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A problem with function roating

Go to solution Solved by MoonDog,

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Make a small, square brush at the center of the object. Look under system shaders for a shader called "Origin". Select the origin, the object and turn them into a func_rotating entity.

Asgarath83 and Langerd like this

Ok It works . I will use Your advice in the future :D (before your comment i used the light to placed the origin of the rating lamp) Many thanks !


Make a small, square brush at the center of the object. Look under system shaders for a shader called "Origin". Select the origin, the object and turn them into a func_rotating entity.

Some method can be used for making a classic door for castles, mansion or medieval dungeons. :) The rotating object need to have the origin to the center of door rotation, one of the 2 edges. :)


Some method can be used for making a classic door for castles, mansion or medieval dungeons. :) The rotating object need to have the origin to the center of door rotation, one of the 2 edges. :)


I know...

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