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Possible Maul Outfit Ideas from Cancelled Maul Game

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So I'm sure most of you have heard to your great dismay of the cancellation by NONEOTHER than George Lucas himself of a Darth Maul game - not dissimilar from TFU but the combat seems to be... different. Apparently it featured this weird time travel story allowing Darth Maul and Savage Oppress to interact with such characters as Darth Talon, Darth Krayt among other Sith that were prevalent in the EU. Certainly a pity...


I am aware that @@DT85 was working on a proper Ray Park's representation of Maul and while I can't find that topic anymore (I do still hope it is being worked on, progress looked amazing) I can perhaps present some new costume ideas based upon the concept art of the Cancelled Maul Game:



Lamented, Bek, katanamaru and 1 other like this
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I support this idea closely. I would also instigate the realtime interpretation of the Clone Wars models of the two Opress brothers... perhaps Maulkiller as well, but he isn't of absolute necessity.


I express a preference for these kinds of rare presentations and proposals, if I do say so myself.

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Terminator Multiplayer you say? Dayum, may I have a link to that?


Well that greatly narrows the chances of any one of these outfits being made but that's okay I guess. I don't know how well a skin against one of the already made maul models would work but the idea is still out there if anyone wants to try it.

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Perhaps, but as you yourself stated, the project was discontinued--hence the term, give up.


Anyways, were someone to take up a project such as this, this is a more than sufficeable reference picture for a real-time interpretation of TCW-era Darth Maul:







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* The Savage Opress outfits are hideous, he looks like a Orc from Warcraft or something. And the concept arts from Maul... he looks fatty. In the trailer from the game he looks normal though.


*@ By the way, the closest model that looks like a real-life Maul/Ray P is the one that RJWca made:

















* Supposedly the models were never released but at least one (the Cyber Maul version) were somehow leaked since I have this one myself: http://imgbox.com/mLTl3P4N


* 2 years ago I asked this guy "RJWca" about this project and he told me that the models were in fact finished but he was evasive when I asked if he had plans to release them. He simply ignore that particular question and didn't answer... Now, this guy has an account on youtube and google+ so if you are interesed you could try and ask him about the models.

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* The Savage Opress outfits are hideous, he looks like a Orc from Warcraft or something. And the concept arts from Maul... he looks fatty. In the trailer from the game he looks normal though.


*@ By the way, the closest model that looks like a real-life Maul/Ray P is the one that RJWca made:

















* Supposedly the models were never released but at least one (the Cyber Maul version) were somehow leaked since I have this one myself: http://imgbox.com/mLTl3P4N


* 2 years ago I asked this guy "RJWca" about this project and he told me that the models were in fact finished but he was evasive when I asked if he had plans to release them. He simply ignore that particular question and didn't answer... Now, this guy has an account on youtube and google+ so if you are interesed you could try and ask him about the models.

Would you mind if you could pm me the model

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Considering I started the topic I would also greatly appreciate a PM @@Dumah 11523 :P.


But seriously, that is a nice find and I definitely appreciate the skinning and remodelling of the head to actually look like Ray Parks. I had a friend send him a message on his YouTube channel but we're still waiting for a response.


Am I correct in assuming the cybernetic maul model that was released came with that nice tattered hood skin with the metal legs as well?

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Did you contact him on one of his videos or the 'Discussion' section @@Dumah 11523?

* Neither of these. I send him a private message from the "about" section on the main menu of the profile. He uploaded his last video (the one of superman man of steel) 3 months ago and before of this, the last one was from the last year. So who knows, he probably doesn't enter into his account very often. We should wait and see if he answer you in the coming weeks or months.

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