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[Request] Darth Maul TFU

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Hi guys,


Very nice community around here :) been playing JKA ever since it came out and love to see the game's still living thanks to the community. Right now I've some spare free time and started to play OJP again (man that's such a cool mod).


Anyway, eversince The Force Unleashed came out I got hooked on the Darth Maul model they had in-game and the thought crossed my mind about the possibility of somehow porting the model over to JKA if one can obviously extract / rip it from the original game files. So I started looking into this but as luck would have it, someone had already ripped the model and exported it to an *.obj format here http://tf3dm.com/3d-model/darth-maul-71261.html


Now, I've watched 2 tutorials online on youtube (a very nice gent named Alex posted them) for using Softimage to "rig" a model. I've managed to scale it a bit to the JKA skeleton but I'm stuck... since I'm 100% new to this, I don't know what to do..the model is divided into several parts already (not a single mesh like in the tutorial) which i suspect should make it easier to weigh the model but not sure if I'm right ...


Bottom line is, I'm wondering if anyone more experienced is kind enough to port this one across. Or, if anybody's got the patience to point /help yet another newbie to "learning the ropes"?


Thanks all.


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I am a good rigger of models, but a moment, i wanna satisface a request of Barabelmaster for a barabel model, maybe later if i have time i can do the darth maul you asked, also, if have not particular simpaty for this character. :)

at moment i am ending md3 models for my mod, i am making a mod \ conversion about Legacy of Kain series. :)

Welcome to JKHUB. :)

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Hi Asgarath :)


Really appreciate your reply :) 


It's a nice quality model and although i can understand your position in regards to sympathies for this character (hey, come to think of it who in their right mind walks around with half their head tattooed right ? ) I'd be very grateful for anything you'd be willing to do to  get this one into JKA. I've messed around in Softimage trying to size it to the JKA skeleton (mostly there) and have removed the front and back robe as I figured it'd make things a bit easier to port...thing is it kinda looks cool with the robes though :P (figured I'd revisit if my attempts don't end up in miserable failure lol). 


A problem that i have is that the *.obj model is divided into 4 sub-thingies (when you hit 8 in Softimage, the model isn't one single mesh but divided from the get-go)...i was considering trying to see if i can merge those into only 1 mesh somehow and follow minilogoguy's Youtube tutorial for weighing the blasted thing. Thing is I don't see any menu option in Softimage to do this (i might have missed it) and am worried that even if i manage to do this, since it's going to be 1 mesh only, will it not mess up the way textures are applied onto it seeing how they were initially layed over the divided subparts??


Sorry if all of this sounds stupid or noobish but I'd like to get this one into JKA :) (either by myself with some guidance or if one of you nice people do it).



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I'm surprised no one has jumped on this.


That model is an from another game and if it was ported to JA, it would be illegal. Nobody can stop you from doing it, but it's looked down upon in most communities, including this one. We also will not host it here if you submit it.


Sorry.  :winkthumb:

Tempust85 and Omicron like this
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Hi Circa,


I understand and appreciate your position about porting. Still, if this were to make it to JKA by chance (either myself or through someone's else's assistance) I wouldn't have any claims on the model nor would I expect jkhub to host it. It can be something that's shared or PMd as with some other ports i know.


Thanks for the heads up though.



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Ehi, man, stop!!!! Not merge never in a unique mesh the model! Because every part has a different uvmapping of texutrre and if yu do it after need to reseparate the mesh and caps and is very ... terrible to do...  a nasty work! >.< take all mesh and caps like the original,. yu can take 1 mesh only if the entire model are 1 texture but for every part, if need a different texture or material is better a model cutted in more mesh renamed.

