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Target Level Change Spawnpoint

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This can be used to connect two maps, which represent 2 parts of the city for instance. The HUB will make it so, that you can leave Map1 and go to Map2, and then return from Map2 to Map1. If you killed an NPC on Map1, they will be dead even if you return there. Also items and opened doors will not respawn. 


Besides checking HUB or keep_prev, you must set target in the target_level_change (e.g. next1) on Map1, and set targetname (next1) on info_player_start on Map2. On Map2 you will have to do the same: set target in target_level_change (for example next0), and targetname of info_player_start on Map1 (targetname next0).


Keep in mind, that in case of Map1, you will put two info_player_start, one in the beginning of the map (no targetname here), and the second in the end of it (with targetname).

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This can be used to connect two maps, which represent 2 parts of the city for instance. The HUB will make it so, that you can leave Map1 and go to Map2, and then return from Map2 to Map1. If you killed an NPC on Map1, they will be dead even if you return there. Also items and opened doors will not respawn. 


Besides checking HUB or keep_prev, you must set target in the target_level_change (e.g. next1) on Map1, and set targetname (next1) on info_player_start on Map2. On Map2 you will have to do the same: set target in target_level_change (for example next0), and targetname of info_player_start on Map1 (targetname next0).


Keep in mind, that in case of Map1, you will put two info_player_start, one in the beginning of the map (no targetname here), and the second in the end of it (with targetname).

Sorry if i enter in a discussion, but i really want to thanks @@IrocJeff for starting the thread, and you for that answer. One of terrible limitation of JKA was the impossible to recreate the istance game systems or the animated map. You got me a big solution for a trouble i have thinked for years and years!

on the legacy of kain series there are 2 planes of game: the material \ physic worlds and the spiritic \ spectral world. now i can really make the switch between realms! i can make a map in the material world and a version into the spectral world. into spectral world i can put a portal for traslate player into material, and into material i can swith che player to the spectral with that system! tha'ts allow me to will make a bidimensional game!! :D

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Sorry if i enter in a discussion, but i really want to thanks @@IrocJeff for starting the thread, and you for that answer. One of terrible limitation of JKA was the impossible to recreate the istance game systems or the animated map. You got me a big solution for a trouble i have thinked for years and years!

on the legacy of kain series there are 2 planes of game: the material \ physic worlds and the spiritic \ spectral world. now i can really make the switch between realms! i can make a map in the material world and a version into the spectral world. into spectral world i can put a portal for traslate player into material, and into material i can swith che player to the spectral with that system! tha'ts allow me to will make a bidimensional game!! :D



Actually, you helped me in this when you told me to look at the Deception level for help trying to change ammo limits from the start. I remembered that the map files were included so I looked in there to see how he did it. It helped a little bit but I got confused. I figured out how to change from one map to another now.

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mmm try to do that iroc jeff: there is a method for use NPC weapons also for player. but your mod is for JKO, that can work to JKA.

1: change the model of brar pistol in a blaster pistol

2: on the load of the level, on menu script of ui new_gamefirst, or into an cfg file executed by the batch of the mod, allow the g_debug melee  paramter that's unlock npc weapons.

star with player disarmed into level, and after a second switch him to WP_MELEE.

after 2 second Switch him to WP_BRYAR_PISTOL.

on weapon.dat change kind of ammo for bryar pistol and set the max ammo for that to your desired value. :)

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