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Entity bugs


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When a server runs over the entity limit, it crashes. It should just fail to spawn the entity and throw a global warning.....crashing is bad

I like this one.  I wonder if this is from a memory leak or just bad design.  (Though I guess you could argue that that memory leak is bad design).   I mustn't get distracted fixing this though, other things more important at the moment.

JKG Developer

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func_plat - WONTFIX, behavior is expected as it is currently.  Could add a new one, the problem is that "wait" is forced to 1 second regardless of the wait parameter.  Affects Q3 too.


func_train - unlikely we will do any sort of logical entitiy improvements for this ourselves


fx_runner - could be investigated possibly


info_player_* - fixed already (in mod code, old mods and old base will still be broken obviously)


misc_model_static was improved in our cgame but area portals are tied to server code thus not affected because they are client side only ents. and misc_models are not even ents once you've run bsp.


skyportal changes sound compat breaky.


point_combat - unsure


target_kill - sounds trivial


target_level_change was fixed in coop branch, so it will get put back in to master at some point.


ogg support is out of the question (for now)


target_print - IIRC that requires icarus changes to add new enums, unless there's already a way to change the "message" field.  But this is just another thing that you would waste memory with G_NewString on.


target_speaker, those things cannot be added the mod code has no exposed options for sounds for that stuff.  speaker is also not designed for music.  the music in worldspawn is music :P


triggers probably won't be touched for the most part.  mp/ffa5 is just shitty mapped to a point that it doesn't insta kill.




thats how pvs works, can't change.


already fixed, in ui.


" and % are not allowed on purpose.  simply because " is the argument separator, and never gets to the code to be inserted as chat and % is a format crasher, even if fixed, old clients could have vulnerabilities, and still blocked anyway.


entity limit is not getting raised, compatibility reasons.


honestly most of the general game bugs im not gonna continue for now..




i think fixed, but really sounds like lag or a DoS.

But only prints that are happened directly from the command you executed will be transmitted.  (Can't change this behavior)


fixed iirc


icarus scripts are run on the server so I'm not sure what the issue actually is.  sv_fps maybe matters.


this is actually a client bug and was fixed (?)


it does not crash, throws a fatal error.


server side or client side remaps ???


this sounds like single player.




<icarus can be examined at a later time>




Nope, shared with compiler

Never gonna happen do you not understand the idea of compatibility of old clients and vice versa?


logical entities can be added to mods like they already have been




no, shared with q3map2 too



Honestly, I'm sorry that so many people try to go overly complex but the engine just is not designed for it.  And we aren't really here to change that especially while retaining compatible its not possible.

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