JA need a specifical renaminatioin of the body part: Stupidtriangle_off is the root tag and need to be positioned on the origin 0 0 0  of the model. the children of stupidreiangle in gerarchies are the hips, a part that contain the upper legs until the knees, and end with the belt. by belt to nek and, there is the torso, also torso mesh generically incluse the first part of the arms and the sholders.

the other mesh are, well the hierarchy of parent childrens is im,portant and that's is the way:


Stupidtriangle_off -> Hips -> bolt_hips of the skeleton and accessories of hips.

by the hips -> r_leg, bolt_r_leg tags and accessories of the leg (example: r_leg_claw, r_leg_boot, r_leg_foot, etc etc.

same for the l_leg. r is right, l is left.

torso -> torso bolt tags and accessories, l_arm, r_arm, head

head childres: head tags and accessories like head_eyes, head_mouth, head_glasses, head_horns, head_hood (for a maul models the hood cape is necessary)

l_arm -> tag bolt of l_arm and l_hand.

l_hand -> tag bolt of lhand and eventyally l_hand parts anbd accessories.


and that's is the cvorrect hierarchy, a model, as minimal, have EVER the head, torso, hips, l_leg, r_leg, r_arm, r_hand, l_hand, l_arm parts.

also, every part need to be connected properly in the hierarchy. also, every part need to be connected with a skin with the bones of the skeleeton and need rthe correctweight. make the rig and weight is difficult. also, i not know if your model is in the same root position of skeleton of JA, because is ripped by TFU and maybe TFU used model rooted in  a different pose.

for example, for my mod of Legacy of Kain, i have ripped models by soul reaver 2, defiance and blood omen 2 and i pass 1 years, with the help of friend, to rerooting and rigging ALL character, kain, and raziel and rthe sarafans, and the demon, and the vampires corrupted of soul reaver remake in a better graphic, and the hylden... arghs XD, really is a terrific work. i have ripped , rooted and rigged models of 3 different games for my projects. and 90% of jobs i maked alone.  O.o  Soul reaver 2 models have a differnet root pose into the Eidos Game.

there is a procedure for makle a model that i learned for make compatible for JA. but i not use SOFTIMAGE, i use 3d studio max anmd the format that i import with less issues are the OBJ, the GLM, the 3DS, the ASE, and maybe the XSI, i am not sure about thjat.


the phases for make a model compatibile with JA are:

1: importing the model

2: scaling and innesting with skeleton over the model

3: rooting for perfect sovrapposition with the skeleton.

4: x form for reset scale and rotation deformation to 100 and defualt value, that's avoid weight issue.

5:  detach and separate the mesh into the nine i told you.

6: capping (create the caps for mutilation and dismemberment are a work not much easy. yu need to select the mesh, go into edit mode, select the EDGE with the other mesh, extrude the edge, scale the extrusion to zero, select the faces, select the face of the cap created, detach the faces by the mesh, go in vertex selection and delete the central vertex created with extrusion,.

7: need also to check mesh integrity, see if are leaked and fix with the capping tecnique, if the model is open or broken in some point. NOTE: this can jhave undesiderated effect on the uvmapping.

8: for JA need to create 18 caps. head_cap_torso_off, torso_cap_head_off, torso_cap_hips_off, etc etc. for every one of the nine primary mesh parts, yu need a cap for every mesh connected to it.

9: atter that, make the X form for reset scale and deformation and after make the hierarchy connecting all mesh. the mesh_root of the skeelton of JA need to be connected to stupidtriangle_off, hips mesh, too.

stupidtriangle off is the parent of ALL model.

10: after need to cuse "collapse to" button for clean rthe mesh and after apply the skin modifier to all the mesh.

11: skin edit: add the bones that rig the mesh to every mesh

12: edit envelopes of mesh and skin the models. this part is long and for an expert can take 1 day, (i pass half \ 2 days for make the skin part) yu need to specify for EVERY verts of the model which bone move it, and how is affected , in a parameter by zero for nothing, or 1 for 100%, a vertex can be weighted until 4 bones of JA skeleton in some case, so yu can have a vertx with 1 of value to 1 bones, 0.5 to two bones, 0.3 and 0.7 to two bones, 0.3 0.3 and 0.4 to three bones or 0.25 (hard to make) to four bones,

13: the skin is complete.export model in XSI format softimage.

14: use carcass for create GLM.

15: create a foldfer into MODview and see your model movement and animation and weight issue, so is possiblre to fix the error and deformation of the rig on softimage. Modviews is used for debugging of the models.

16: try the model on JA, the better way is to create a NPC file that call the model and see how him move to battle.

17: shadering the models.

