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Anyone want to test the skin out let me know, any suggestions or critics would be helpful since I don't know much about this guy.


* By Bogan!! Its looks perfect to me. Now just need some sounds, why not the reborn or cultist from the assest? Really, just upload it now. I have been waiting since 2011 for this skin. I think its awesome for a skin

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* By Bogan!! Its looks perfect to me. Now just need some sounds, why not the reborn or cultist from the assest? Really, just upload it now. I have been waiting since 2011 for this skin. I think its awesome for a skin

It isn't perfect by far, but it's a very good start. the armor needs to be completely redone imo, and so does the belt, and the mask needs some work as well, but nevertheless, an excellent start!

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* This is the only skin that looks like the Sith Warrior from the trailers:



But the author never release the skin and this was from 2010.

That skin is so awesome I never understood why these authors make these incredible skins and never release it. I understand that have lives and sometimes they don't have the knowledge or the time to finish the skin, but at the very least they could give to a modder who knows how to finish it. I have found countless skins that have never been released, it's a shame.

Edit: whoops! my bad I just scrolled up and realized that Jeff is working on it, Great job!


Jeff, since your working on a skin that's from the old republic would you mind working on this one? http://forums.filefront.com/sw-jk3-modding-mapping-editing/449929-jedi-revan-w-i-p.html The skin itself is pretty old , but I think it's awesome and the author never released it.
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