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Is it possible to make Npcs in SP follow bot routes?

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Would it be possible through coding, to make Npcs follow the bot routes from MP? I'm asking this question, because i like spawning Npcs and dueling them and there are some great MP Maps 

but they don't have waypoints, so Npcs can't chase you if your out of range or not in their line of sight..


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Not without a pretty big code mod. However you may add waypoints, point_combat, etc through a map mod, and this may make the AI a little better.

How does a map mod work, from what i know, you need to decompile the bsp file to be able to open it with Radiant and i don't know how to do it.

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Basically, when you make a map mod, you're modifying the entities in the map and then recompiling, only inserting the entities into the map. Since entities are spawned and have their logic handled on the server, clients won't need to have your modified BSP.

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A decompile isn't necessary, unless you need it for education purposes or to more easily get origins. With the state of this community, anyone using a decompile for benign purposes would be shocking.


You can open the .bsp with notepad, search for "worldspawn", and find the entity list that way. Everything from the opening bracket of the world spawn entry 



"classname" "worldspawn"



to the closing bracket of the last entity




"classname" "your_mom"



needs to be copied out into a new txt file. Simple save that file as the_maps_name.ent. Modify the existing entities or add new ones, keeping to the proper syntax. You can then recompile the .ent file back into the BSP with an onlyents compile on Q3map2.



There are a bunch of tutorials out there on how to do this. I like to use Boba Fett's little entity re-wrapper. Just need to setup your paths, and have the .ent file and the .bsp in the same folder as q3map2. Drag and drop the .ent file onto this .bat


@echo off
Entity Recompiler - Wrapper made by BobaFett
echo q3map2 entity recompile wrapper
by BobaFett
cd C:\Program Files\GtkRadiant-1.4
q3map2.exe -v -game ja -onlyents %1
echo Compiling finished, press any key to close this window

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