18: making the sounds for your models :P XD


Congratulation, NOW, yu have done ONE model.

need a lot of work. :\

I told that for explain what you need to make a model and how is difficult, only with a long experience you can are a good rigger.

Well, is very difficult.

in every case, if you have rthe model also rooted and textured with uvmapping after i make the barabel maybe i can do the rig of your maul, pity yu not have 3d studio max, so yui cannot import the max save for see how is maked a good rig and a good completed model. but i can export in FBX, too, so if yu can import the Filmbox format, yu can see.

but the model need to be detached, and for every texture and material need to be separated in a single mesh. JA can apply texture on the Models with the .SKIN files, but .SKIN files, cannot apply multiple texture or material in a mesh, and the UVMAP need to be clean and correct. a model with a wrong UVMAP, is a model unuseful.

For the model ripping: for my opinion, well, yes, tecnically is illegal. i cannot host my mod on JKHUB when i have ended and i know that. the Mod maked with ripped material are for personal use (but i remember to have seen some map on filefront that have texture ripped by zelda, and a map with a texture take by soul reaver's oracle cave dungeon, and that's 2 maps aere however hosted into filefront >_>.

personally i think that's is not illegal if you not buy or get monetary profit about a model.

if the mod is freeware should be acceptable.

but the common position about ripped materials is different.

for stolen mode material: there is intellettual propriety of modder works and so is better to ask to an author of a mod before using texture, map of models make by him, because him spitted blood for make the work.

also, is necessary to credit the works as minimal, if someone"stole" a mod, is the minimal he can do.

i have a friend very nice with her graphic works, and she become very angry if someone stole something.

For ripped material is impossible to ask permission to fhe software house, and also, dangerous, too.

If yu use ripped material, yu need to use only for your personal fun.

For my own, for me is sufficient to credit me, and all my works are usable in free way.

except my books. in real life i am a writer, obvious my book are not free LOL.

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Hey Deviance,


Yeap, been speaking to Asgarath about this one but man oh man...it's way over my skill set. Asgarath was kind enough to have a look at the model I managed to port to Softimage but since the model itself was designed in a different way, it looks like the mesh might need rebuilding and i think the texturing will also need to be re-aligned as a consequence of this. Also there seems to be a problem with too many polygons present in the mesh...hmmmm...though i recall one particular model ported across (lord Starkiller) that had almost 9000 polys and wouldn't crash the game . Don't know man...for real like even if we manage to get the head in JKA would be great LOL :)) at this point. All jokes aside, you've gotta hand to the guys who're getting models in-game..takes a lot of skill, patience and time.

I don't know...I've a couple of days off from work, I'll read up on some stuff but I'm not very confident about this one.

Edited by AshuraDX
Removed link to ported material
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Hey Deviance,


Yeap, been speaking to Asgarath about this one but man oh man...it's way over my skill set. Asgarath was kind enough to have a look at the model I managed to port to Softimage but since the model itself was designed in a different way, it looks like the mesh might need rebuilding and i think the texturing will also need to be re-aligned as a consequence of this. Also there seems to be a problem with too many polygons present in the mesh...hmmmm...though i recall one particular model ported across (lord Starkiller) that had almost 9000 polys and wouldn't crash the game . Don't know man...for real like even if we manage to get the head in JKA would be great LOL :)) at this point. All jokes aside, you've gotta hand to the guys who're getting models in-game..takes a lot of skill, patience and time.

I don't know...I've a couple of days off from work, I'll read up on some stuff but I'm not very confident about this one.


The problem is that JA not allowed mesh, in MD3 map objects, and in GLM models of NPC and player, with more of 1000 vertx.

Yu need to detach and separate the mesh subdividing in other mesh more little for avoid this trouble. That's part of work need to be as first, before hierarchy, the correct separate, renomination and capping of the mesh is basilar. after yu get the hierarchy, after yu get the skin.

No, in 3d max i not lose the uvmapping when i make the detach \ separate \ capping of a mesh. i use 3d max for that. :D

i Have done Kain, vorador and raziel HD ripped by defiance for my mod, and also a character of my friend, because in my mod at the end there is an Alliance for restore balance of the world. is the videogame version of a writing rpg that i make by many years, with some friend in italian LOK commuinity. so i have make on JA also our vampires and razielhim characters XD

one of the character of my friend, a female reaver, was very hard to release for the triangle complexity of her tunic.

