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Death Star map.

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Hey guys, As a few of you may know, I am recreating the original trilogy in Jedi Academy, machinima style. I have been downloading everything I will need for ANH and have run into few problems, but one of the problems being the Death Star. There is no Death Star map that is authentic to A New Hope, other than the one in MB2 but that one is made for MB2, meaning half the features do not work, and even if you try to use it in SP you get the error saying "Could Not Find Spawn Point" or something like that, if anyone knows of a Death Star map that is authentic to A New Hope, please give me a link so I can check it out. Cheers. 

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My challenge to you is (as I think this is possible) find the maps you need, from MB2 if needed, and look into entity modding. This allows you to add in extra entities (such as weapons, ammo, and yes, even spawn points) after the final compile. It'll certainly take some work, but I have every confidence that you could figure it out. It should fix your problems (which may end up being a reocurring one).


Also, check JK3 Files. I remember a handful of DS maps there...

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If you're creating a machinima is SP -- which is a difficult task indeed -- you might as well go the Team Corellia approach, script the whole thing in BehavEd and release it as a single player mod (in addition to the video). But I warn you, this may take a while. It's much easier to shoot a machinima in MP.

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