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Consult: NPC limit and force power stuff

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* Hi there, I wanted to raise the limit from npcs and yes Im aware of the "JA Unlimited mod" but the problem is that i already have a mod and I cant use both mods. Then I think about simply change the limit from the mod Im using, and this is what i need to do: http://jkhub.org/topic/2885-jedi-academy-npc-limit/?do=findComment&comment=38245


For multiplayer you can increase the limit by increasing the following line in "codemp\game\NPC_stats.c":

#define MAX_NPC_DATA_SIZE 0x40000

For example doubling it to 0x80000.

And recompile the game.


For singleplayer it's the same thing, but in the "code\game\NPC_stats.cpp" file instead.


* It seems to be a easy, but I am noob at this thing of coding and I was looking  for some tutorial and I cant find any. So, can anyone write one regarding the npc limit? I assume this kind of tutorial wiil be helpful not just for me but for any others who want to raise the limit of the npcs. After all, there is a tutorial for create a new force power and weapons.


* And here are the main questions: 1- The only programs i need to do all this stuff are Visual, Git and Cmake? 2- Is it possible to change that single line from other mod? This mod just have unlimited force powers, but i can change the npc limit and leave the rest of the mod intact?

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Well yu need to change simply a value, it's not so hard as create New weapons or force parameters of CLASS of AI

Download microsoft visual studio 2010 and cmake and follow this tutorial: http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/145-compiling-openjk-win32-must-read-for-new-coders/

also, download JKKub code and change the value you need. Your problem is: yu need the solution of the bulding of dark force mod. Me too, relaly, for learn how to add new weapons and edit force power in single player. Yu cannot decompile the dark force multiplayer exe or dll, or you found the auctor of dark force and they pass you the solution of dark force mod... or learn to code and make your own dark force mod. :( for change NPC it's easy, about the other changes... i am not so expert to help you. on coding i am more of a nooob. i am dumb. D'oh. :\ 

but now i am ending my mod playermodels and efx of new powers and weapons. after i can edit the SP code. I need to work about almost six characters, too. >_> .

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