Also, Kain and Vorador i need to have a particolar look for avoid to overpassing the limit of 1000 vertx. there is not other restriction on JA about HD models. simply, yu need to make more little mesh. The game is designed for the software of 2003, is thinked for the calculum capacity of the computer of ten years ago. for that's, is full of restriction. the OPENJK exe delete more of that restrctiion about sab file, npc file limit, buffers and stupid crash error like "shader max indexes hit". however, the max vertx error is not fixed in OPENJK.exe. it's a boring trouble, but is  not impossible to resolve. Need just a little of graphical experience.

After i end my 3d map objects, i do barabel, maybe i do maul too. but maul model is ripped, so cannot hosted on download on JKHUB.

after, i need to make on MD3 format two nosgoth building: The Nupraptor Retreat of Blood Omen and a Cathedral for the Reavers heirs of Raziel bulded on the ruins of kain sanctuary of SR1, for stronghold of the vampires for protect the Pillars. :D

The Soul Cathedral has various bell towers, a central Dome builded around the pillarsfor protect him and other nine little dome, every dome is aligned with a pillars.

So i am working aboutb a very big and large map.

- Mind Dome: books and a psichic observatory

- Concflict dome: have a training undergrouind arena

- Dimension Dome: is a labirint with the personal rooms of the reavers (how damn is the room of a member of araziel race? O.o )

- Nature Dome: have a fontaine and a garden, is maked for human ambassador and for refuge of human saved in the tasks.

- Energy Dome: have a large amount of door. each door lead to a Glyph temple or a room with elemental reavers font for imbue the ghost blades of the Raziel's sons.

- Time Dome: get a time streaming device, like soul reaver 2 moebius' time machines.

- States Dome: alchimistis laboratory XD

- Death Dome: accept denied for humans, because is deadly enter here. the dome contain some healing fonbt for undead and many obelisk. every obelisk is linked to a soul of a reaver. if a Raziel son die on battle, its soul is called on the obelisk and regenerated XD.


The Nupraptor retreat contain the Allied Vampire race lair, so there is the throne room of their lord and inside a map in castelvania stile for theyr fortress. the Reavers protect the pillars, the vampires protect the Soul Reaver blade.

that's is the project. my first mod is the dark prophecy deleted game with kain return to SR1 era and rebuiklding of pillars and the birth of Alliance. the second mod is long and is divided in many mini mod tales with Alliiance task for restore the Balance.

obvious, at the end, should be the Elder God final fight LOL.


However i have almost 70% of locations necessary for recreating Nosgoth.

I have thinked to a modular asset of the mod: a basic asset with String, Efx, Sabers, Gfx, ui and Menu etc etc basic file for create thre gameplay, interface and efx changed of weapons and foice power and item, and the other package. every package can contain a dozen of maps. so is possible to make a giant mod builded with smallers mod.

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Why i told that: because with soul cathedral, (builded on blender by a my dear forum friend) i see there is more mesh with more of 1000 vertx limit so i need to... detach the reavers' Clan Home LOL. :D

However, for Razei fans, at the end of TDP history i have think to a way for his return.

The unique trouble must be the voices. i hope to find same good voice actor whrn my project is at cutscenes. Is not easy make the Kain voice, LOL. XD

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I concur :) well the existing models are OK and there's been a lot of effort put into them but it's just that the one in the TFU resembles Maul as he was depicted in the Phantom Menace really :) it's about the attitude :P but man, as Asgarath said, it's not easy getting an existing model in not to mention modelling one from scratch..

