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Jedi Academy Recut

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I'm just spitballing at the moment, so please hear me out: Basically the idea is to take JA's existing missions, cutscenes and whatnot, and cut it together in such a way that makes the plot coherent. As I'm sure we're all aware, the plot of JA is sort of lost in the idea of being able to choose your own missions. Certain missions, like dpred, are fun, but ultimately completely pointless in the overall story. I know I haven't explained myself very well, but it's late and I'm tired. If there's interest, I'll come up with a more formal pitch detailing exactly what I want to do.

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Aye, what Circa said. Maybe pick one of the choice missions from each tier to include as well? For example, the train mission on Corellia would be a good example of the Cult of Ragnos making attacks around the galaxy, and an early encounter between them and the Jedi who are still trying to suss out what kind of threat they pose.

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I wasn't saying that I'd cut all the mission tiers entirely. Just the ones that make no sense in the larger context of the story. For example, t2_trip could involve actually meeting the contact, or maybe his death leads to the next mission somehow. I don't have time to make a pitch document at the moment, what with the holidays and having to re-install everything after a non-consensual HD format, but I'll get to it once I've figured out how everything fits together.

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