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Questions about func_door


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Ok i used a goodie spawnflag in func_doors. I gave one npc message named *blue* and the same spawnflag in doors. But when i kill the enemy , take his key and want open the door the game show me that i need a key.

Also i find out that the func_door without targetname will open when the player or npc is next to it . Even without trigger. But this doors stay as long as you are standing next to it. How to make one but with triggers?

And also the last question - Is there any chance to give the doors a texture that takes diffrent shadows when it is up and down?

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As for your second question,


Create a second brush about the size of your door and about 32 units deep and place it in front of your door. Next, select that brush and then apply the SYSTEM texture TRIGGER to it. All over it. Then, with this new brush selected, right lick  on the grid and go to Trigger. Now, choose Trigger Multiple so we can open the door more than once. Select this brush yet again, press N, and make sure you made it correctly and it is a trigger multiple. If you can make a door I'm pretty sure you got this.


With the entity window we'll have to add in some stuff to make it work more fluidly. You'll see a checkbox for PlayerOnly, Facing, Use_Button and so on. For now, just check player only and use button. This means that only the player can use the door and he has to use the use button to open it.


Since it is a trigger multiple you'll want to add in a wait time. This will be how many seconds it takes for the door to be triggered again. Add in a 

Key : wait

Value : 1


If you want the trigger to make a sound when you activate it, add in a


Key: noise

Value: sound/movers/switches/button_04.mp3    


*That sound value is for Jedi Outcast so if you have Jedi Academy your on your own for where your sounds are, but, that is how the directory should look.


Now, we have to join this trigger brush to the door. Make sure the door and trigger are both de-selected. Then, select the trigger brush first. Then, select the door, then press CTRL-k. If you did it right, you'll see an arrow going from the trigger brush to the door. You may have to move your trigger brush a bit to see it. 


If you want it to open from the other side, copy and paste your trigger brush and put it on the other side of the door. 


Oh, one more thing. Open up your door in the entity window and give your door a wait time. Say, 2. Your door will stay open for two seconds then close. If you want it to stay open all the time make it -1.


Oh, also also wik... If you use a sound for the trigger add a 

Key: delay

Value: 1 


to the door. This way, your trigger will trigger the door, but it has a 1 second delay so the sound plays, then, your door will move and its sound will play. It just makes it more even.

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I've never used the goodie key thing, but from the description it sounds like you'd have to set the message to "goodie" specifically - not "blue" or anything else - which will make them drop a key that works on all doors with the "goodie" flag. What you're actually looking for is probably the misc_security_panel, which can have an arbitrary "message", which you can match on the npc.


As for the staying open while your nearby: Use a trigger_multiple with target and target2 both set to the door, which is set to toggle - that way it will only fire its target once (and thereby open the door) until its condition (i.e. somebody is in there) is no longer met, at which point it will fire target2, closing the door.


There's no dynamic lighting and I can't think of a nice way to emulate it. I believe you can make a func_usable toggle a oneshotanimmap, and you could move it via script, but even then it'd be an absurd amount of work that achieves little. Or, if you'd like to get even more complicated: There are animated lightmaps in jka - you can toggle lights, after all - and in theory that technology could be used to swap lightmaps when the door is opened. There are no tools for creating that though, you'd have to change Q3Map2 to make it possible. My advice: Just don't. You can choose which way you'd like the door to be lit since you can move it to its open position and make it start_open, but beyond that just accept it.

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