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Yeap, it's got nice textures overall :) and for a character such as Maul it's the facial ones and the head model that I think make most of the model shine in the end. Not saying that the others aren't important but that's just my 2 cents. Anyway, here's some pics: 


- front view: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0dtlicjudwxdvab/front.jpg

- right view: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2pkeok189xjgcyp/right.jpg

- left view: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vup2wux70lygpsq/left.png

- torso view: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ue8qa20iga49p4k/torso.png

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Eh, i am a good rigger, but i am not a modeller, i wanna be honest on that. So i cannot make by zero a darth maul model. i can edit model and rig, but i am not so good in graphic. i have 2 friend that are good graphics but they not make models of Star Wars.

however, ahaha, the last words of Kain XD. very funny! XD in italian is "Nel frattempo, ti conviene... sprofondare!" XD ahahah XD

(italian version of defiance is horrible with voices -_- the best italian voices are for soul reaver, soul reaver 2 and blood omen 2.)

Well, i am at average part of my md3 model work. if i rig your model, yu need to consider yu cannot upload here on JKHUB because is ripped, @@negru_tudor, yu need that someone make a high poly model like suggest @@DT85 or host in another site.

In every case, is not legal. Now Lucas arts are not more on the Earth, and Star Wars is of Disney. Hope that Disney never see this work LOL.

So i can rig the model after i end my md3 work and the barabel but it's not legal, yu need to know that.

Yu need to considere to ask to Angel. Maybe he can help you after he end his model of Darth Vader High resolution, i see he make a Vader of TFU skin too. yu can see his amazing work here: http://jkhub.org/topic/3114-angelmodder-darth-vader/ we are all admirated by that. ;)

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Yeap, Kain rocks ! :) 

I appreciate all the attention this one's getting really :) If you manage to finally rig it, would you be so kind as to PM a link? I can post an update on this thread & anybody who needs it afterwards can PM me or i can lookup other hosting sites if the before-mentioned method still raises issues. I don't want to start any problems for the gents here at JKHub. Modeling a model from scratch just seems like so much work.

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Yeap, Kain rocks ! :)

I appreciate all the attention this one's getting really :) If you manage to finally rig it, would you be so kind as to PM a link? I can post an update on this thread & anybody who needs it afterwards can PM me or i can lookup other hosting sites if the before-mentioned method still raises issues. I don't want to start any problems for the gents here at JKHub. Modeling a model from scratch just seems like so much work.

Eeeh, in my LOk project there are a large amount of temple for upgrade the elemental reaver combining the power of 2 element for obtain a third sword. now i am doing the map object for that's temple. for example: if yu comnbine air and warer, obtaine an ice reaver, fire and air a warm reaver, dark and air a vacuum reaver (lol suck the enemy and suck the air should be very fun XD ) fire + light a plasma reaver imbue with all power of the sun, air and light a lightning electrical reaver, like kain energy fragment etc etc. XD

when i end al combination i make the two models for take a pause by my work.

:) Well, for me is okay, if tha'ts cannot create trouble to anyone. But remember, if yu follow that way rthe Maul model should be only for personal use, and cannot be used for any other mod for copyright issue. I am cathegoric about that.

For my mod is not much different. for a lonely man, make the lok universe should be impossible. i am forced to rip material by lok game and merge on JA. it's however a massive work, believe me. also,i have remake the old soul reaver 1 graphic for map object of SR1 and so there is also a photo fix work combine to graphic.

However, my idea is: vampires finds the nine fragment of balance embleme for restore the balance, the balance embleme is the key for restore the pillars. the reavers find the hidden forge's temples with a large ampunt of secret about the Dark prophecy of the ancientcs vampires. every reaver lead an element, so there are raziel + six other reavers, vampires use elemental sword but they have power aligned with Pillars. well, is a long story. however, when a vampire, or a reaver, found a fragment of balance embleme, the pillar of the frag become pure and he become his new guardian. there's a New Circle to rebuild for lead the restored world of Nosgoth LOL.


The Raziel upgrade regard:

- fix his wing so he can fly.

- upgrade the spirit power, first with a sacred forge in a subwater submerged city of ancient, and after into a secret life forge. The Life Reaver is the last reaver forge.

- other skills coming with new reavers. example: there's a reaver of fog, that allow to one of the reaver to have the Mist like Kain and pass throught the jairs door like raziel on the spectral, but in material realm, with magma reaver will be possible to swim into the lava :D XD etc etc)

Ok stop, we are really off topic. LOL. If yu wanna continue to know someone about my project,m is better to talk in the thread i open.

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