast of the Scepter.

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The whole game series is about misfits =


Tavion was Desann's pupil when Kyle defeated him, and now she's back with a gang of misfits to have her stupid revenge on Kyle.

Tavion who in my mind is like Harley Quinn from Batman= crying after her mentor and isn't really as badass as she thinks.


Alora may be talented but the fact is that she is only a pupil of a pupil and has trouble fighting a Jedi student = Jaden Korr.

So what did Jaden really do in the game? dealt with a bunch of misfits while Kyle watched over him.
Kyle obviously held back when fighting Jaden - we could have had another Anakin without legs and arms.

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The whole game series is about misfits =


Tavion was Desann's pupil when Kyle defeated him, and now she's back with a gang of misfits to have her stupid revenge on Kyle.

Tavion who in my mind is like Harley Quinn from Batman= crying after her mentor and isn't really as badass as she thinks.


Alora may be talented but the fact is that she is only a pupil of a pupil and has trouble fighting a Jedi student = Jaden Korr.



So what did Jaden really do in the game? dealt with a bunch of misfits while Kyle watched over him.

Kyle obviously held back when fighting Jaden - we could have had another Anakin without legs and arms.


If you're going to play as a Jedi, you need to have actual Sith as your opposition, and not just an angry mob of zealots.


Btw, that's just JKA by itself, not the whole Jedi Knight series.

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You are right @JediBantha, I was wrong to write "game series" when I was actually talking about Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy alone.



However.. I belive..  that all of us are Jaden.    with that said Jaden can be anything, and my Jaden is a bastard of Palpatine and Padmé - half-brother of Anakin,

who spent his childhood on Kamino as " Project Palpadmé " and was injected with midichlorians to create an ideal Sith Lord for the Empire.  <evil laugh>


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